PO-FNA mapping results

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Revision as of 13:36, 14 November 2011 by Rwalls (talk | contribs)
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This includes the run on 07/18/2011 by C. Mungall using the OBOL program. When the software returned multiple matches, RW chose the correct match, or used both if appropriate. Other matches added manually by RW.

Exact duplicates (same term, category, and limitation) represent multiple defintions for the same term in FNA glossary (multiple concepts with the same name). RW added numbers to correspond to FNA numbers.

Definitions from PO were checked against definitions from the FNA glossary at

NOTE: OBOL will match to obsolete terms, with no warning.

Number of FNA terms: 839 including duplicates with different meanings
Number of PO anatomy terms: 1080 release 16
Number of matches (including auto-matches; all manually checked): 930 including duplicates with different meanings, plus those with the same meaning that map to multiple PO terms
Number of matches made by software: 264 Matches to both term names and syonyms. This is high, because many of these were not accurate (OBOL matched all concepts with the same name in FNA to the same PO term)
Number of multiple matches made by software: 49 Automatched to more than one term. 26 of the multiples are because the Spanish and English names are the same
Total number of one to one matches to existing terms: 126 includes one to one matches that are slight variants on name (e.g., FNA:fascicle to PO:flower fascicle, FNA:cell to PO:plant cell)
Total number of matches to existing synonyms: 193 Includes 3 obsolete terms
Total number FNA terms that map to >1 PO term 14
Total number of matches to obsolete terms: 8 Inlcudes duplicate plural forms, 5 unique. 3 have been replaced by GO terms, other 5 have no explanation as to why obsolete.
Total number of new synonyms needed for existing terms: 364 includes plural forms, so many of these will go to the same PO term
Total number of unique new terms needed: 143 if all are approved
Total number of FNA terms that should be added as characters: 101 Too general for PO structures, better scored as phenotypes. Includes FNA terms like blister or scallop.
FNA terms that could not be mapped to PO: 17 actually, some of these might be plant substances (e.g., raphide)
~belong in GO: 5
~too vague for PO structures: 12 some of these could be scored as phenotypes

Next steps:

  • add 364 synonyms to existing terms
  • fix several errors that were discovered while doing the mappings
  • add 143 unique new terms, plus their synonyms

-FNA provides definitions, so this will be relatively easy

  • work with FNA to create an official mapping file

-will need to get unique IDs for duplicate FNA terms

-will need to figure out how to handle FNA terms that map to >1 PO term

-discuss how to map terms that are too general for PO (101 character terms)

  • begin work on phenotype/character terms, inlcuding the 101 from this list plus all of the FNA character terms