Goal 1. Anatomical Entities
Back to Wood_anatomy_ontology_meeting,_2012_at_NYBG,_agenda
1. Review existing anatomy/morphology terms and definitions
tracheary elements
- tracheary element (PO:0000290)
- tracheid (PO:0000301)
- vessel member (PO:0002003)
fiber cells
- sclerenchyma cell (PO:0000077) - parent term
- fiber cell (PO:0025407)
- phloem fiber cell (PO:0004519)
- xylem fiber cell (PO:0000274)
- libriform fiber cell (PO:0004520)
- fiber tracheid (PO:0000355)
- gelatious fiber cell (PO:0025422)
sieve elements (PO:0025406)
- sieve cell (PO:0025415)
- sieve tube member (PO:0000289)
New terms for GO
These subcellular components have been added to GO:
- GO:0097217 sieve area
- GO:0097218 sieve plate
- GO:0097219 compound sieve plate
- GO:0097220 simple sieve plate
- perforation plate (requested)
initial cells (PO:0004011)
- cambial initial
- fusiform initial (PO:0000079) (syn.: xylem initial, xylem mother cell)
- ray initial (PO:0000082)
- phloem mother cell (PO:0000400)
wood parenchyma cells (PO:0004525)
- axial wood parenchyma cell (PO:0004526)
- ray wood parenchyma cell(PO:0004527)
- procumbent ray wood parenchyma cell (PO:0004529)
- upright ray wood parenchyma cell (PO:0004528)
- sheath cell (PO:0004531)
- tile cell (PO:0004530)
- companion cell (PO:0000071)
- albuminous cell (PO:0025412)
portion of vascular tissue (PO:0009015)
xylem (PO:0005352)
- vessel (PO:0025417)
- primary xylem (PO:0005849)
- protoxylem (PO:0000272)
- metaxylem (PO:0000372)
- secondary xylem (PO:0005848)
- heartwood (PO:0004512)
- sapwood (PO:0004513)
- growth ring (PO:0004514)
- early wood (PO:0004515)
- late wood (PO:0004516)
- growth ring boundary (PO:0004517)
phloem (PO:0005417)
- sieve tube (PO:0025416)
- primary phloem (PO:0006075)
- protophloem (PO:0006077)
- metaphloem (PO:0006076)
- internal phloem (PO:0006216)
- secondary phloem (PO:0005043)
- included phloem (PO:0004524)
wood parenchyma (PO:0004532)
- axial wood parenchyma (PO:0004533)
- ray wood parenchyma (PO:0004534)
lateral meristem (PO:0020145)
- cambium (PO:0005597)
- cork cambium (PO:0005599)
- vascular cambium (PO:0005598)
- vascular system (PO:0000034) is_a plant structure
- axial system (PO:0025410)
- ray system (PO:0025411)
2. Develop list of anatomy/morphology terms that are missing
Do we need only wood-related terms, or other terms for woody plants?
Terms for PO:
reaction wood
tension wood
compression wood
aggregate ray (also maybe homogenous, heterogenous, uniseriate, multiseriate, fusiform rays)
storied cambium
non-storied cambium and rays
oil cell
ray tracheid
traumatic resin
(apotracheal, paratracheal, marginal, aliform, confluent) axial parenchyma
read review of laticifer cells by Pickering
knot loose and tight
interfascicular cambium
vascular bundle types
inter- and intra-xylary phloem
successive cambium
epithelium cell
ray tracheid and subtypes
cambial zone
square cell
Terms for GO:
pit, pit types, torus, margo, simple, membrane types, tyloses etc.,
casparian strip
mineral inclusions: calcium oxalate, silica, druses
plant secondary cell wall pit: A cavity in a plant secondary cell wall with an pit membrane, open internally to the lumen.
primary cell wall pit: An area of a primary plant cell wall is thin.
The primary wall of the adjacent cell is also thin in the same place.
Except blind pit, which is only on one side.
pit membrane:
simple pit
bordered pit
primary pit field
perforation: the opening between two vessel elements
other suggestions
Add term xylem cell and phloem cell -- XP of cell and part_of xylem of phloem
link xylem cell to definition of pulp and paper
gum/latex/resin - maybe too broadly defined
need to look up specific definitions in ethnobotanical literature.
From IAWA list
3. Work on definitions of new terms
space for notes as we work
link to Google doc