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==New terms added==
=List of Terms made obsolete with associated annotations:=
* Note: Links below go to the annotations on the '''live browser''', will not work after the release
Numbers based on the most recent association files on the SVN (TAIR Version #1129):
Note some of these are different than the ones on the live site as TAIR has updated since the last release (in bold).
===week of 02/02/2011===
* apical cell PO:0004000 (2)
*'''fruit septum PO:0005008 (3)'''
*'''carpel septum PO:0005009 (1)'''
* replum PO:0005016 (3)
*'''procambium PO:0006074 (16)'''
PO:0000062 stomatal initial (stomatal meristermoid, stomatal initial cell)
* shoot procambium PO:0006306 (3)
* pollen sac PO:0009070      (9)
*'''microgametophyte PO:0020091  (17,864)'''
PO:0025258 procambial cell
*'''megagametophyte PO:0020092 (40)'''
PO:0025259 leaf procambium
'''Already obsoleted in live version:'''  Why are these still in the TAIR file?
See [http://wiki.plantontology.org:8080/index.php/Summary_of_changes_to_the_Plant_Ontology_Oct2010 Oct 2010 Release]
* pollen tube PO:0006345      (1)
This term was made obsolete because it is a subcellular component. See GO for the term pollen tube (GO:0090406). Since a pollen tube is part_of a pollen tube cell, annotations for pollen tube may also go to the more general term pollen tube cell (PO:0025195).
PO:0025260 shoot axis procambium
* seedling PO:0008037      (5)
This term was obsoleted in the previous release -
Replaced by whole plant growth stage 'seedling growth stage' (PO:0007131) and whole plant (PO:0000003) in the PAO.
xref: OBO_SF_PO:2972241
PO:0000063 leaf procambial cell
po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: move to whole plant PO:0000003
PO:0025261 pericycle cell
po_temporal_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: Copy to this file and replace with seedling growth stage (PO:0007131)
PO:0000064 xylem pole pericycle cell
===PO:0004000 apical cell:===
[http://www.plantontology.org/amigo/go.cgi?view=assoc&search_constraint=terms&depth=0&query=PO:0004000&session_id=1483b1305319929&show_associations=list 2 from TAIR]
PO:0000065 phloem pole pericycle cell
-replaced_by embryonic apical cell (PO:0025284),
===week of 02/09/2011===
po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc:  Move (3) from PO:0004000 to PO:0025284
PO:0025262 ovary septum
===PO:0005008 fruit septum:===
[http://www.plantontology.org/amigo/go.cgi?view=assoc&search_constraint=terms&depth=0&query=PO:0005008&session_id=7270b1305319505&show_associations=list 3 from TAIR]
PO:0025263 locule
-consider fruit septum (PO:0025268) or fruit replum (PO:0025267);
PO:0025265 sporangium locule
-annotations for Arabidopsis should go to fruit replum, because it does not have a septum.
PO:0025264 anther locule
po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: move 3 from PO:0005008 to PO:0025267
PO:0025266 ovary locule
===PO:0005009 carpel septum:===
[http://www.plantontology.org/amigo/go.cgi?view=assoc&search_constraint=terms&depth=0&query=PO:0005009&session_id=1168b1305319408&show_associations=list 1 from TAIR]
PO:0025267 fruit replum
-consider ovary septum (PO:0025262) or ovary replum (PO:0025272)
PO:0025268 fruit septum
-annotations for Arabidopsis should go to ovary replum, because it does not have a septum.
PO:0025269 collective organ part structure
po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: Move 1 from PO:0005009 to ovary replum PO:0025272
===week of 02/16/2011===
===PO:0005016 replum:===
[http://www.plantontology.org/amigo/go.cgi?view=assoc&search_constraint=terms&depth=0&query=PO:0005016&session_id=3879b1305319571&show_associations=list 3 from TAIR]
PO:0025270 fruit locule
-'''consider: ovary replum (PO:0025272):''' A portion of ovary placenta tissue that divides an ovary into two or more chambers and develops from contact of the placental tissue from opposite sides of the ovary early in gynoecium development
-'''consider: fruit replum (PO:0025267):''' A portion of fruit placenta tissue that divides a fruit into two or more chambers and develops from a replum. [source: POC:rw]
PO:0025271 spore capsule locule
Comment: A fruit replum develops from the ovary replum and has no suture line in its center, while a fruit septum (PO:0025262) develops from an ovary septum via the fusion of two adjacent ovary walls. Common in Brassicaceae.
PO:0025272 ovary replum
Annotations for Arabidopsis fruit should go here, and not under fruit septum.
PO:0025273 stem procambium
* TAIR should check existing annotation to see where they should go (are they from a mature fruit or a gynoecium? See: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17592013?dopt=Abstract)
PO:0025274 branch procambium
===week of 02/23/2011===
po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: move 3 from PO:0005016 replum to  ovary replum PO:0025272
PO:0025275 procambium
===PO:0006074 procambium:===
[http://www.plantontology.org/amigo/go.cgi?view=assoc&search_constraint=terms&depth=0&query=PO:0006074&session_id=5380b1305319690&show_associations=list 16 from TAIR]
-replaced_by procambium PO:0025275
PO:0025276 shoot procambium
po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: move 16 from PO:0006074 to PO:0025275
PO:0025277 pollen sac
===PO:0006306 shoot procambium:===
[http://www.plantontology.org/amigo/go.cgi?view=assoc&search_constraint=terms&depth=0&query=PO:0006306&session_id=5380b1305319690&show_associations=list 3 from TAIR]
-replaced_by shoot procambium (PO:0025276);
PO:0025278 rhizome scale leaf
po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: Move 3 from PO:0006306 to PO:0025276
===week of 3/8/11===
===PO:0009070 pollen sac:===
[http://www.plantontology.org/amigo/go.cgi?view=assoc&search_constraint=terms&depth=0&query=PO:0009070&session_id=2023b1305319861&show_associations=list 9 from TAIR]
PO:0030001 chloronema cell
-replaced_by pollen sac (PO:0025277);
PO:0030002 caulonema cell
po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: Move 9 from PO:0009070 to PO:0025277
PO:0030003 protonema
===PO:0020092 megagametophyte:===
[http://www.plantontology.org/amigo/go.cgi?view=assoc&search_constraint=terms&depth=0&query=PO:0020092&session_id=7024b1305319991&show_associations=list 29 from TAIR, 8+2 from MaizeGDB, 1 from Gramene]
PO:0030004 chloronema
-'''consider megagametophyte (PO:0025279):''' A whole plant in the gametophytic phase that produces only egg cells. exact synonym: female gametophyte
PO:0030005 caulonema
Comment: Megagametophytes in bryophytes only produce egg cells, but do not develop from megaspores, because there is no heterospory in bryophytes. In some pteridophytes, megagametophytes develop from megaspores. In angiosperms, Gnetum, and Weltwischia, the megagametophyte is greatly reduced. The megagametophyte in angiosperms is an embryo sac.
-'''consider embryo sac (PO:0025074):''' A megagametophyte that is located in an ovule in an ovary.  Comment: Produces an embryo sac egg cell.
PO:0030006 protonema phase
-'''consider archegonium microgametophyte (PO:0025282):'''A megagametophyte that has as parts one or more archegonia.
===week of 3/22/11===
Comment: Megagametophytes in bryophytes only produce egg cells, but do not develop from megaspores, because there is no heterospory in bryophytes. In some pteridophytes, megagametophytes develop from megaspores.
PO:0025279 megagametophyte
PO:0025280 microgametophyte
-These annotations should probably go to embryo sac. Embryo sac was a synonym of the obsolete term megagametophyte.
PO:0030007 apical cell
po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: Move 29 from PO:0020092 to embryo sac PO:0025074
PO:0030008 root apical cell
po_anatomy_gene_oryza_gramene.assoc: Move 1
PO:0030009 shoot apical cell
po_anatomy_gene_zea_MaizeGDB.assoc: Move 8
PO:0030010 shoot axis apical cell
po_anatomy_stock_zea_MaizeGDB_Stock.assoc: Move 2
PO:0030011 leaf apical cell
po_anatomy_zea_MaizeGDB_Stock.assoc: Move 2
PO:0030012 vascular leaf apical cell
===PO:0020091 (w/ alternate id PO:0020007) microgametophyte:===
[http://www.plantontology.org/amigo/go.cgi?session_id=3800b1305320136&view=assoc&search_constraint=terms&query=PO:0020091&page=262 17,864]
PO:0030013 non-vascular leaf apical cell
-comment: original terms for megagametophyte and microgametophyte were created with angiosperms in mind, wanted to make broader definition
PO:0030014 gametophytic apical cell
PO:0030015 sporophytic apical cell
-'''Consider microgametophyte (PO:0025280):''' A whole plant in the gametophytic phase that produces only sperm cells. [source: POC:curators]
''PO:0030016 vascular shoot system'' later destroyed
Comment: Microgametophytes in bryophytes only produce sperm cells, but do not develop from microspores, because there is no heterospory in bryophytes. In seed plants the male gametophyte is reduced to a pollen grain.
''PO:0030017 non-vascular shoot system'' later destroyed
-'''Consider pollen (PO:0025281):''' A microgametophyte that is located in a pollen sac; Exact Synonym: pollen grain.  Comment: Produces pollen sperm cells.
PO:0030018 gametophore
-'''Consider antheridium microgametophyte (PO:0025283):''' A microgametophyte that has as parts one or more antheridia.  Exact synonyms: antheridial microgametophyte.
Comment: Microgametophytes in bryophytes only produce sperm cells, but do not develop from microspores, because there is no heterospory in bryophytes. In some pteridophytes, microgametophytes develop from microspores.
PO:0030019 gametophore apical cell
PO:0030020 gametophore axis
-Annotations for angiosperms should probably go to pollen. Pollen and pollen grain were synonyms of the obsolete term microgametophyte.
PO:0030021 gametophore branch
po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: Move ~17,371 from PO:0020091 to PO:0025281
PO:0030022 gametophore stem
po_anatomy_gene_zea_MaizeGDB.assoc: 198
PO:0030023 gametophore axis apical cell
po_anatomy_stock_zea_MaizeGDB.assoc: 120
PO:0030024 vascular shoot axis apical cell
PO:0030025 thallus apical cell
po_anatomy_gene_oryza_gramene.assoc: 9
===week of 3/29/11===
PO:0025281 pollen
po_anatomy_gene_Nicotiana_sgn.assoc: 1
PO:0025282 archegonial megagametophyte
po_anatomy_gene_S.lycopersicum_sgn.assoc: 1
PO:0025283 antheridial microgametophyte
=New terms added by category:=
===week of 4/12/11===
This page is under construction...
gametophore bud (PO:0030026)
===Whole plant growth stages:===
PO:0028002 sporophyte phase
thallus (PO:0030027)
PO:0028003 gametophyte phase
pergonial bract (PO:0030028)
PO:0030006 protonema phase
sporphyte foot (PO:0030029)
===Upper-level PAO terms===
PO:0025269 collective organ part structure
perichaetal bract (PO:0030030)
PO:0030078 rhizoid
gametophytic perianth (PO:0030031)
===Terms for bryophytes and pteridophytes===
(Some of these terms are applicable to seed plants as well)
seta (PO:0030032)
====whole plants====
PO:0025282 archegonium megagametophyte
antheridiophore (PO:0030033)
PO:0025283 antheridium microgametophyte
archegoniaphore (PO:0030034)
PO:0030027 thallus
antheridium stalk (PO:0030035)
====plant organs====
PO:0030020 gametophore axis
archegonium stalk (PO:0030036)
PO:0030021 gametophore branch
spore capsule calyptra (PO:0030037)
PO:0030022 gametophore stem
venter (PO:0030038)
PO:0030028 pergonial bract
archegonium neck(PO:0030039)
PO:0030029 sporphyte foot
sporangium base (PO:0030040)
PO:0030030 perichaetal bract
sporangium theca (PO:0030041)
PO:0030031 gametophytic perianth
peristome (PO:0030042)
PO:0030032 seta
peristome tooth (PO:0030043)
PO:0030033 antheridiophore
spore capsule operculum (PO:0030044)
PO:0030034 archegoniaphore
===week of 4/12/11===
PO:0030055 pseudopodium
callus parenchyma PO:0025285
====plant cells====
PO:0025317 axillary hair terminal cell
embryonic coleoptile PO:0025286
PO:0025319 axillary hair basal cell
seedling coleoptile PO:0025287
PO:0030001 chloronema cell
embryonic coleorhiza PO:0025288
PO:0030002 caulonema cell
seedling coleorhiza PO:0025289
PO:0030007 apical cell
embryonic hypocotyl PO:0025290
PO:0030008 root apical cell
seedling hypocotyl PO:0025291
PO:0030009 shoot apical cell
portion of axial tissue  (PO:0030046)
PO:0030010 shoot axis apical cell
hydrome (PO:0030047)
PO:0030011 leaf apical cell
leptome (PO:0030048)
PO:0030012 vascular leaf apical cell
portion of plant fiber (PO:0030049)
PO:0030013 non-vascular leaf apical cell
===week of 4/19/11===
PO:0030014 gametophytic apical cell
embryonic coleoptile PO:0025286
PO:0030015 sporophytic apical cell
seedling coleoptile PO:0025287
PO:0030016 seta apical cell
embryonic coleorhiza PO:0025288
PO:0030019 gametophore apical cell
seedling coleorhiza PO:0025289
PO:0030023 gametophore axis apical cell
embryonic hypocotyl PO:0025290
PO:0030024 vascular shoot axis apical cell
seedling hypocotyl PO:0025291
PO:0030025 thallus apical cell
embryonic epicotyl (PO:0025292)
PO:0030045 stereid
seedling epicotyl (PO:0025293)
PO:0030046 protonema meristematic apical cell
embryonic mesocotyl (PO:0025294)
PO:0030052 antheridium jacket layer cell
seedling mesocotyl (PO:0025295)
PO:0030056 archesporial cell
embryonic radicle (PO:0025296)
PO:0030057 alar cell
seedling radicle (PO:0025297)
PO:0030058 brachycyte
spore capsule mouth PO:0030017
PO:0030059 tmema cell
epiphragm PO:0030054
PO:0030062 gametophore axillary hair terminal cell
pseudopodium PO:0030055
PO:0030064 gametophore axillary hair basal cell
stereid PO:0030045
PO:0030065 archegonium neck canal cell
stereome PO:0030050
PO:0030067 protonema side branch initial
central strand PO:0030051
PO:0030068 epidermal rhizoid initial
vascular cell PO:0030052 -- wrong number
PO:0030077 protonemal side branch rhizoid initial
fiber cell PO:0030053 -- wrong number
PO:0030080 rhizoid meristematic apical cell
seta apical cell PO:0030016
PO:0030081 caulonema meristematic apical cell  
fruit operculum PO:0025298
PO:0030082 chloronema meristematic apical cell
perianth calyptra PO:0025299
PO:0030083 gametophore bud initial
embryonic hypocotyl-root junction PO:0025300
PO:0030086 protonema sub-apical initial
seedling hypocotyl-root junction PO:0025301
PO:0030087 non-vascular leaf initial
===week of 4/26/11===
====portions of plant tissue====
Added child new terms of plant embryo:
PO:0025309 microsporangium endothecium
*somatic plant embryo (PO: 0025302):.
PO:0025310 megasporangium endothecium
* zygotic plant embryo (PO:0025303)
PO:0025311 microsporangium exothecium
* cultured zygote-derived plant embryo (PO:0025304)
PO:0025312 megasporangium exothecium
*microspore-derived cultured plant embryo (PO:0025305)
PO:0025313 tapetum
PO:0025314 microsporangium tapetum
*cultured somatic plant embryo (PO:0000011)
PO:0025315 megasporangium tapetum
* nucellar plant embryo (formerly adventitious embryo)(PO:0004537):
PO:0025316 axillary hair
==Terms made obsolete==
PO:0025318 axillary hair base
PO:0005009 carpel septum, consider ovary septum (PO:0025262) or replum (PO:0005016)
PO:0030003 protonema
PO:0005008 obsolete fruit septum, consider fruit septum (PO:0025268) or fruit replum (PO:0025267)
PO:0030004 chloronema
--the two terms above were made obsolete because their definitions we ambiguous, and they had annotations from Arabidopsis that should have been on replum.
PO:0030005 caulonema
PO:0005016 replum, consider ovary replum (PO:0025272) and fruit replum (PO:0025267). TAIR should check existing annotation to see where they should go.
PO:0030047 hydrome
PO:0006074 obsolete procambium, replaced_by procambium (PO:0025275)
PO:0030048 leptome
PO:0006306 obsolete shoot procambium, replaced_by procambium (PO:0025276)
PO:0030049 sporangium wall endothecium
PO:0009070 obsolete pollen sac, replaced_by pollen sac (PO:0025277)
PO:0030050 stereome
PO:0020092 obsolete megagametophyte, was created with angiosperms in mind, want to make broader definition, replaced_by megagametophyte (PO:0025279)
PO:0030051 central strand
PO:0020091 w/ alternate id PO:0020007 obsolete microgametophyte, was created with angiosperms in mind, want to make broader definition, replaced_by microgametophyte. (PO:0025280)
PO:0030053 antheridium jacket layer
PO:0004000 obsolete apical cell, replaced_by embryonic apical cell (PO:0025284).
PO:0030054 epiphragm
PO:0000081 axial cell. May re-add it -- waiting for POC meeting decision
PO:0030060 gametophore axillary hair
PO:0030061 tmema
PO:0030063 gametophore axillary hair base
PO:0030069 paraphyllium
PO:0030070 paraphysis
PO:0030072 costa
PO:0030073 exothecium
PO:0030074 archesporium
PO:0030084 amphithecium
PO:0030085 protosporangium endothecium
====cardinal organ parts====
PO:0025306 sporangium wall
PO:0025307 microsporangium wall
PO:0025308 megasporangium wall
PO:0030035 antheridium stalk
PO:0030036 archegonium stalk
PO:0030037 spore capsule calyptra
PO:0030038 venter
PO:0030039 archegonium neck
PO:0030040 sporangium base
PO:0030041 sporangium theca
PO:0030042 peristome
PO:0030043 peristome tooth
PO:0030044 spore capsule operculum
PO:0030066 archegonium neck canal
PO:0030075 antheridium head
PO:0030076 achegonium head
====collective plant structures====
PO:0030018 gametophore
PO:0030026 gametophore bud
====Plant anatomical spaces====
PO:0030017 spore capsule mouth
PO:0025322 hydathode pore
PO:0030071 epidermal rhizoid
PO:0030079 protonemal rhizoid
===embryo and seedling plant structures===
PO:0025284 embryo apical cell
PO:0025285 callus parenchyma cell
PO:0025286 embryo coleoptile
PO:0025287 seedling coleoptile
PO:0025288 embryo coleorhiza
PO:0025289 seedling coleorhiza
PO:0025290 embryo hypocotyl
PO:0025291 seedling hypocotyl
PO:0025292 embryo epicotyl
PO:0025293 seedling epicotyl
PO:0025294 embryo mesocotyl
PO:0025295 seedling mesocotyl
PO:0025296 embryo radicle
PO:0025297 seedling radicle
PO:0025300 embryo hypocotyl-root junction
PO:0025301 seedling hypocotyl-root junction
PO:0025302 somatic plant embryo
PO:0025303 zygotic plant embryo
PO:0025304 cultured zygote-derived plant embryo
PO:0025305 microspore-derived cultured plant embryo
===Stomatal terms===
PO:0000062 stomatal initial (stomatal meristermoid)
PO:0025217 carpel stomatal complex
PO:0025218 petal stomatal complex
PO:0025219 sepal stomatal complex
PO:0025220 stamen stomatal complex
PO:0025221 tepal stomatal complex
===in vitro plant structures ===
PO:0025304 cultured zygote-derived plant embryo
PO:0025305 microspore-derived cultured plant embryo
====plant organs====
PO:0025277 pollen sac
PO:0025278 rhizome scale leaf
====plant cells====
PO:0000063 leaf procambial cell
PO:0000064 xylem pole pericycle cell
PO:0000065 phloem pole pericycle cell
PO:0025256 lateral root elongation zone
PO:0025257 primary root elongation zone
PO:0025258 procambial cell
PO:0025261 pericycle cell
PO:0030008 root apical cell
PO:0030012 vascular leaf apical cell
====portions of plant tissue====
PO:0025259 leaf procambium
PO:0025260 shoot axis procambium
PO:0025273 stem procambium
PO:0025274 branch procambium
PO:0025275 procambium
PO:0025276 shoot procambium
====cardinal organ parts====
PO:0025298 fruit operculum
PO:0025299 perianth calyptra
PO:0025321 cotyledonary node
PO:0025262 ovary septum
PO:0025263 locule
PO:0025264 sporangium locule
PO:0025265 anther locule
PO:0025266 ovary locule
PO:0025267 fruit replum
PO:0025268 fruit septum
PO:0025270 fruit locule
PO:0025271 spore capsule locule
PO:0025272 ovary replum
PO:0025279 megagametophyte
PO:0025280 microgametophyte
PO:0025281 pollen
PO:0025320 cotyledonary node rhizoid
===Terms that replace obsoleted terms:===
(These are duplicated in the lists above)
ovary septum (PO:0025262) or replum (PO:0005016) replaces PO:0005009 carpel septum,
fruit septum (PO:0025268) or fruit replum (PO:0025267) replaces PO:0005008 obsolete fruit septum
ovary replum (PO:0025272) or fruit replum (PO:0025267) replaces PO:0005016 replum
procambium (PO:0025275) replaces PO:0006074 obsolete procambium
shoot procambium (PO:0025276) replaces PO:0006306 obsolete shoot procambium
pollen sac (PO:0025277) replaces PO:0009070 obsolete pollen sac
megagametophyte (PO:0025279) replaces PO:0020092 obsolete megagametophyte
microgametophyte (PO:0025280) replaces PO:0020091 w/ alternate id PO:0020007 obsolete microgametophyte
embryo apical cell (PO:0025284) replaces PO:0004000 apical cell
==Merged terms==
==Merged terms==
Line 294: Line 552:
Merged spore capsule locule (PO:0025271) into sporangium locule (PO:0025265).
Merged spore capsule locule (PO:0025271) into sporangium locule (PO:0025265).
==New Terms in numerical order (12/2010-5/2011 ):==
PO:0000062 stomatal initial (stomatal meristermoid)
PO:0000063 leaf procambial cell
PO:0000064 xylem pole pericycle cell
PO:0000065 phloem pole pericycle cell
PO:0028002 sporophyte phase
PO:0028003 gametophyte phase
PO:0025217 carpel stomatal complex
PO:0025218 petal stomatal complex
PO:0025219 sepal stomatal complex
PO:0025220 stamen stomatal complex
PO:0025221 tepal stomatal complex
PO:0025256 lateral root elongation zone
PO:0025257 primary root elongation zone
PO:0025258 procambial cell
PO:0025259 leaf procambium
PO:0025260 shoot axis procambium
PO:0025261 pericycle cell
PO:0025262 ovary septum
PO:0025263 locule
PO:0025264 sporangium locule
PO:0025265 anther locule
PO:0025266 ovary locule
PO:0025267 fruit replum
PO:0025268 fruit septum
PO:0025269 collective organ part structure
PO:0025270 fruit locule
PO:0025271 spore capsule locule
PO:0025272 ovary replum
PO:0025273 stem procambium
PO:0025274 branch procambium
PO:0025275 procambium
PO:0025276 shoot procambium
PO:0025277 pollen sac
PO:0025278 rhizome scale leaf
PO:0025279 megagametophyte
PO:0025280 microgametophyte
PO:0025281 pollen
PO:0025282 archegonium megagametophyte
PO:0025283 antheridium microgametophyte
PO:0025284 embryo apical cell
PO:0025285 callus parenchyma cell
PO:0025286 embryo coleoptile
PO:0025287 seedling coleoptile
PO:0025288 embryo coleorhiza
PO:0025289 seedling coleorhiza
PO:0025290 embryo hypocotyl
PO:0025291 seedling hypocotyl
PO:0025292 embryo epicotyl
PO:0025293 seedling epicotyl
PO:0025294 embryo mesocotyl
PO:0025295 seedling mesocotyl
PO:0025296 embryo radicle
PO:0025297 seedling radicle
PO:0025298 fruit operculum
PO:0025299 perianth calyptra
PO:0025300 embryo hypocotyl-root junction
PO:0025301 seedling hypocotyl-root junction
PO:0025302 somatic plant embryo
PO:0025303 zygotic plant embryo
PO:0025304 cultured zygote-derived plant embryo
PO:0025305 microspore-derived cultured plant embryo
PO:0025306 sporangium wall
PO:0025307 microsporangium wall
PO:0025308 megasporangium wall
PO:0025309 microsporangium endothecium
PO:0025310 megasporangium endothecium
PO:0025311 microsporangium exothecium
PO:0025312 megasporangium exothecium
PO:0025313 tapetum
PO:0025314 microsporangium tapetum
PO:0025315 megasporangium tapetum
PO:0025316 axillary hair
PO:0025317 axillary hair terminal cell
PO:0025318 axillary hair base
PO:0025319 axillary hair basal cell
PO:0025320 cotyledonary node rhizoid
PO:0025321 cotyledonary node
PO:0025322 hydathode pore
PO:0030001 chloronema cell
PO:0030002 caulonema cell
PO:0030003 protonema
PO:0030004 chloronema
PO:0030005 caulonema
PO:0030006 protonema phase
PO:0030007 apical cell
PO:0030008 root apical cell
PO:0030009 shoot apical cell
PO:0030010 shoot axis apical cell
PO:0030011 leaf apical cell
PO:0030012 vascular leaf apical cell
PO:0030013 non-vascular leaf apical cell
PO:0030014 gametophytic apical cell
PO:0030015 sporophytic apical cell
PO:0030016 seta apical cell
PO:0030017 spore capsule mouth
PO:0030018 gametophore
PO:0030019 gametophore apical cell
PO:0030020 gametophore axis
PO:0030021 gametophore branch
PO:0030022 gametophore stem
PO:0030023 gametophore axis apical cell
PO:0030024 vascular shoot axis apical cell
PO:0030025 thallus apical cell
PO:0030026 gametophore bud
PO:0030027 thallus
PO:0030028 pergonial bract
PO:0030029 sporphyte foot
PO:0030030 perichaetal bract
PO:0030031 gametophytic perianth
PO:0030032 seta
PO:0030033 antheridiophore
PO:0030034 archegoniaphore
PO:0030035 antheridium stalk
PO:0030036 archegonium stalk
PO:0030037 spore capsule calyptra
PO:0030038 venter
PO:0030039 archegonium neck
PO:0030040 sporangium base
PO:0030041 sporangium theca
PO:0030042 peristome
PO:0030043 peristome tooth
PO:0030044 spore capsule operculum
PO:0030045 stereid PO:0030045
PO:0030046 protonema meristematic apical cell
PO:0030047 hydrome
PO:0030048 leptome
(will move a lot of this to changes page)
PO:0030049 endothecium
TAIR should move annotations that were on PO:0005009 (carpel septum) to PO:0025272 (ovary replum). Should check if annotation from PO:0005016 (replum) belong with ovary replum (PO:0025272) or fruit replum (PO:0025267).
PO:0030050 stereome
Changed primary name of bud scale (PO:0020054) to bud scale leaf.
PO:0030051 central strand
Added "leaf, vascular" and "scale-like leaf" as synonyms of vascular leaf.
PO:0030052 antheridium jacket layer cell
Removed modified aleurone part_of aleurone layer, because it was already is_a aleurone layer.
PO:0030053 antheridium jacket layer  
Added Spanish synonyms for plant cell and plant embryo, but accented characters don't display properly in Amigo.
PO:0030054 epiphragm
Added "portion of … tissue" as synonyms to several tissue types of tissue that had single word names (like epidermis, collenchyma).
PO:0030055 pseudopodium
Changed names of child terms of sporangium/spore capsule:
PO:0030056 archesporial cell
PO:0025093 Moss capsule annulus>spore capsule annulus
PO:0030057 alar cell
PO:0025231 Moss capsule columella>spore capsule columella
PO:0030058 brachycyte
PO:0025229 Moss capsule valve>spore capsule valve
PO:0030059 tmema cell
Added anther lobe as narrow synonym of pollen sac. Was there on the old term, but didn’t get transferred when it was obsoleted and replaced.
PO:0030060 gametophore axillary hair
Made theca is_a collective organ part structure, part of anther, has_part pollen sac.
PO:0030061 tmema
Made microsporocyte part of microsporangium, instead of part of microsporocyte. Made sporocyte part of sporangium.
PO:0030062 gametophore axillary hair terminal cell
Added synonyms to vascular leaf (frond, needle-like leaf) and non-vascular leaf (phyllid, gametophyll, gametophytic leaf).
PO:0030063 gametophore axillary hair base
Moved juvenile, transition and adult leaf from vascular leaf to leaf. Also simple leaf and compound leaf.
PO:0030064 gametophore axillary hair basal cell
Moved leaf aerenchyma, leaf mesophyll, leaf lamina, leaf margin, leaf intercalary meristem and leaf sheath from part_of vascular leaf to part_of leaf.
PO:0030065 archegonium neck canal cell
Moved leaf endodermis from part_of leaf to part_of vascular leaf.\
PO:0030066 archegonium neck canal
Add subsets for bryophytes, pteridophytes and gymnosperms (in addition to angiosperms)
PO:0030067 protonema side branch initial
Add new relation participates_in
PO:0030068 epidermal rhizoid initial
Removed has_part relations from all pairs of terms that has reciprocal has_part/part_of relations
PO:0030069 paraphyllium
Updated definition of radicle. Removed radicle part_of embryo axis, added embryo axis has_part radicle.
PO:0030070 paraphysis
Updated definition of hypocotyl and made it is_a stem internode, instead of is_a cardinal organ part.
PO:0030071 epidermal rhizoid
Updated definition of epicotyl and made it is_a stem internode, instead of is_a embryonic plant structure.
PO:0030072 costa
Made hypocotyl-root junction is_a cardinal organ part. Already part of embryo axis.
PO:0030073 exothecium
Made mesocotyl is_a stem internode. Did not change definition, need to wait for discussion.
PO:0030074 archesporium
Made embryonic leaf is_a leaf, part_of embryo.
PO:0030075 antheridium head
Made plumule is_a terminal bud, part_of embryo.
PO:0030076 achegonium head
Made scutellar node  is_a stem node, part_of embryo axis.
PO:0030077 protonemal side branch rhizoid initial
Added formal relations for: sporophyte replaced_by saprophytic phase and gametophyte replaced by gametophytic phase. Couldn't do this for the previous release because of separate files. Did not add replaced by relation for seedling, b/c there is not seedling phase yet.
PO:0030078 rhizoid
Updated definition of embryo sac.
PO:0030079 protonemal rhizoid
Updated definitions of archegonium egg cell, embryo sac egg cell, antheridium sperm cell, and pollen sperm cell
PO:0030080 rhizoid meristematic apical cell
Added vascular leaf and non-vascular leaf part_of vascular and non-vascular shoot system, respectively.
PO:0030081 caulonema meristematic apical cell
Changed embryo to plant embryo.
PO:0030082 chloronema meristematic apical cell
Removed embryonic axis has_part radicle, has_part hypocotyl, has_part epicotyl, hypocotyl-root junction, has_part root meristem (b/c not true in all plants)
PO:0030083 gametophore bud initial
Added prothallium as narrow synonym of whole plant.
PO:0030084 amphithecium
Added appropriate subsets for apical cell terms and other terms.
PO:0030085 protosporangium endothecium
Changed theca (PO:0009069) to anther theca
PO:0030086 protonema sub-apical initial
Made sporangium (PO:0025094) is_a plant organ instead of is_a cardinal organ part.
PO:0030087 non-vascular leaf initial

Latest revision as of 17:30, 25 May 2011

Back to May_2011_Release_Page

List of Terms made obsolete with associated annotations:

  • Note: Links below go to the annotations on the live browser, will not work after the release

http://wiki.plantontology.org:8080/index.php/Summary_of_changes_to_the_Plant_Ontology_Oct2010 Numbers based on the most recent association files on the SVN (TAIR Version #1129): Note some of these are different than the ones on the live site as TAIR has updated since the last release (in bold).

  • apical cell PO:0004000 (2)
  • fruit septum PO:0005008 (3)
  • carpel septum PO:0005009 (1)
  • replum PO:0005016 (3)
  • procambium PO:0006074 (16)
  • shoot procambium PO:0006306 (3)
  • pollen sac PO:0009070 (9)
  • microgametophyte PO:0020091 (17,864)
  • megagametophyte PO:0020092 (40)

Already obsoleted in live version: Why are these still in the TAIR file? See Oct 2010 Release

  • pollen tube PO:0006345 (1)

This term was made obsolete because it is a subcellular component. See GO for the term pollen tube (GO:0090406). Since a pollen tube is part_of a pollen tube cell, annotations for pollen tube may also go to the more general term pollen tube cell (PO:0025195).

  • seedling PO:0008037 (5)

This term was obsoleted in the previous release - Replaced by whole plant growth stage 'seedling growth stage' (PO:0007131) and whole plant (PO:0000003) in the PAO. xref: OBO_SF_PO:2972241

po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: move to whole plant PO:0000003

po_temporal_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: Copy to this file and replace with seedling growth stage (PO:0007131)

PO:0004000 apical cell:

2 from TAIR

-replaced_by embryonic apical cell (PO:0025284),

po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: Move (3) from PO:0004000 to PO:0025284

PO:0005008 fruit septum:

3 from TAIR

-consider fruit septum (PO:0025268) or fruit replum (PO:0025267);

-annotations for Arabidopsis should go to fruit replum, because it does not have a septum.

po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: move 3 from PO:0005008 to PO:0025267

PO:0005009 carpel septum:

1 from TAIR

-consider ovary septum (PO:0025262) or ovary replum (PO:0025272)

-annotations for Arabidopsis should go to ovary replum, because it does not have a septum.

po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: Move 1 from PO:0005009 to ovary replum PO:0025272

PO:0005016 replum:

3 from TAIR

-consider: ovary replum (PO:0025272): A portion of ovary placenta tissue that divides an ovary into two or more chambers and develops from contact of the placental tissue from opposite sides of the ovary early in gynoecium development

-consider: fruit replum (PO:0025267): A portion of fruit placenta tissue that divides a fruit into two or more chambers and develops from a replum. [source: POC:rw]

Comment: A fruit replum develops from the ovary replum and has no suture line in its center, while a fruit septum (PO:0025262) develops from an ovary septum via the fusion of two adjacent ovary walls. Common in Brassicaceae.

Annotations for Arabidopsis fruit should go here, and not under fruit septum.

po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: move 3 from PO:0005016 replum to ovary replum PO:0025272

PO:0006074 procambium:

16 from TAIR

-replaced_by procambium PO:0025275

po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: move 16 from PO:0006074 to PO:0025275

PO:0006306 shoot procambium:

3 from TAIR

-replaced_by shoot procambium (PO:0025276);

po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: Move 3 from PO:0006306 to PO:0025276

PO:0009070 pollen sac:

9 from TAIR

-replaced_by pollen sac (PO:0025277);

po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: Move 9 from PO:0009070 to PO:0025277

PO:0020092 megagametophyte:

29 from TAIR, 8+2 from MaizeGDB, 1 from Gramene

-consider megagametophyte (PO:0025279): A whole plant in the gametophytic phase that produces only egg cells. exact synonym: female gametophyte

Comment: Megagametophytes in bryophytes only produce egg cells, but do not develop from megaspores, because there is no heterospory in bryophytes. In some pteridophytes, megagametophytes develop from megaspores. In angiosperms, Gnetum, and Weltwischia, the megagametophyte is greatly reduced. The megagametophyte in angiosperms is an embryo sac.

-consider embryo sac (PO:0025074): A megagametophyte that is located in an ovule in an ovary. Comment: Produces an embryo sac egg cell.

-consider archegonium microgametophyte (PO:0025282):A megagametophyte that has as parts one or more archegonia.

Comment: Megagametophytes in bryophytes only produce egg cells, but do not develop from megaspores, because there is no heterospory in bryophytes. In some pteridophytes, megagametophytes develop from megaspores.

-These annotations should probably go to embryo sac. Embryo sac was a synonym of the obsolete term megagametophyte.

po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: Move 29 from PO:0020092 to embryo sac PO:0025074

po_anatomy_gene_oryza_gramene.assoc: Move 1

po_anatomy_gene_zea_MaizeGDB.assoc: Move 8

po_anatomy_stock_zea_MaizeGDB_Stock.assoc: Move 2

po_anatomy_zea_MaizeGDB_Stock.assoc: Move 2

PO:0020091 (w/ alternate id PO:0020007) microgametophyte:


-comment: original terms for megagametophyte and microgametophyte were created with angiosperms in mind, wanted to make broader definition

-Consider microgametophyte (PO:0025280): A whole plant in the gametophytic phase that produces only sperm cells. [source: POC:curators]

Comment: Microgametophytes in bryophytes only produce sperm cells, but do not develop from microspores, because there is no heterospory in bryophytes. In seed plants the male gametophyte is reduced to a pollen grain.

-Consider pollen (PO:0025281): A microgametophyte that is located in a pollen sac; Exact Synonym: pollen grain. Comment: Produces pollen sperm cells.

-Consider antheridium microgametophyte (PO:0025283): A microgametophyte that has as parts one or more antheridia. Exact synonyms: antheridial microgametophyte.

Comment: Microgametophytes in bryophytes only produce sperm cells, but do not develop from microspores, because there is no heterospory in bryophytes. In some pteridophytes, microgametophytes develop from microspores.

-Annotations for angiosperms should probably go to pollen. Pollen and pollen grain were synonyms of the obsolete term microgametophyte.

po_anatomy_gene_arabidopsis_tair.assoc: Move ~17,371 from PO:0020091 to PO:0025281

po_anatomy_gene_zea_MaizeGDB.assoc: 198

po_anatomy_stock_zea_MaizeGDB.assoc: 120


po_anatomy_gene_oryza_gramene.assoc: 9


po_anatomy_gene_Nicotiana_sgn.assoc: 1

po_anatomy_gene_S.lycopersicum_sgn.assoc: 1

New terms added by category:

This page is under construction...

Whole plant growth stages:

PO:0028002 sporophyte phase

PO:0028003 gametophyte phase

PO:0030006 protonema phase

Upper-level PAO terms

PO:0025269 collective organ part structure

PO:0030078 rhizoid

Terms for bryophytes and pteridophytes

(Some of these terms are applicable to seed plants as well)

whole plants

PO:0025282 archegonium megagametophyte

PO:0025283 antheridium microgametophyte

PO:0030027 thallus

plant organs

PO:0030020 gametophore axis

PO:0030021 gametophore branch

PO:0030022 gametophore stem

PO:0030028 pergonial bract

PO:0030029 sporphyte foot

PO:0030030 perichaetal bract

PO:0030031 gametophytic perianth

PO:0030032 seta

PO:0030033 antheridiophore

PO:0030034 archegoniaphore

PO:0030055 pseudopodium

plant cells

PO:0025317 axillary hair terminal cell

PO:0025319 axillary hair basal cell

PO:0030001 chloronema cell

PO:0030002 caulonema cell

PO:0030007 apical cell

PO:0030008 root apical cell

PO:0030009 shoot apical cell

PO:0030010 shoot axis apical cell

PO:0030011 leaf apical cell

PO:0030012 vascular leaf apical cell

PO:0030013 non-vascular leaf apical cell

PO:0030014 gametophytic apical cell

PO:0030015 sporophytic apical cell

PO:0030016 seta apical cell

PO:0030019 gametophore apical cell

PO:0030023 gametophore axis apical cell

PO:0030024 vascular shoot axis apical cell

PO:0030025 thallus apical cell

PO:0030045 stereid

PO:0030046 protonema meristematic apical cell

PO:0030052 antheridium jacket layer cell

PO:0030056 archesporial cell

PO:0030057 alar cell

PO:0030058 brachycyte

PO:0030059 tmema cell

PO:0030062 gametophore axillary hair terminal cell

PO:0030064 gametophore axillary hair basal cell

PO:0030065 archegonium neck canal cell

PO:0030067 protonema side branch initial

PO:0030068 epidermal rhizoid initial

PO:0030077 protonemal side branch rhizoid initial

PO:0030080 rhizoid meristematic apical cell

PO:0030081 caulonema meristematic apical cell

PO:0030082 chloronema meristematic apical cell

PO:0030083 gametophore bud initial

PO:0030086 protonema sub-apical initial

PO:0030087 non-vascular leaf initial

portions of plant tissue

PO:0025309 microsporangium endothecium

PO:0025310 megasporangium endothecium

PO:0025311 microsporangium exothecium

PO:0025312 megasporangium exothecium

PO:0025313 tapetum

PO:0025314 microsporangium tapetum

PO:0025315 megasporangium tapetum

PO:0025316 axillary hair

PO:0025318 axillary hair base

PO:0030003 protonema

PO:0030004 chloronema

PO:0030005 caulonema

PO:0030047 hydrome

PO:0030048 leptome

PO:0030049 sporangium wall endothecium

PO:0030050 stereome

PO:0030051 central strand

PO:0030053 antheridium jacket layer

PO:0030054 epiphragm

PO:0030060 gametophore axillary hair

PO:0030061 tmema

PO:0030063 gametophore axillary hair base

PO:0030069 paraphyllium

PO:0030070 paraphysis

PO:0030072 costa

PO:0030073 exothecium

PO:0030074 archesporium

PO:0030084 amphithecium

PO:0030085 protosporangium endothecium

cardinal organ parts

PO:0025306 sporangium wall

PO:0025307 microsporangium wall

PO:0025308 megasporangium wall

PO:0030035 antheridium stalk

PO:0030036 archegonium stalk

PO:0030037 spore capsule calyptra

PO:0030038 venter

PO:0030039 archegonium neck

PO:0030040 sporangium base

PO:0030041 sporangium theca

PO:0030042 peristome

PO:0030043 peristome tooth

PO:0030044 spore capsule operculum

PO:0030066 archegonium neck canal

PO:0030075 antheridium head

PO:0030076 achegonium head

collective plant structures

PO:0030018 gametophore

PO:0030026 gametophore bud

Plant anatomical spaces

PO:0030017 spore capsule mouth

PO:0025322 hydathode pore


PO:0030071 epidermal rhizoid

PO:0030079 protonemal rhizoid

embryo and seedling plant structures

PO:0025284 embryo apical cell

PO:0025285 callus parenchyma cell

PO:0025286 embryo coleoptile

PO:0025287 seedling coleoptile

PO:0025288 embryo coleorhiza

PO:0025289 seedling coleorhiza

PO:0025290 embryo hypocotyl

PO:0025291 seedling hypocotyl

PO:0025292 embryo epicotyl

PO:0025293 seedling epicotyl

PO:0025294 embryo mesocotyl

PO:0025295 seedling mesocotyl

PO:0025296 embryo radicle

PO:0025297 seedling radicle

PO:0025300 embryo hypocotyl-root junction

PO:0025301 seedling hypocotyl-root junction

PO:0025302 somatic plant embryo

PO:0025303 zygotic plant embryo

PO:0025304 cultured zygote-derived plant embryo

PO:0025305 microspore-derived cultured plant embryo

Stomatal terms

PO:0000062 stomatal initial (stomatal meristermoid)

PO:0025217 carpel stomatal complex

PO:0025218 petal stomatal complex

PO:0025219 sepal stomatal complex

PO:0025220 stamen stomatal complex

PO:0025221 tepal stomatal complex

in vitro plant structures

PO:0025304 cultured zygote-derived plant embryo

PO:0025305 microspore-derived cultured plant embryo


plant organs

PO:0025277 pollen sac

PO:0025278 rhizome scale leaf

plant cells

PO:0000063 leaf procambial cell

PO:0000064 xylem pole pericycle cell

PO:0000065 phloem pole pericycle cell

PO:0025256 lateral root elongation zone

PO:0025257 primary root elongation zone

PO:0025258 procambial cell

PO:0025261 pericycle cell

PO:0030008 root apical cell

PO:0030012 vascular leaf apical cell

portions of plant tissue

PO:0025259 leaf procambium

PO:0025260 shoot axis procambium

PO:0025273 stem procambium

PO:0025274 branch procambium

PO:0025275 procambium

PO:0025276 shoot procambium

cardinal organ parts

PO:0025298 fruit operculum

PO:0025299 perianth calyptra

PO:0025321 cotyledonary node


PO:0025262 ovary septum

PO:0025263 locule

PO:0025264 sporangium locule

PO:0025265 anther locule

PO:0025266 ovary locule

PO:0025267 fruit replum

PO:0025268 fruit septum

PO:0025270 fruit locule

PO:0025271 spore capsule locule

PO:0025272 ovary replum

PO:0025279 megagametophyte

PO:0025280 microgametophyte

PO:0025281 pollen

PO:0025320 cotyledonary node rhizoid

Terms that replace obsoleted terms:

(These are duplicated in the lists above)

ovary septum (PO:0025262) or replum (PO:0005016) replaces PO:0005009 carpel septum,

fruit septum (PO:0025268) or fruit replum (PO:0025267) replaces PO:0005008 obsolete fruit septum

ovary replum (PO:0025272) or fruit replum (PO:0025267) replaces PO:0005016 replum

procambium (PO:0025275) replaces PO:0006074 obsolete procambium

shoot procambium (PO:0025276) replaces PO:0006306 obsolete shoot procambium

pollen sac (PO:0025277) replaces PO:0009070 obsolete pollen sac

megagametophyte (PO:0025279) replaces PO:0020092 obsolete megagametophyte

microgametophyte (PO:0025280) replaces PO:0020091 w/ alternate id PO:0020007 obsolete microgametophyte

embryo apical cell (PO:0025284) replaces PO:0004000 apical cell

Merged terms

meristemoid (PO:0000070) was merged into intial cell (PO:0004011)

fruit aleurone layer (PO:0008004) was merged into aleurone layer (PO:0005360). Removed part_of fruit relation, because it was redundant with part_of endosperm relation.

Merged moss capsule (PO:0025232) into sporangium (PO:0025094). Added spore capsule as exact synonym.

Merged spore capsule locule (PO:0025271) into sporangium locule (PO:0025265).

New Terms in numerical order (12/2010-5/2011 ):

PO:0000062 stomatal initial (stomatal meristermoid)

PO:0000063 leaf procambial cell

PO:0000064 xylem pole pericycle cell

PO:0000065 phloem pole pericycle cell

PO:0028002 sporophyte phase

PO:0028003 gametophyte phase

PO:0025217 carpel stomatal complex

PO:0025218 petal stomatal complex

PO:0025219 sepal stomatal complex

PO:0025220 stamen stomatal complex

PO:0025221 tepal stomatal complex

PO:0025256 lateral root elongation zone

PO:0025257 primary root elongation zone

PO:0025258 procambial cell

PO:0025259 leaf procambium

PO:0025260 shoot axis procambium

PO:0025261 pericycle cell

PO:0025262 ovary septum

PO:0025263 locule

PO:0025264 sporangium locule

PO:0025265 anther locule

PO:0025266 ovary locule

PO:0025267 fruit replum

PO:0025268 fruit septum

PO:0025269 collective organ part structure

PO:0025270 fruit locule

PO:0025271 spore capsule locule

PO:0025272 ovary replum

PO:0025273 stem procambium

PO:0025274 branch procambium

PO:0025275 procambium

PO:0025276 shoot procambium

PO:0025277 pollen sac

PO:0025278 rhizome scale leaf

PO:0025279 megagametophyte

PO:0025280 microgametophyte

PO:0025281 pollen

PO:0025282 archegonium megagametophyte

PO:0025283 antheridium microgametophyte

PO:0025284 embryo apical cell

PO:0025285 callus parenchyma cell

PO:0025286 embryo coleoptile

PO:0025287 seedling coleoptile

PO:0025288 embryo coleorhiza

PO:0025289 seedling coleorhiza

PO:0025290 embryo hypocotyl

PO:0025291 seedling hypocotyl

PO:0025292 embryo epicotyl

PO:0025293 seedling epicotyl

PO:0025294 embryo mesocotyl

PO:0025295 seedling mesocotyl

PO:0025296 embryo radicle

PO:0025297 seedling radicle

PO:0025298 fruit operculum

PO:0025299 perianth calyptra

PO:0025300 embryo hypocotyl-root junction

PO:0025301 seedling hypocotyl-root junction

PO:0025302 somatic plant embryo

PO:0025303 zygotic plant embryo

PO:0025304 cultured zygote-derived plant embryo

PO:0025305 microspore-derived cultured plant embryo

PO:0025306 sporangium wall

PO:0025307 microsporangium wall

PO:0025308 megasporangium wall

PO:0025309 microsporangium endothecium

PO:0025310 megasporangium endothecium

PO:0025311 microsporangium exothecium

PO:0025312 megasporangium exothecium

PO:0025313 tapetum

PO:0025314 microsporangium tapetum

PO:0025315 megasporangium tapetum

PO:0025316 axillary hair

PO:0025317 axillary hair terminal cell

PO:0025318 axillary hair base

PO:0025319 axillary hair basal cell

PO:0025320 cotyledonary node rhizoid

PO:0025321 cotyledonary node

PO:0025322 hydathode pore

PO:0030001 chloronema cell

PO:0030002 caulonema cell

PO:0030003 protonema

PO:0030004 chloronema

PO:0030005 caulonema

PO:0030006 protonema phase

PO:0030007 apical cell

PO:0030008 root apical cell

PO:0030009 shoot apical cell

PO:0030010 shoot axis apical cell

PO:0030011 leaf apical cell

PO:0030012 vascular leaf apical cell

PO:0030013 non-vascular leaf apical cell

PO:0030014 gametophytic apical cell

PO:0030015 sporophytic apical cell

PO:0030016 seta apical cell

PO:0030017 spore capsule mouth

PO:0030018 gametophore

PO:0030019 gametophore apical cell

PO:0030020 gametophore axis

PO:0030021 gametophore branch

PO:0030022 gametophore stem

PO:0030023 gametophore axis apical cell

PO:0030024 vascular shoot axis apical cell

PO:0030025 thallus apical cell

PO:0030026 gametophore bud

PO:0030027 thallus

PO:0030028 pergonial bract

PO:0030029 sporphyte foot

PO:0030030 perichaetal bract

PO:0030031 gametophytic perianth

PO:0030032 seta

PO:0030033 antheridiophore

PO:0030034 archegoniaphore

PO:0030035 antheridium stalk

PO:0030036 archegonium stalk

PO:0030037 spore capsule calyptra

PO:0030038 venter

PO:0030039 archegonium neck

PO:0030040 sporangium base

PO:0030041 sporangium theca

PO:0030042 peristome

PO:0030043 peristome tooth

PO:0030044 spore capsule operculum

PO:0030045 stereid PO:0030045

PO:0030046 protonema meristematic apical cell

PO:0030047 hydrome

PO:0030048 leptome

PO:0030049 endothecium

PO:0030050 stereome

PO:0030051 central strand

PO:0030052 antheridium jacket layer cell

PO:0030053 antheridium jacket layer

PO:0030054 epiphragm

PO:0030055 pseudopodium

PO:0030056 archesporial cell

PO:0030057 alar cell

PO:0030058 brachycyte

PO:0030059 tmema cell

PO:0030060 gametophore axillary hair

PO:0030061 tmema

PO:0030062 gametophore axillary hair terminal cell

PO:0030063 gametophore axillary hair base

PO:0030064 gametophore axillary hair basal cell

PO:0030065 archegonium neck canal cell

PO:0030066 archegonium neck canal

PO:0030067 protonema side branch initial

PO:0030068 epidermal rhizoid initial

PO:0030069 paraphyllium

PO:0030070 paraphysis

PO:0030071 epidermal rhizoid

PO:0030072 costa

PO:0030073 exothecium

PO:0030074 archesporium

PO:0030075 antheridium head

PO:0030076 achegonium head

PO:0030077 protonemal side branch rhizoid initial

PO:0030078 rhizoid

PO:0030079 protonemal rhizoid

PO:0030080 rhizoid meristematic apical cell

PO:0030081 caulonema meristematic apical cell

PO:0030082 chloronema meristematic apical cell

PO:0030083 gametophore bud initial

PO:0030084 amphithecium

PO:0030085 protosporangium endothecium

PO:0030086 protonema sub-apical initial

PO:0030087 non-vascular leaf initial