POC Outreach Events

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Presentations and Posters

Year 2011

*ASPB Plant Biology meeting 2011 Plant Biology 2011 Outreach Booth

Symposium hosted: Bio-Ontologies for the Plant Sciences under the genetics, genomics and bioinformatics theme.

Please see the IBC 2011 Bio-Ontologies Symposium wiki page for more details.

Press release about the PO at IBC 2011: Media:IBC_2011_Congress_News_Thursday_28_July_WEB.pdf‎

* International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies IBCO 2011 LC co-organized the session on "From Fins to Limbs to Leaves: Facilitating Anatomy Ontology Interoperability" and presented a flash talk "The Plant Ontology: Development of a Reference Ontology for all Plants"

LC also presented the PO in the OBO Foundry session as part of the application for OBO Foundry Membership

  • Phenotype RCN Meeting Durham, NC

Laurel Cooper, Ramona Walls, Justin Preece and Dennis Wm Stevenson will present a poster and a computer demo.

Laurel Cooper took part in the Plant Phenotypes workshop and panel discussion

PO Collaborators workshop; Sunday, Jan 16th.

Year 2010

Justin Preece will present the poster: A Semantic Wiki for Genotype/Phenotype Annotation in Plant Species" File:NETTAB 2010 poster proposal.pdf

  • Seminar, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University

Laurel presented a seminar: Bridging Plant Anatomy and Genomics in the Digital Era: Recent Advances at The Plant Ontology File:Cooper BPP final (LC 10-14-10).pdf

  • Seminar, New York Botanical Garden. October 6, 2010. Ramona Walls presented a seminar 'Plant Ontology: A tool for structural, developmental and molecular plant biologists'

Laurel Cooper and Pankaj Jaiswal attended. Laurel presented a poster:The Plant Ontology: A Database for Plant Genomics.

Cooper, L., Elser, J., Walls, R., Stevenson, Dennis W., Smith, B., Mungall, C. J., Gandolfo, M. A., and Jaiswal, P. (2010). The Plant Ontology: A Database for Plant Genomics. American Society of Plant Biologists, Quebec, Montreal, Canada

We also organized a Plant Biology 2010 Outreach Booth: Plant Genome Resources Outreach Booth.

A workshop to demonstrate the Phenote Annotation Tool was held at the ASPB Plant Biology Meeting in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

You can find a link to the workshop page at: Phenote Workshop

  • Botany 2010, Providence, RI. Jul. 31 - Aug. 4, 2010. Dennis Stevenson, Alejandra Gandolfo, and Ramona Walls attended.

Ramona Walls gave a presentation for the Developmental and Structural Section Abstract-BSA2010 File:Presentation-BSA2010.pdf

Walls, R., Cooper, L., Elser, J., Stevenson Dennis W., Smith, B., Mungall, C. J., Gandolfo, M. A., and Jaiswal, P. (2010). The Plant Ontology: a tool for structural, developmental, and molecular plant biologists. Providence, RI.

Laurel Cooper and Ramona Walls attended and presented a poster and a one page write-up that was presented as a 'flash update talk'

File:PO Poster BioOntologies2010.pdf

File:PO FlashTalk BioOntologies2010.pdf

File:Walls Cooper BioOntologies29.pdf

Walls, R., Cooper, L., Elser, J., Dennis W. Stevenson, Mungall, C. J., Gandolfo, M. A., and Jaiswal, P. (2010). The Plant Ontology: A Common Reference Ontology for Plants. Boston, MA.

Laurel Cooper and Ramona Walls attended and Laurel presented a talk "Introduction to the Plant Ontology™"

Laurel Cooper and Justin Elser Poster and Computer Demonstration

Elser, J., Cooper, L., and Jaiswal, P. (2010). Plant Ontology: Databases And Applications. San Diego, CA.

Year 2009

  • GCP Ontology Workshop Rome, Italy, April 20-22, 2009
    • Chih-Wei Tung, Gave a talk on "Plant and Trait Ontology"

Year 2008

Year 2007

  • AGRONOMICS workshop " Ontologies, Standards and Best Practices", Gent, Belgium, May 21-23
  • ITMI Israel, April 16-20, 2007
    • Shuly Avraham, poster

Year 2006

Year 2005

  • The 16th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Madison, WI, June 18, 2005
  • Frontiers in Plant Biology, MO, April 2005 Poster

Year 2004

Year 2002

  • PAG X Bioinformatics: Database
    • Leszek Vincent: The POC and Plant ontologies (poster)
    • Leszek Vincent: The POC and Plant ontologies - silk purpose from a maize ear (workshop: ontology)