Links to sites using the PO
A to F
AgBase- only has annotations to GO
ARTADE2DB- link not working? example page: non-secretory trichome see also: plant structure - link not working?
BRENDA- mostly uses BTO, but old version of PO, TO and EO are on it
Compositae Genomics Project: Morphdb
cosmoss- No PO on their site
G to L
Gene Ontology- No PO or TO?
Gramene Biomart- can filter by PO and GO
Cyverse- mirror site of planteome, otherwise not sure how it is being used otherwise
Live Plant Image Group- has links to browse PO, but not sure how it is used
M to P
MAGIC- Fu et al (2014) MAGIC: access portal to a cross-platform gene expression compendium for maize. Bioinformatics. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btt739
- 'MAize Gene expressIon Compendium'. It is a web based interface for exploring and analyzing a comprehensive maize-specific cross-platform expression compendium. This compendium was constructed by collecting, homogenizing and formally annotating publicly available microarrays from Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), and ArrayExpress.
- plant ontology annotations
MaizeGDB- cannot find any use of the PO or TO on their site...
Maize cell Genomics database- JCVI
Maize cell Genomics database- images tagged with PO ids
Manually Curated Database of Rice Proteins- tagged with TO terms
Metalife- ????
Metabolomic Repository Bordeaux MeRy- plant metabolomics platform allowing the storage and visualisation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) metabolic profiles from plants, but has old version of PO
PO integration in MSI standards
NASC Ontology page- link to ontology browser is not functional ?? cant find any PO ref
PRIDE- In query, there are a list of parameter types to choose from. If you pick PO, you get a list of terms.
The Integrated Databases of Plant Omics Data
R to Z
Solanaceae Genome network (SGN)
SuperFamily - need to address some issues here, not an "Arabidopsis Plant Ontology".
Uniprot keywords ???
not actually using the PO but should be:
Bio-Array Resource for Plant Biology (BAR)
CRIBI and the Query page