The cROP (Common Reference Ontologies for Plants) Initiative
From Plant Ontology Wiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchThe vision of the cROP initiative is to develop a reference set of ontologies for all plants, by analogy with, and in collaboration with, the OBO (Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies) Foundry.
The first proposed set of ontologies to be developed within the cROP Initiative is as follows:
- PO*: Plant Ontology
- GO: Gene Ontology
- PRO: Protein Ontology
- TO*: Plant Trait Ontology
- EO*: Environment Ontology (plant treatments) browse at Gramene
- ENVO: Ontology of environmental features and habitats
- PATO: Phenotype Quality Ontology
- Taxonomy: USDA-GRIN / NCBI / New?
- GAZ: An Ontologically-Informed Gazetteer (geographical locations)
- Plant IDO*: Plant Infectious Disease Ontology [1]
- Plant Diseases*: List of plant diseases
- CHEBI: dictionary of molecular entities
- PCO: Population and Community ontology
For ontologies labeled *, the Planteome group may adopt their development.