POC Conf. Call 8-28-12
POC meeting, Webex Conference Call; Date: Tuesday Aug 28th, 2012 10am PDT/1pm EDT
In attendance:
POC members:
Collaborators: none
Any changes or corrections (additions/deletions, etc) needed in the minutes from the POC_Conf._Call_8-21-12?
Back to POC Meetings Minutes
Upcoming meetings and Presentations 2012-2013:
NSF Plant Genome PIs Meeting
Arlington, VA, September 6-7, 2012
Need 2 pager and poster
Genome Informatics 2012
September 6th-9th Robinson College, Cambridge, UK
JP is attending and submitted a poster representing the PO
PO/TO Crop Annotation Workshop at OSU; Sept. 13-15th, 2012
For more information see the wiki page: Plant_Ontology_and_Crop_Annotation_Workshop_OSU_2012
Dates: Sept. 13-15th
The focus of the workshop will be on mostly development stages and traits for the crop plants
Phenotype RCN meeting, Oct 26-29th 2012
Asilomar, CA
PAG 2013, San Diego, CA; January 12-16, 2013
- The PO will be running a workshop again- Need suggestions for speakers.
PJ: Suggestions- someone from GO in Berkeley, Nigam Shaw
- Want to focus on applications of the ontologies
- Can we offer something to entice the speakers, in addition to the $100 discount on registration offered by the conference?
PJ will check with DW about Gramene involvement