Eliminating Zea/Poaceae terms from PO

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Existing terms

(as of 7/2011)

Plant anatomical entities with Zea in the name (28):

Male parts:

PO:0006471 Zea androecium

-is_a Poaceae androecium, not part_of anything

-has children androecium of ear floret and androecium of tassel floret (plus their children)

-Zea stamen is part_of

suggest merge this term plus all of its descendants into Poaceae androecium, then into androcium. Zea stamen will be merge into stamen.

PO:0006472 Zea stamen

-is_a Poaceae stamen

-part_of androecium of tassel floret

-Zea anther and Zea filament are part_of

suggest merge into Poaceae stamen, then into stamen. remove part_of androecium of tassel floret relation (stamen is part of androecium). Zea anther and Zea filament will be merged with their parent terms.

PO:0006473 Zea anther

-is_a Poaceae anther

-part_of Zea stamen

-Zea connective and Zea microsporangium are part_of

suggest merge into Poaceae anther, then into anther. remove part_of Zea stamen relation (anther is part of stamen). Zea connective and Zea microsporangium will be merged with their parent terms.

PO:0006474 Zea filament

-is_a Poaceae filament

-part_of Zea stamen

-no children

suggest merge into Poaceae filament, then into filament. remove part_of Zea stamen relation.

PO:0006475 Zea connective

-is_a Poaceae connective

-part_of Zea anther

-no children

suggest merge into Poaceae connective, then into connective. remove part_of Zea anther relation.

PO:0006477 Zea anther wall

-is_a Zea anther wall

-part_of Zea microsporangium

-Zea endothecium, Zea exothecium, Zea placentoid, Zea stomium, and Zea tapetum are parts

suggest merge into Poaceae anther wall, then into anther wall. remove part_of Zea microsporangium relation. Child terms will be merged into their parents.

PO:0006481 Zea endothecium

-is_a Poaceae endothecium

-part_of Zea anther wall

-no children

suggest merge into Poaceae endothecium, then into anther wall endothecium. remove part_of Zea anther wall relation.

PO:0006482 Zea exothecium

-is_a Poaceae exothecium

-part_of Zea anther wall

-no children

suggest merge into Poaceae exothecium, then into anther wall exothecium. remove part_of Zea anther wall relation.

PO:0006484 Zea tapetum

-is_a Poaceae tapetum

-part_of Zea anther wall

-no children

suggest merge into Poaceae tapetum, then into anther wall tapetum. remove part_of Zea anther wall relation.

PO:0006483 Zea placentoid

-is_a Poaceae placentoid

-part_of Zea anther wall

-no children

PO:0006485 Zea stomium

-is_a Poaceae stomium

-part_of Zea anther wall

-no children

PO:0006478 Zea theca

-is_a Poaceae theca

-is_a Zea microsporangium

PO:0006476 Zea microsporangium

-is_a Poaceae microsporangium

-part_of Zea anther

-Zea theca is_a Zea microsporangium

-Zea anther wall and Zea microsporocyte are part_of

PO:0006479 Zea microsporocyte

-is_a Poaceae microsporocyte

-part_of Zea microsporangium

-Zea microspore develops_from

PO:0006480 Zea microspore

-is_a Poaceae microspore

-develops_from Zea microsporocyte

-no children

female parts:

PO:0020136 Zea ear

-is_a inflorescence

-central spike of ear, ear meristem, ear peduncle, ear spikelet and infloreacence bract of ear are part

Should ear meristem be part_of ear, or should it be ear develops_from ear meristem?

suggest renaming "ear", then it would be like tassel (PO:0020126)

PO:0006320 ear spikelet

-is_a spikelet, part_of ear

Okay as is

PO:0006354 ear floret

-is_a Poaceae floret

-part_of ear spikelet

-androecium of ear floret, gynoecium of ear floret, lemma of ear floret, lodicule of ear floret, and 5 other parts are part_of

suggest merge Poaceae floret into floret, so ear floret will be a direct child of floret.

PO:0006470 Zea carpel

-is_a Poaceae carpel

-part_of gynoecium of ear floret

-silk, Zea ovary and Zea stigma are part

PO:0006486 Zea ovary

-is_a Poaceae ovary

-part_of Zea carpel

-Zea funicle, Zea ovary placenta, and Zea ovule are part_of

Suggest merging into poaceae ovary, and poaceae ovary into ovary. Will be part of carpel. Part_of children will merge into their parents.

PO:0006487 Zea stigma

-is_a Poaceae stigma

-part_of Zea carpel

-no children

suggest merge with Poaceae stigma then with stigma. remove part_of Zea carpel relation.

PO:0006488 silk

-is_a Poaceae style

-part_of Zea carpel

-no children

suggest merge with Poaceae style then with style. remove part_of Zea carpel relation.

PO:0006491 Zea ovule (0)

-is_a Poaceae ovule

-part_of Zea ovary

-Zea chalaza, Zea integument, and Zea nucellus are part_of

suggest merge with Poaceae ovule, then ovule. merge part_of children with their parents.

PO:0006506 Zea chalaza (0)

-is_a Poaceae chalaza

-part_of Zea ovule

PO:0006507 Zea integument (0)

-is_a Poaceae integument

-part_of Zea ovule

-no children

PO:0006492 Zea nucellus (0)

-is_a Poaceae nucellus

-part_of Zea ovule

-Zea megasporocyte is part_of

PO:0006493 Zea megasporocyte (0)

-is_a Poaceae megasporocyte

-part_of Zea ovule

-Zea megaspore develops from

PO:0006494 Zea megaspore (0)

-is_a Poaceae megaspore

-develops_from Zea megasporocyte

-no children

PO:0006489 Zea funicle (0)

-is_a Poaceae funicle

-part_of Zea ovary

-no children

PO:0006490 Zea ovary placenta (0)=

-is_a Poaceae ovary placenta

-part_of Zea ovary

-no children

PO:0025087 Zea gynoecium ridge (0)

-is_a Poaceae gynoecium ridge

-is_a gynoecium of ear floret

-has four children:

PO:0009024 : gynoecium ridge of lower floret of pedicellate spikelet of ear (0)

PO:0009076 : gynoecium ridge of lower floret of sessile spikelet of ear (0)

PO:0009079 : gynoecium ridge of upper floret of pedicellate spikelet of ear (0)

PO:0009092 : gynoecium ridge of upper floret of sessile spikelet of ear (0)

Zea terms that are part_of a floret

Once the specific Zea terms are merged with their parents, the resulting term will no longer have a part_of relation to ear floret (or its children). For example, Zea carpel is part_of gynoecium of ear floret, but once Zea carpel is merged with carpel and gynoecium of ear floret is merged with gynoecium, gynoecium will not be part of ear floret.

Suggest we add comment to the parts of flower: "If you are annotating to this structure for Zea mays, please also add an annotation to the corresponding floret type (list PO:id's types here)."

Plant anatomical entities with Poaceae in the name (42):

PO:0006383 Poaceae androecium

PO:0006442 Poaceae anther

PO:0006445 Poaceae anther wall

PO:0006455 Poaceae carpel

PO:0006458 Poaceae chalaza

PO:0006443 Poaceae connective

PO:0006495 Poaceae degenerate megaspore

PO:0006446 Poaceae endothecium

PO:0006447 Poaceae exothecium

PO:0006454 Poaceae filament

PO:0006318 Poaceae floret

PO:0006329 Poaceae floret meristem

PO:0006496 Poaceae functional megaspore

PO:0006466 Poaceae funicle

PO:0006384 Poaceae gynoecium

PO:0025086 Poaceae gynoecium ridge

PO:0006000 Poaceae hull

PO:0006460 Poaceae inner integument

PO:0006465 Poaceae integument

PO:0006508 Poaceae integument epidermis

PO:0006464 Poaceae megaspore

PO:0006463 Poaceae megasporocyte

PO:0006461 Poaceae micropyle

PO:0006444 Poaceae microsporangium

PO:0006452 Poaceae microspore

PO:0006451 Poaceae microsporocyte

PO:0006462 Poaceae nucellus

PO:0006459 Poaceae outer integumet

PO:0006456 Poaceae ovary

PO:0006500 Poaceae ovary epidermis

PO:0006467 Poaceae ovary placenta

PO:0006457 Poaceae ovule

PO:0006448 Poaceae placentoid

PO:0006441 Poaceae stamen

PO:0006468 Poaceae stigma

PO:0006497 Poaceae stigma epidermis

PO:0006449 Poaceae stomium

PO:0006469 Poaceae style

PO:0006498 Poaceae style epidermis

PO:0006450 Poaceae tapetum

PO:0006453 Poaceae theca

PO:0006499 Poaceae transmitting tissue

Plant G&D stages with Poaceae in the name:

PO:0007012 Poaceae inflorescence visible

See SF tracker for 3 infloresence visible

Plant G&D stages with Zea in the name:
