POC Conf. Call 3-1-11
POC meeting, Webex Conference Call; Date: Tuesday Mar 1st, 2011 10am (PST)
In attendance:
POC members:
Acceptance of the minutes from the POC_Conf._Call_2-22-11?
Report from the Phenotype Ontology RCN Summit
February 25-27, 2010 at the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center in Durham, NC,
Laurel and Pankaj will be attending.
From RW: -What is official PO strategy for dealing with phenotypes?
-Should it differ between description of mutant phenotypes and descriptions needed for systematic studies?
-Should PO develop a list of terms to be submitted to PATO (rather than our current piecemeal suggestions)?
-Possible case study: description of inflorescence types.
Upcoming meetings 2011:
* ICBO 2011 Second International Conference on Biomedical Ontology July 26-30, 2011 Buffalo, New York
CALL FOR WORKSHOP AND TUTORIAL PROPOSALS: Melissa, Alan and Chris are organizing an anatomy ontology workshop.
- LC will attend and represent the PO. Invite other plant people?
-BS suggested we might want to submit a short paper which could be published in longer form later- see above
* International Botanical Congress (IBC2011)
July 23rd-30th 2011, Melbourne, Australia
Registration is open Important dates
Symposium proposal was accepted, 'Bio-Ontologies for the Plant Sciences' under the Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics theme.
Dennis, Alejandra, Pankaj and Ramona are planning to attend.
Next meeting scheduled for Tues, Mar. 8th, 2011 at 10am PST
See IBC 2011 Bio-Ontologies Symposium wiki page for more details