Release 21

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-See also: Details_of_Changes_to_Release_21

To-do list for Release #20

- Update the webpages- which ones are top priority? See below

- include the update to AmiGO 1.8 and the website updated on drupal- In progress- see: beta PO site

- Introduce and announce the mirrored site at iPLant

- move files to live tag, update /trunk/ontology/OBO_format/Readme.txt

- file naming and which variations of the file to create for each release - check with cjm

- update translations synonyms- send to Ale and YY

Plant Ontology Web Site and Browser Update:

  • need to update the download page and the citations pages!!

Please see Plant_Ontology_Web_Site_Update:_2012 for more details

PO:IDs in definitions working as links, fixes to web page headers

  • Browser update- what is the status of this?

Complete old user requests/SF tracker items

Ongoing process....