New terms and obsolete terms-April 2012 Release
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New plant anatomical entity terms
phyllome plate meristem: PO:0025428
leaf plate meristem: (PO:0025429)
phyllome anlagen: (PO:0025430)
leaf anlagen (PO:0025431)
cotyledon anlagen (PO:0025432)
root anlagen: (PO:0025433)
phyllome adaxial meristem (PO:0025400)
leaf adaxial meristem (PO:0025401)
phyllome abaxial meristem (PO:0025402)
leaf abaxial meristem (PO:0025403)
phyllome marginal meristem (PO:0025404)
leaf marginal meristem (PO:0025405)
intercellular space (PO:0025379)
leaf mesophyll intercellular space (PO:0025380)
spongy mesophyll intercellular space (PO:0025381)
palisade mesophyll intercellular space (PO:0025397)
substomatal cavity (PO:0025382)
phyllome substomatal cavity (PO:0025398)
leaf substomatal cavity (PO:0025399)
phyllome sinus (PO:0025383)
leaf sinus (PO:0025384)
cutin (PO:0025385)
cuticular wax (PO:0025386)
plant cuticle proper (PO:0025387)
epicuticular wax(PO:0025388)
intercuticular wax (PO:0025389)
palea awn (PO:0025350)
glume awn (PO:0025351)
tubercle (PO:0025352)
bud areole (PO:0025353) (maybe should be areole bud)
cladode (PO:0025354)
corm (PO:0025355)
bulb (PO:0025356)
pneumatophore (PO:0025357)
pneumatorhiza (PO:0025358)
sorus (PO:0025359)
coenosorus (PO:0025360)
leaf tendril (PO:0025361)
leaflet tendril (PO:0025362)
leaf apex tendril (PO:0025363)
branch tendril (PO:0025364)
stem apex tendril (PO:0025365)
leaf rachis tendril (PO:0025366)
prophyll tendril (PO:0025367)
arillode (PO:0025378)
intercellular space (PO:0025379)
leaf mesophyll intercellular space (PO:0025380)
spongy mesophyll intercellular space (PO:0025381)
substomatal cavity (PO:0025382)
phyllome sinus (PO:0025383)
leaf sinus (PO:0025384)
cutin (PO:0025385)
cuticular wax (PO:0025386)
plant cuticle proper (PO:0025387)
epicuticular wax (PO:0025388)
intercuticular wax (PO:0025389)
free ending veinlet (PO:0025390)
lamina areole (PO:0025391)
leaf lamina areole (PO:0025392)
pappus (PO:0025393)
pappus element (PO:0025394)
floral organ (PO:0025395)
phyllome lamina (PO:0025396)
palisade mesophyll intercellular space (PO:0025397)
phyllome substomatal cavity (PO:0025398)
leaf substomatal cavity (PO:0025399)
phyllome adaxial meristem (PO:0025400)
leaf adaxial meristem (PO:0025401)
phyllome abaxial meristem (PO:0025402)
leaf abaxial meristem (PO:0025403)
phyllome marginal meristem (PO:0025404)
leaf marginal meristem (PO:0025405)
sieve element (PO:0025406)
fiber cell (PO:0025407)
primary vascular tissue (PO:0025408)
secondary vascular tissue (PO:0025409)
axial system (PO:0025410)
ray system (PO:0025411)
albuminous cell (PO:0025412)
primary vein (PO:0025413)
secondary thickening meristem (PO:0025414)
sieve cell (PO:0025415)
sieve tube (PO:0025416)
vessel (PO:0025417)
sclerid (PO:0025418)
septate fiber tracheid (PO:0025419)
septate libriform fiber cell (PO:0025420)
septate phloem fiber cell (PO:0025421)
gelatinous fiber (PO:0025422)
Renamed terms: PAE
cuticle (PO:0000022) to plant cuticle (PO:0000022)
awn (PO:0006032) > lemma awn
spore (PO:0025017) > plant spore
New plant structure development stage terms
life of whole plant (PO:0025337)
collective plant structure development stage (PO:0025338)
plant organ development stage (PO:0025339)
gametophyte vegetative development stage (PO:0025340)
gametophyte reproductive development stage (PO:0025341)
gametophyte dormant stage (PO:0025342)
gametophyte senescent stage (PO:0025343)
gametophore reproductive whole plant development stage (PO:0025344)
gametophore vegetative whole plant development stage (PO:0025345)
thallus reproductive whole plant development stage (PO:0025346)
thallus vegetative whole plant development stage (PO:0025347)
spore germination stage (PO:0025348)
trichome development stage (PO:0025368)
seed trichome development stage (PO:0025369)
seed trichome initiation stage (PO:0025370)
seed trichome elongation stage (PO:0025371)
seed trichome secondary wall biosynthesis stage (PO:0025372)
seed trichome maturation stage (PO:0025373)
seed dormant stage (PO:0025374)
plant spore stage (PO:0025375)
plant spore dormant stage (PO:0025376)
plant embryo dormant stage (PO:0025377)
plant tissue development stage (PO:0025423)
vascular tissue development stage (PO:0025424)
xylem development stage (PO:0025425)
phloem development stage (PO:0025426)
secondary xylem development stage (PO:0025427)
Renamed terms: PSDS
Changed all the terms that had "stages" in their names to "stage" and changed "developmental" to "development" for about 10 terms
whole plant growth stage (PO:0007033) > whole plant development stage
gametophyte phase (PO:0028003) > gamethophyte development stage
sporophyte phase (PO:0028002) > sporophyte development stage
A vegetative growth (PO:0007134) > sporophyte vegetative development stage
B reproductive growth (PO:0007130) > sporophyte reproductive development stage
C senescence (PO:0007017) > sporophyte senscent stage
D dormancy (PO:0007132) > sporophyte vegetative dormant stage
protonema phase (PO:0030006) > protonema whole plant development stage
New synonyms
This is only to highlight synonyms that are substantially different than the primary term name (e.g., cone as a synonym of strobilus).
working on 363 synonyms from FNA
Merged terms
plant structure development stage (PO:0007021) into plant growth and development stage (PO:0009012) -- plant structure development stage is primary name
Obsolete terms
Other Changes:
carpel anlagen (PO:0006005) (revised)
added a comment to leaf intercalary meristem: The leaf intercalary meristem does not include a leaf plate meristem (PO:0025429)
-made flower meristem is_a reproductive shoot apical meristem, revised def'n
-made phyllome marginal meristem part_of phyllome
-added exact synonym to leaf marginal meristem: leaf margin blastozone
added has_participant relations between the following terms:
-trichome development stage (PO:0025368) and trichome (PO:0000282)
-seed trichome development stage (PO:0025369) and seed trichome (PO:0004511)
-leaf trichome development stage (PO:0007039) and leaf trichome (PO:0006504)
Changed the aspect (namespace) from plant_growth_and_development_stage to plant_structure_development_stage
Moved leaf trichome development stage (PO:0007039) to be is_a trichome development stage. new def'n: A trichome development stage that has as primary participant a leaf trichome. (POC:Curators)
Modified def'n: seed trichome: (PO:0004511): A trichome that develops from seed coat epidermis.
Got rid of old GRO synonyms on sporophyte dormant stage.
Made seed is_a plant structure. Updated definition. Removed seed_part of fruit and added develops_from ovule, has_part embryo
Added seed dormant stage has_part plant embryo dormant stage