POC Conf. Call 12-15th-10

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Restructuring PGDSO for Occurents

Suggested New "working" Structure of the PGDSO:

  • The root term, plant growth and development stage, would be replaced by 'plant life cycle process' (an "Occurrent").

LC, BS and RW met on 11-30 to discuss this restructuring, and changed the upper level term from plant life cycle process to plant process, plus several other changes.

The top level structure would have three branches, as below

Life cycle process 2.jpg

None of the old term names or definitions have been changed yet, except to put (phase) on the end of some term names that did not have stage in their names.

Most of the terms from PGDSO went under plant structure development phase, but a few went under plant structure development process. In the case of seedling development (which went under plant structure development process) we added a new phase called seedling phase. Something like imbibition is not a phase, but a developmental process, so it went under plant structure development process. Could add a germination phase that begins with imbibition and ends with emergence of the radicle.

From last meeting:

-Add corresponding phases for each of the developmental processes.

For example: gametophytic phase corresponds to gametophyte development and leaf development phase could correspond to leaf development.

Then it would be possible to move the developmental processes to GO, but keep the phases in PO.

At the POC meeting on 11-10-10, we reviewed this proposed structure, and decided to experiment with how it will work for existing PGDSO terms. Barry suggested that his goal was to have all PO terms in one of two branches: plant structures (plant anatomical entity = independent continuant) and plant processes (plant life cycle process = occurent)

Lol and Ramona will work on moving all of the ~120 terms from the PGDSO into one of the three new plant life cycle process branches, to see where they can fit.

  • Can delete existing relations for those terms, but will still be able to compare to old structure by comparing dev to live browser.

Note from BS: Keep in mind where there might be potential overlaps with the GO- we will need to figure out how to split the process terms, ie: will they reside in the PO or in GO? Make a list as we go along.

-Stage term names need to be rewritten as nouns, for example: "whole plant in the phase where 1 leaf is visible

-Complex terms could be rendered using post coordination; ie: 'on the fly' for users, but some may need to have actual PO IDs in order to accommodate annotations.

changes in new PGDSO version

New: Barry has suggested we need a term like 'plant life' ('life of whole plant') of which all phases would form parts