Links to sites using the PO
A to F
AgBase- only has annotations to GO
ARTADE2DB- link not working? example page: non-secretory trichome see also: plant structure - link not working?
BRENDA- mostly uses BTO, but old version of PO, TO and EO are on it
Compositae Genomics Project: Morphdb
cosmoss- No PO on their site
G to L
Gene Ontology- No PO or TO?
Gramene Biomart- can filter by PO and GO
M to P
MAGIC- Fu et al (2014) MAGIC: access portal to a cross-platform gene expression compendium for maize. Bioinformatics. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btt739
Maize cell Genomics database- JCVI
Manually Curated Database of Rice Proteins
Metabolomic Repository Bordeaux MeRy
PO integration in MSI standards
PRIDE- In query, there are a list of parameter types to choose from. If you pick PO, you get a list of terms.
The Integrated Databases of Plant Omics Data
R to Z
Solanaceae Genome network (SGN)
SuperFamily - need to address some issues here, not an "Arabidopsis Plant Ontology".
Uniprot keywords ???
not actually using the PO but should be:
Bio-Array Resource for Plant Biology (BAR)
CRIBI and the Query page