POC Conf. Call 7-12-11

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POC meeting, Webex Conference Call; Date: Tuesday July 12th, 2011 10am (PDT)

In attendance:

POC members: Absent:

Collaborators: none

Acceptance of the minutes from the POC_Conf._Call_7-05-11?

User requests, Plant Anotomy Ontology:

Legume terms submitted by Austin Mast



Last week, we looked at examples of leaves where the petiole is a phyllode, but there is lamina development (with leaflets) beyond the lamina. In this case, the phyllode only represents the petiole portion of the leaf. We need a term to describe this, as well as when the whole leaf develops as a phyllode. Revisit this next week.

Proposed def: A vascular leaf in which the laminar development is a median plane (perpendicular to the axis), rather than the more common state of in a transverse plane (tangent to the axis).

Comment: Lamina development in a phyllode may occur in the region of the leaf that would normally develop into a petiole. In some leaves, the petiole may twist giving the appearance that the lamina is a phyllode, but it is not.

See references by Boke 1940 (http://www.jstor.org/stable/2436690, DOI:10.2307/2436690) and Kaplan 1970

Unifacial leaf as synonym? No- not the same, but similar development.

TraitNet requests:


proposed def: A short, enlarged storage stem in which the internodes do not elongate. Comment: usually underground.

child of stem (PO:0009047).


Their comment: is synonym to Tubercle

podarium (from Beentje 2010): (in cacti or other succulents) a modified leaf base functioning as the photosynthesising organ.

tubercle (from Beentje 2010): (in ball- or barrel- shaped cacti), cone-shaped protuberances that are elnarge modified leaf bases fused with adjacent stem tissue (tubercle has two other definitions as well).

proposed def:


definition from Beentje (2010): erect (breathing) root protruding above the soil, encountered especially in mangroves

proposed def: A root that is erect and protrudes above the soil, found in trees that live in flooded habitats such as mangroves.

Comment: Pneumatophores may provide oxygen to below ground roots growing in flooded soils.


Defintion from Beentje (2010): a slender, coiling structure derived from a branch, leaf or inflorescence and used for climbing.

tendrils can derived from multiple types of structures. Suggest we make separate terms:

branch tendril (child of branch): A branch that is slender and coiling. Comment: Aids plant in climbing.

leaf tendril (child of leaf): A leaf that is slender and coiling and lacks a lamina. Comment: Aids plant in climbing.

leaflet tendril (child of leaflet): A leaflet that is slender and coiling and lacks a lamina. Comment: Aids plant in climbing.

leaf apex tendril (child of leaf apex): A leaf apex that is slender and coiling. Comment: Found at the apex of a leaf lamina, but the leaf apex tendril is not laminar. Aids plant in climbing.

Can add other types of tendrils if they come up or users need them.

Alternative is to create a parent 'tendril'(is_a plant structure) with children that are part_of the other structures:


is_a leaf tendril part_of leaf

is_a stem tendril part_of stem

is_a branch tendril part_of branch


definition from Beentje (2010): reproductive portion of a plant, such as a seed, fruit or fragment of fruit, that is dispersed and may give rise to a new plant.

We could add this term as a kind of upper level bin term (similar to trichome)


Synonym of strobilus (PO:0025083) or child?

proposed def: A strobilus that is woody?


from Crum (2001): a cluster of fern sporangia from Beentje (2010): (of pteridophytes) structure bearing or containing groups of sporangia.

Proposed definition: A cardinal organ part composed of a cluster of two or more adjacent sporagia on the surface of a leaf. Comment: May be enclosed by an indusium.

Part_of vascular leaf, has_part sporangium

Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, July 19th, 2011 at 10am PDT/1pm EDT