Developing and incorporating new annotations for woody plants

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Revision as of 15:31, 6 February 2012 by Cooperl (talk | contribs)
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Presentation by Laurel Cooper

website demo

-What are annotations and associations in the PO?

-Why would you want to contribute data?

-How to set up an association file- gaf 2.0 format

-Using the SVN repository

-links to your site or database viewer

-maintenance of the data- keeping it current!

-Hand's on activity: request new terms or revisions on PO's SourceForge tracker.

Links between PO and other databases

Examples of how the PO is being used on different sites eg TAIR, MaizeGDB, Gramene

possible use case: Integration of PO in the Treegenes: Forest Tree Genetic stock Center

e.g., TreeGenes, Fagaceae Genomics Web