Oak Ridge National Lab-ORNL
ORNL hosts an instance of the NCBO Bioportal ontology repository
The URL for the repository is: ORNL Bioportal Mirror
Need to get the metadata updated there- compare to Bioportal- No- needs to be updated to match.
On 07/09/2012 11:42 AM, Pouchard, Line Catherine wrote:
Hello Justin:
At ORNL we have an instance of the NCBO Bioportal ontology repository populated with ontologies for the Earth and Environmental Sciences to enable interdisciplinary research. I am populating it with various ontologies that maybe of interest to the DataONE, ESIP, ORNL DAAC and other communities. I would like to download the latest version of the PO ontology in owl to stick it in there.
Is it available for public release as an owl file somewhere?
The URL for the repository is: http://mercury-ncbo.ornl.gov/ontologies
If you go to the URL you can see that the PO version we have in there is quite old. I am updating the repository content in preparation for the ESIP meeting next week, where this will be shown.
If you remember, we met at Damian Gessler's SSWAP meeting last year in Santa Fe.
Thank you Line
Line C. Pouchard Scientific Data Group Computer Science and Mathematics DataONE Integration and Semantics WG Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1 Bethel Valley Road Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6367 865-574-6125 other mail: linepouchard@gmail.com<mailto:linepouchard@gmail.com> http://www.csm.ornl.gov/~7lp
From: Justin Elser [elserj@science.oregonstate.edu<mailto:elserj@science.oregonstate.edu>] Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 08:17 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Pouchard, Line Catherine Cc: Laurel Cooper Subject: Re: PO ontology
The most current version of the ontology in OWL format is available from here: plant_ontology.owl
This version was just released last week (release #18). When we have a new release, the above link will still point at the current release.
Let me know if you need more info.