April 2012 Release Page

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Release announcements

New Release: March 2012

The latest release of the Plant Ontology, version #17, is available on our Ontology Browser.

This full release features the addition of ~140 new terms, for both the Plant Anatomical Entity and Plant Structure Development Stage aspects. It also includes new annotations for Gossypium spp., Picea spp. and updated annotations for many other species.

This release also includes a new feature: The Plant Anatomy Glossary.

The release marks a major revision to the plant structure development stage branch of the PO, including a new root term (plant structure development stage) and many new and revised terms for the whole plant development stage branch. Other new plant structure development stage terms include seed trichome development stage and its subtypes, needed for Gossypium annotations, and secondary xylem development stage and its subtypes, needed to describe wood development.

Revisions to the plant anatomical entity branch of the PO include updated definitions for nearly all vascular and related tissue and cell types, plus 29 new terms for vascular tissues or cells. Many new subtypes of plant anatomical space, portion of plant substance, and meristem, were also added, at the request of several user groups.

For more information and to view a summary of the latest changes, please visit: March 2012.

Summary of Changes

For more information about the release, please visit our wikipage with a Summary_of_Changes_to_PO-_March_2012.

You can also view a list of New_terms_and_obsolete_terms-March_2012_Release

How to Provide Feedback

You can send feedback via email from our Feedback link. This is available in the upper left corner of any page on the beta browser. If you have comments on a specific page or term, please include the url of the page/term you are referring to in the appropriate box of the feedback form. Be sure to include your email on the feedback form, so we can contact you with any questions.

You can also contact us at po-discuss@plantontology.org.

All comments from the feedback page go to the po-discuss mailing list. Archives of this list are available at the po-discuss archive.