Initial Meeting- Aug 2011

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Notes about the dataset:

From email: Mary Schaeffer: These are all new annotations – and there are a lot, as each gene-model has some expression. I am lumping the putative splice variants to one model.

For our 60 tissues for this set, the number of PO terms is some 52 distinct ones.


from MS by email:

  • In a few cases, there is a classical gene name for the gene model. I assume these could be supplied as synonyms? Or, would you prefer they be supplied as a separate row?

Need to look at this, and ask PJ

  • Do you still wish to have separate files for anatomy and growth terms?

I think that might be a good idea as well to make the huge file easier to deal with.

  • Note, the instructions on the wiki for field 13. TAXON deal with Field 12 and should be altered.

I am not sure I understand to which page you are referring. The info shown here: looks like it matches the GO page (, as it should. Could you please send the link?

Plan of action:

  • Mary will work with JE to get SVN access set up, done
  • PO will review the mappings between the maize samples (60) and the PO terms (~52). ''MS sent us the mappings as a apreadsheet and we discussed it on the POC conference call 8-2-11.

  • Mary will send a small file first, (perhaps the annotations to the structure terms first?) and then upload the larger file.