POC Conf. Call 8-27-13

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POC meeting, Webex Conference Call; Date: Tuesday Aug 27th, 2013 10am PST/1pm EST

In attendance:



- Release #20 is out Aug 15, 2013- Release_20

Highlights: Addition of 48 new terms, for both the Plant Anatomical Entity (44) and Plant Structure Development Stage (4) branches.

It also includes new and updated annotation data for Oryza sativa, Gossypium hirsutum and Arabidopsis thaliana.

Release #21

  • Goals and Timeline for Release: Release_21
  • Goal is mid December; edits will be completed by the end of November 2013

Priorities for the next round of Revisions:

- please see the Items_for_future_meetings page for more details

  • fruit development stages (PO:0001002) and sub-classes

- need to consider creating caryopsis as a child of fruit, then we can describe the steps in grain development and maturation. Other types of fruit as well

  • reproductive shoot system development stage (PO:0025530) and sub-classes
  • inflorescence development stage (PO:0021004)and sub-classes
  • plant organ development stage (PO:0025339) and child terms:
    • leaf development stage (PO:0001050)- make new branch for vascular and non-vascular leaves
    • flower bract development stage (PO:new)
  • tuber growth and development stages- need to describe the stages for both types of tubers

New Annotation Data Sets in Preparation:

- Working with Rex Nelson to develop a set of annotations to QTLs - New SoyBase dbxrefs have been created and once the file is ready we will test on beta - About 2400 lines so far in the first file

- Working on a set of annotations for vascular leaf development to accompany new stages being created

Meeting schedule for the fall

  • Propose we meet every other week- next meeting will be Sept 10th, 24th- posted on POC_Meetings_Minutes
  • We are going to try using another teleconference method- Skype pro (with screen sharing)

Upcoming meetings and Presentations 2013-2014:

  • PAG 2014 January 11-15, 2014 - San Diego, CA, USA

Are we going to host the Ontology workshop again?

Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, Sept 10th, 2013 at 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern