Crop Plant Trait Ontology Workshop Agenda
Dates: Sept 13-15th, 2012 (Thursday through Saturday)
Location: Oregon State University
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Weds Sept. 12th, 6-8pm
Welcome reception- snack and refreshments at Finley Hall
Thursday Sept. 13th- all day
9am to 5:30 pm
Willamette Room, CH2M Hill Alumni Center
Welcome and Introductions- Pankaj Jaiswal
Goals of the Workshop
10am Intro to Ontologies Webex presentation Barry Smith
!0:30am: Overview of the PO and TO- Laurel Cooper
Work on Goal 1 as a group
breakout groups lead by Ontology experts
Work on Goal 2 as a group
breakout groups
Flash presentations by participants
Evening group work on applications- breakout groups
Friday Sept 14th- all day
Lecture room: ALS 4000
Intro to Annotations and Data
Work on Goal 3 as a group
breakout groups
breakout groups report on progress
Work on Goal 4 as a group
breakout groups
breakout groups report on progress
Sat Sept. 15th- 8am to 12 noon
breakout groups report on progress- present project ideas?
Summary and conclusions
Wrap and to-do lists for follow-up