Summary of Changes to PO May 2011
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Added new subset for Spanish language synonyms. Scope is exact synonyms.
Changes in 'in vitro plant structure' (PO:0000004), and its children
We agreed (4-12-11 POC) to make the in vitro structures children of their respective plant structure parents (cell, tissue and embryo) and keep "in vitro plant structure" and use a textual definition and assert dual parentage to it. This was after consultation with PATO, OBI, and GO; CM. Both of the parentage relations had to be asserted in this case because (fill in reason).
This is how it looked before:
This is how it looks now:
- part_of relationships to whole plant:
Removed the part_of relationships to whole plant from: All the children of plant structure that are defined as " A plant structure...." and also plant cell.
As they are already part of a plant and can also include entities that were derived from a plant (such as the in vitro structures) or plant material such as wood, which is no longer part of a whole plant.