POC Conf. Call 10-1-13

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POC meeting, Skype Conference Call; Date: Tuesday Oct 1st, 2013 10:30am PST/1:30pm EST

In attendance:

vascular leaf development stage and child terms

Proposed new term and definition:

  • vascular leaf development stage (new PO:0025570): A leaf development stage (PO:0001050) which begins with the onset of the vascular leaf initiation stage (PO:0001051) and ends with the termination of the vascular leaf senescence stage (PO:0001054).
    • No comment currently

Vascular leaf dev.png

vascular leaf initiation stage (PO:0007040) and child terms:

  • Old def'n: The earliest histological evidence of leaf initiation, i.e, a change in the orientation of cell division both in the epidermis and in internal layers of the shoot meristem occurs at this stage (Poethig S, 1997, Plant Cell 9:1077-1087).

* Revised def'n: A vascular leaf development stage (PO:0025570) which begins with the onset of the vascular leaf anlagen formation stage (PO:0001003) and ends with the termination of the vascular leaf primordium polarity determination stage (PO:0001052).

  • Revised Comment: Localized cell divisions in the peripheral zone (PO:0000225) transition from anticlinal to periclinal divisions.

-def'n accepted, OK

Vas leaf intiation.png

vascular leaf anlagen formation stage (PO:0001003)

  • Old name and definition: formation of the leaf founder cells stage (PO:0001003): The initial stage of leaf development when cells in the SAM are already determined to form a leaf primordium, but the primordium itself is not distinguishable morphologically.
  • Revised name and definition: vascular leaf anlagen formation stage (PO:0001003): A vascular leaf initiation stage (PO:0007040) when the cells of the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) form a vascular leaf anlagen (PO:0025431).

Revised comment: The vascular leaf primordium (PO:0000017) is not yet distinguishable.

Added Revised synonym (exact): vascular leaf founder cell formation stage

Question: Are the leaf founder cells the same as the leaf analgen? It would appear so.

LEAF FOUNDER CELLS: A group of cells that encompasses several layers of the shoot apical meristem and from which a leaf primordium is derived. Founder cells do not function as stem cells but rather have a determinate fate and can be defined by histological, clonal and molecular criteria.

vascular leaf anlagen (PO:0025431): A phyllome anlagen (PO:0025430) that will give rise to a vascular leaf primordium (PO:0000017) and is part of a peripheral zone (PO:0000225) of a vegetative shoot apical meristem (PO:0008016). [source: PMID:14732442, POC:curators]

Comment: This is the region where you have the maximum concentration of auxin in the SAM (at least in a few species that have been studied).

See also: [http://www.public.iastate.edu/~bot.512/papers/Eshed.pdf Eshed et al,

NOTE: Based on the discussion, the founder cells are not the same as the anlagen so we will change the name of vascular leaf anlagen formation stage (PO:0001003) back to vascular leaf founder cells formation stage (PO:0001003) with a revised def’n: The initial stage of leaf development when cells in the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) are already determined to form a leaf primordium, but the primordium itself is not distinguishable morphologically. We also realize the def'n needs some work. It is still not clear how to distinguish the two though.

We also created a new term vascular leaf anlagen formation stage (PO:0025586): A vascular leaf initiation stage (PO:0007040) when the cells of the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) form a vascular leaf anlagen (PO:0025431).

phyllome anlagen (PO:0025430): A portion of meristem (PO:0009013) tissue that is part of a part_of peripheral zone (PO:0000225) and will give rise to a phyllome primordium (PO:0025128).

comment: The phyllome anlagen is only detectable by gene expression, not morphology.

references for anlagen and founder cells

"The development of a leaf begins with a regional shift in the polarity and rate of cell division and expansion within a group of leaf founder cells on the flank of shoot apical meristem." Smith and Hake 1992

See image: founder-cell population (FC) that will give rise to the next leaf primordium

Goh et al, 2012 Development

PO-dev Feb.06

vascular leaf primordium formation stage (PO:0001019)

-was formerly a child of leaf expansion, moved to leaf initiation stage

  • Old name and def'n: formation of leaf primordium stage PO:0001019: Stage of leaf development when leaf primordium is formed as a small protrusion on the flank of SAM. [source: TAIR:Katica_Ilic]
  • Revised name and def'n: vascular leaf primordium formation stage (PO:0001019): A vascular leaf initiation stage (PO:0001051) during which a vascular leaf primordium (PO:0000017) forms in the peripheral zone (PO:0000225) of the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148). should this be "vegetative shoot apical meristem"?

Revised comment: The vascular leaf primordium (PO:0000017) develops from the vascular leaf anlagen (PO:002543).

vascular leaf primordium polarity determination stage (new PO:0025572)

* vascular leaf primordium polarity determination stage (PO:0025572): A vascular leaf initiation stage (PO:0001051) during which the vascular leaf primordium (PO:0004725) develops an adaxial side (PO:0004726) and an abaxial side (PO:0004725).

Comment: The vascular leaf primordium adaxial side (PO:0004726) is the closest side to the meristem. This stage leads to the development of a bifacial vascular leaf.

This term refers to the following two terms (children of phyllome primordium (PO:0025128); both have also been revised:

  • Old name and def'n: adaxial side of leaf primordium (PO:0004726): "A portion of phyllome primordium tissue that is the adaxial/inner side of the leaf primordium develops into the adaxial/upper leaf blade.
  • New name and def'n: vascular leaf primordium adaxial side (PO:0004726): "A portion of vascular leaf primordium (PO:0000017) that faces the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) and develops into the adaxial (upper) side of the leaf lamina (PO:0020039).
  • Old name and def'n: abaxial side of leaf primordium (PO:0004725): A portion of phyllome primordium tissue that is the abaxial/outer side of a leaf primordium and develops into the abaxial/lower leaf blade.
  • New name and def'n: vascular leaf primordium abaxial side (PO:0004725): A portion of vascular leaf primordium (PO:0000017) that faces away from the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) and develops into the abaxial (lower) side of the leaf lamina (PO:0020039).

Comments: The vascular leaves (PO:0009025) of some plants may not have an obvious adaxial or abaxial side such as the leaves of many xerophytic (arid-adapted) species. The adaxial and abaxial side may appear considerably more rounded and this could be due to early activity of the vascular leaf adaxial meristem (PO:0025401) and/or leaf abaxial meristem (PO:0025401).

vascular leaf differentiation stage (new PO:0025574)

This term was proposed during last POC conference call to emphasize the importance of cell and tissue differentiation.

Proposed new term and def'n vascular leaf differentiation stage (new PO:0025574): A vascular leaf development stage (PO:0025570) that begins with the formation of cambial initial cells (PO:0000295) and epidermal initial cells (PO:0000349) and ends with the formation of the leaf epidermis (PO:0006016) and the leaf vascular system (PO:0000036).

Proposed comment: tba

* cambial initial cell (PO:0000295): An initial cell (PO:0004011) that is part of the vascular cambium (PO:0005598) or cork cambium (PO:0005599), and by periclinal divisions, produces cells to the outside or inside of the cambial axis.

    • phloem mother cell PO:0000400
    • fusiform initial cell PO:0000079
    • ray initial cell PO:0000082

* epidermal initial cell (PO:0000349): An initial cell (PO:0004011) that is part of an epidermis (PO:0005679) and gives rise to specialized cell types of the epidermis.

    • stomatal initial cell (PO:0000062)

Gonzalez et al 2012, Trends in Plant Science Leaf stages.png

vascular leaf expansion stage PO:0001052

old name and def'n: 2 leaf expansion stage (PO:0001052): Stage of leaf development which begins when cell differentiation and cell expansion occurs and finishes when the leaf reaches its full size.

Proposed revised name and def'n vascular leaf expansion stage (PO:0001052): A vascular leaf development stage (PO:0025570) during which vascular leaf size increases primarily through cell expansion.

Proposed comment: During this stage leaf shaping (GO:0010358) occurs which is defined as the developmental process that pertains to the organization of a leaf in three-dimensional space once the structure has initially formed.

  • Note: The majority of cell division occurs early in leaf development and cell expansion is the major agent of leaf expansion link or see above image.

From Esau 1965: It appears that leaf differentiation occurs during the intercallary growth of the leaf. The difference between palisade and spongy mesophyll/cells is a matter of individual growth or elongation.

vascular leaf post-expansion stage (PO:0001053):

old name and def'n: 3 leaf fully expanded stage (PO:0001053): Stage of leaf development when leaf is fully expanded.

Proposed new Name and def'n: vascular leaf post-expansion stage: A vascular leaf development stage (PO:0025570) that begins when the vascular leaf (PO:0009025) is fully expanded and ends with the onset of the vascular leaf senescence stage (PO:0001054).

from 9-10-13: Perhaps change term to "vascular leaf mature stage", or maybe keep the "leaf fully expanded stage"???. Examples of leaves with indeterminate growth, ferns, viney leaves, some Mahogany plants, but they are the exceptions. Could add as a comment (get names from DWS).

vascular leaf senescence stage (PO:0001054)

  • vascular leaf senescence stage (PO:0001054): A vascular leaf development stage (PO:0025570) that begins with the formation of a abscission zone at the base of a vascular leaf (PO:0009025) and ends with leaf separation and death.

Would omit formation of a abscission zone. Perhaps say ends with death of vascular leaf. Need to add the references to the GO terms.

Need to look at this more- abscission zone (PO:0000146) starts in the petioles (are part of the leaf), starts with cell senescence, should refer to 'point of attachment'. Don't need to specify where the abscission zone forms. Note all leaves abscise, end with death of the vascular leaf

Need to review leaf senescence- see plant cell resource

Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, Oct 8th, 2013 at 10:30am Pacific/1:30pm Eastern