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=[https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3519674&group_id=76834&atid=835557 New children of anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000017)]=
=[https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3519674&group_id=76834&atid=835557 New children of anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000017)]=
===plant structure anatomy and morphology trait:===
==shoot system anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000077) and new child terms:==
* [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3529551&group_id=76834&atid=835557 bud anatomy and mophology trait (TO:0000789)]:A shoot system anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000077) which is associated with a bud (PO:0000055).
** axillary bud anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000790): A bud anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000789) which is associated with an axillary bud (PO:0004709).
*** axillary bud size (TO:0000791): An axillary bud anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000790) which is associated with the size of an axillary bud (PO:0004709). Refer to PATO:0000117
*** axillary bud number (TO:0000792): An axillary bud anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000790) which is associated with the number of axillary buds (PO:0004709) on a stalk or stem. Refer to number PATO:0001056
*** axillary bud shape (TO:0000793): An axillary bud anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000790) which is associated with the shape of an axillary bud (PO:0004709). Refer to shape PATO:0000052
*** axillary bud prominence (TO:0000794): An axillary bud anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000790) which is associated with the prominence of an axillary bud (PO:0004709). Refer to prominent PATO:0014820
* reproductive shoot system anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000786): A shoot system anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000077) that is associated with an reproductive shoot system (PO:0025082).
** inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373): A reproductive shoot system anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000786) that is associated with an inflorescence (PO:0009049).
*** inflorescence branching (TO:0000050): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the extent of branching usually sets the tone for shape and compactness of the inflorescence (PO:0009049).
**** inflorescence branch arrangement (TO:0002751): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the arrangement of inflorescence branches (PO:0009081).
*** inflorescence color (TO:0000581): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the color of an inflorescence (PO:0009049).
*** inflorescence exsertion (TO:0001002): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the exsertion of an inflorescence (PO:0009049).
*** inflorescence height (TO:0000682): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the height of an inflorescence (PO:0009049) measured from ground to the attachment point.
*** inflorescence number (TO:0000582): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the average number of inflorescence (PO:0009049) per plant in a study.
*** inflorescence shape (TO:0000268): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the shape of an inflorescence (PO:0009049).
*** inflorescence size (TO:0006031): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the variation in size of inflorescence (PO:0009049).
*** inflorescence type (TO:0000267): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the variation in the type of inflorescence, wither due to extent and number of branching, branch angles or modified form of the inflorescence (PO:0009049).
*** panicle anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000847): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with a panicle.
**** panicle base to lowest branch (TO:0000545): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the length of the region between the panicle base to the lowest (the first)  primary panicle branch.
**** panicle compactness and shape (TO:0020001): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the compactness and shape of a panicle.
**** panicle threshability (TO:0000406): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the percentage of shattered grains, determined by firmly grasping and pulling the hand over the panicle.
*** spikelet anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000657): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with changes in the anatomy or structure of the spikelet (PO:0009051) and its parts.
*** flower anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000499): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with a flower (PO:0009046).
**** flower shape (TO:0000859): A flower anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000499) which is associated with the shape of a flower (PO:0009046). Refer to shape (PATO:0000052)
**** floret anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000274): A flower anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000499) which is associated with changes in the anatomy or structure of the grass floret and its parts.
*** [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3529222&group_id=76834&atid=835557 tassel inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000788)]: An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) that is associated with a tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126).
**** tassel inflorescence color (TO:0000795): A tassel inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000788) which is associated with the color of a tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126). Refer to color PATO:0000014
**** tassel inflorescence circumference (TO:0000796): A tassel inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000788) which is associated with the circumference of a tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126). Refer to circumference PATO:0001684
**** tassel inflorescence height (TO:0000797): A tassel inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000788) which is associated with the height of a tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126). Refer to height PATO:0000119
**** tassel inflorescence length (TO:0000798): A tassel inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000788) which is associated with the length of a tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126). Refer to length PATO:0000122
**** tassel inflorescence diameter (TO:0000799): A tassel inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000788) which is associated with the diameter of a tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126). Refer to diameter PATO:0001334
**** tassel inflorescence type (TO:0000814): A tassel inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000788) which is associated with the type of tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126).
==Plant organ anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000736) and child terms==
==Plant organ anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000736) and child terms==
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** shoot axis anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000739): A plant axis trait (TO:0000738) which is associated with a shoot axis (PO:0025029).
** shoot axis anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000739): A plant axis trait (TO:0000738) which is associated with a shoot axis (PO:0025029).
***inflorescence axis anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000782):A shoot axis anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000739) which is associated with an inflorescence axis (PO:0020122).
****inflorescence axis size (TO:0000783):An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000782) which is associated with the size of an inflorescence axis (PO:0020122). Refer to size (PATO:0000117)
****inflorescence axis angle (TO:0000270): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000782) which is associated with the angle of the inflorescence axis (PO:0020122). Refer to angle (PATO:0002326)
****inflorescence axis texture (TO:0002754): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000782) which is associated with the texture of the inflorescence axis (PO:0020122). Refer to texture (PATO:0000150)
**** inflorescence branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000784):A inflorescence axis anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000782) which is associated with an inflorescence branch (PO:0009081).
***** inflorescence primary branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000846): An inflorescence branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000784) which is associated with a second order inflorescence axis (PO:0006321).
****** inflorescence primary branch length (TO:0000641): An inflorescence primary branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000846) which is associated with the length of a second order inflorescence axis (PO:0006321).
****** inflorescence primary branch attitude (TO:0011002): An inflorescence primary branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000846) which is associated with the attitude of a second order inflorescence axis (PO:0006321) in terms of upright and drooping characters.
***** tassel branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000785): An inflorescence branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000784) which is associated with a tassel branch (PO:0006323).
****** tassel branch number (TO:0000813): A tassel branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000785) which is associated with the number of tassel branches (PO:0006323).
****** tassel branch dry weight (TO:0000812): A tassel branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000785) which is associated with the dry weight of a tassel branch (PO:0006323) prior to pollen shed. 
***[https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3527677&group_id=76834&atid=835557 peduncle anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000776):] A shoot axis anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000739) which is associated with a peduncle (PO:0009053).
****peduncle waxiness (TO:0000777): A peduncle anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000776) which is associated with a visual observation of the presence of cuticular wax (PO:0025386).
****peduncle length (TO:0002691): A peduncle anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000776) which is associated with the length of a peduncle (PO:0009053). Refer to length (PATO:0000122)
****peduncle width (TO:0000649): A peduncle anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000776) which is associated with the width of a peduncle (PO:0025386). Refer to width (PATO:0000921)
****peduncle top diameter (TO:0000546): A peduncle anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000776) which is associated with the diameter at the tip of the peduncle (PO:0009053). Refer to diameter (PATO:0001334)
****peduncle type (TO:0000778): A peduncle anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000776) which is associate with the type of a peduncle (PO:0009053).
****peduncle attachment (TO:0000780): A peduncle anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000776) which is associated with the attachment quality of a peduncle (PO:0009053). Refer to attachment quality (PATO:0001435)
****peduncle color (TO:0000779): A peduncle anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000776) which is associated with the color of a peduncle (PO:0009053). Refer to color (PATO:0000014)
*** branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000740): A shoot axis anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000739) which is associated with a branch (PO:0025073).
*** branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000740): A shoot axis anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000739) which is associated with a branch (PO:0025073).
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***vascular leaf anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000419):A leaf anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000748) which is associated with a vascular leaf (PO:0009025).
***vascular leaf anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000419):A leaf anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000748) which is associated with a vascular leaf (PO:0009025).
****cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000749): A vascular leaf anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000419) which is associated with a cotyledon (PO:0020030).
****cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000749): A vascular leaf anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000419) which is associated with a cotyledon (PO:0020030).
*****cotyledon color(TO:0000750): A cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000749) which is associated with the color of a cotyledon(PO:0020030).  
*****seedling cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000774): A cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000749) which is associated with a seedling cotyledon (PO:0025471).
*****cotyledon number (TO:0000751): A cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000749) which is associated with the number of cotyledons (PO:0020030).
******seedling cotyledon color(TO:0000750): A seedling cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000774) which is associated with the color of a seedling cotyledon(PO:0025471).  
*****cotyledon size (TO:0000752): A cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000749) which is associated with the size of a cotyledon(PO:0020030).
******seedling cotyledon number (TO:0000751): A seedling cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000774) which is associated with the number of seedling cotyledons (PO:0025471).
******seedling cotyledon size (TO:0000752): A seedling cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000774) which is associated with the size of a seedling cotyledon(PO:0025471).
*****embryo cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000775): A cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000749) which is associated with an embryo cotyledon (PO:0025470).  
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**coleoptile length (TO:0001007): A coleoptile anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000753) which is associated with the length of a coleoptile (PO:0020033). refer to: length PATO:0000122
**coleoptile length (TO:0001007): A coleoptile anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000753) which is associated with the length of a coleoptile (PO:0020033). refer to: length PATO:0000122
===Cardinal Organ Part (TO:0000754) and new child terms:===
==cardinal organ part (TO:0000754) and new child terms:==
*cardinal organ part anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000754): An anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000017) which is associated with a cardinal organ part (PO:0025001).  
*cardinal organ part anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000754): An anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000017) which is associated with a cardinal organ part (PO:0025001).  
**'''shoot internode anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000755)''': A cardinal organ part anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000754) which is associated with a shoot internode (PO:0005005).  
**'''shoot internode anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000755)''': A cardinal organ part anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000754) which is associated with a shoot internode (PO:0005005).  
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****hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000757): A stem internode anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000756) which is associated with a hypocotyl (PO:0020100).
****hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000757): A stem internode anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000756) which is associated with a hypocotyl (PO:0020100).
*****seedling hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000769):A hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000757) which is associated with a seedling hypocotyl (PO:0025291).
*****seedling hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000769):A hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000757) which is associated with a seedling hypocotyl (PO:0025291).
******seedling hypocotyl size (TO:0000781): A seedling hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000769) which is associated the size of a seedling hypocotyl (PO:0025291). Refer to size (PATO:0000117)
******seedling hypocotyl length (TO:0006065): A hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000757) which is associated with the length of a hypocotyl (PO:0020100). Refer to length PATO:0000122
******seedling hypocotyl color (TO:0000759): A seedling hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000769) which is associated with the color of a hypocotyl (PO:0020100). Refer to color PATO:0000014  
******seedling hypocotyl color (TO:0000759): A seedling hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000769) which is associated with the color of a hypocotyl (PO:0020100). Refer to color PATO:0000014  
*******seedling hypocotyl green (TO:0000760): A seedling hypocotyl color trait (TO:0000759) where a hypocotyl (PO:0020100) is observed to have the quality color green (PATO:0000320). Refer to: color (PATO:0000014); green (PATO:0000320)
*******seedling hypocotyl green (TO:0000760): A seedling hypocotyl color trait (TO:0000759) where a hypocotyl (PO:0020100) is observed to have the quality color green (PATO:0000320). Refer to: color (PATO:0000014); green (PATO:0000320)
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*******seedling hypocotyl purple (TO:0000762): A seedling hypocotyl color trait (TO:0000759) where a hypocotyl (PO:0020100) is observed to have the quality color purple (PATO:0000951). Refer to: color (PATO:0000014); purple: PATO:0000951  
*******seedling hypocotyl purple (TO:0000762): A seedling hypocotyl color trait (TO:0000759) where a hypocotyl (PO:0020100) is observed to have the quality color purple (PATO:0000951). Refer to: color (PATO:0000014); purple: PATO:0000951  
*******seedling hypocotyl dark purple (TO:0000763): A seedling hypocotyl color trait (TO:0000759) where a hypocotyl (PO:0020100) is observed to have the quality color dark purple (PATO:0001259). Refer to: color (PATO:0000014); dark purple: PATO:0001259
*******seedling hypocotyl dark purple (TO:0000763): A seedling hypocotyl color trait (TO:0000759) where a hypocotyl (PO:0020100) is observed to have the quality color dark purple (PATO:0001259). Refer to: color (PATO:0000014); dark purple: PATO:0001259
*****embryo hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000771): A hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000757) which is associated with an embryo hypocotyl (PO:0025290).
*****embryo hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000771): A hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000757) which is associated with an embryo hypocotyl (PO:0025290).
*****hypocotyl length (TO:0006065): A hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000757) which is associated with the length of a hypocotyl (PO:0020100). Refer to length PATO:0000122   
****mesocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000758): A stem internode anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000756) which is associated with a mesocotyl (PO:0020037).
****mesocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000758): A stem internode anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000756) which is associated with a mesocotyl (PO:0020037).
*****seedling mesocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000772):A mesocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000758) which is associated with an seedling mesocotyl (PO:0025295).  
*****seedling mesocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000772):A mesocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000758) which is associated with an seedling mesocotyl (PO:0025295).  
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*'''stalk anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000764):''' A cardinal organ part anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000754) which is associated with a stalk (PO:0025066).
*'''stalk anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000764):''' A cardinal organ part anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000754) which is associated with a stalk (PO:0025066).
**petiole anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000765): A stalk anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000764): which is associated with a petiole (PO:0020038).  
**[https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3527670&group_id=76834&atid=835557 petiole anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000765):] A stalk anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000764): which is associated with a petiole (PO:0020038).  
***petiole length (TO:0000766): A petiole anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000765)that is associated with the length of a petiole (PO:0020038). Refer to length PATO:0000122  
***petiole length (TO:0000766): A petiole anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000765)that is associated with the length of a petiole (PO:0020038). Refer to length PATO:0000122  
***petiole shape(TO:0000767): A petiole anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000765) that is associated with the shape of a petiole (PO:0020038). Refer to shape PATO:0000052
***petiole shape(TO:0000767): A petiole anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000765) that is associated with the shape of a petiole (PO:0020038). Refer to shape PATO:0000052
***petiole size (TO:0000768): A petiole anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000765) that is associated with the size of a petiole (PO:0020038). Refer to size PATO:0000117
***petiole size (TO:0000768): A petiole anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000765) that is associated with the size of a petiole (PO:0020038). Refer to size PATO:0000117
==plant cell anatomy and morphology traits:==
==multi-tissue plant structure anatomy and morphology traits==
* fruit anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0002629): A multi-tissue plant structure anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000836) which is associated with a fruit (PO:0009001).
** fruit abscission zone size (TO:0002632): A fruit anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0002632) which is associated with the variation in the size of the fruit abscission zone (PO:0006503).
** fruit size (TO:0002625): A fruit anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0002629) which is associated with the variation in the size of a fruit (PO:0009001).
** fruit shape (TO:0002628): A fruit anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0002629) which is associated with the variation in the shape of a fruit (PO:0009001).
* seed anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000184): A multi-tissue plant structure anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000836) which is associated with a seed (PO:0009010).
** seed size (TO:0000391): A seed anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000184) which is associated with the size of a seed (PO:0009010).
** seed width (TO:0000149): A seed anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000184) which is associated with the width of a seed (PO:0009010).
** seed length (TO:0000146): A seed anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000184) which is associated with the length of a seed (PO:0009010).
** seed thickness (TO:0000304): A seed anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000184) which is associated with the thickness of a seed (PO:0009010).
** seed color (TO:0000486): A seed anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000184) which is associated with the color of a seed (PO:0009010).
** seed shape (TO:0000484): A seed anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000184) which is associated with the shape of a seed (PO:0009010).
** seed weight (TO:0000181): A seed anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000184) which is associated with the weight of a seed (PO:0009010).
** seed texture (TO:0020016): A seed anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000184) which is associated with the texture of a seed (PO:0009010).
==embryo anatomy and morphology traits==
=New stature or vigor traits (TO:0000133) added:=
=New stature or vigor traits (TO:0000133) added:=
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plant aspect:  A stature or vigor trait (TO:0000133) that is a qualitative score of the visual appeal (ideotype) of the whole plant (PO:0000003).
plant aspect:  A stature or vigor trait (TO:0000133) that is a qualitative score of the visual appeal (ideotype) of the whole plant (PO:0000003).
=New stress trait (TO:0000164) terms added:=
=New stress trait (TO:0000164) terms added:=
bacterial blight disease resistance (TO:0000770): A bacterial disease resistance (TO:0000315) that resists bacterial blight disease.
=Renamed and redefined terms:=
=Renamed and redefined terms:=
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*[https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3521779&group_id=76834&atid=835557 mesocotyl length (TO:0000544)]: was a child of embryo development, embryo related trait and mesocotyl anatomy and morphology trait. Now is only a child of mesocotyl anatomy and morphology trait.
*[https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3521779&group_id=76834&atid=835557 mesocotyl length (TO:0000544)]: was a child of embryo development, embryo related trait and mesocotyl anatomy and morphology trait. Now is only a child of mesocotyl anatomy and morphology trait.
*[https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3521779&group_id=76834&atid=835557 seedling hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000769)]: new child of hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait.
*[https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3521779&group_id=76834&atid=835557 seedling hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000769)]: new child of hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait.
*blast disease resistance:
=Redefined terms:=
=Redefined terms:=
plant color (TO:0000708): new def: A stature and vigor trait (TO:0000133) which is associated with the color of a whole plant (PO:0000003). Refer to color PATO:0000014.
plant height (TO:0000207): new def: A stature and vigor trait (To:0000133) which is associated with the height of a whole plant (PO:0000003). Refer to height PATO:0000119.
These are ones that kept their original names
These are ones that kept their original names
=Added relations:=
=Added relations:=
=Obsoleted Terms=
=Obsoleted Terms=

Latest revision as of 21:31, 13 October 2015

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New children of anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000017)

plant structure anatomy and morphology trait:

shoot system anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000077) and new child terms:

  • bud anatomy and mophology trait (TO:0000789):A shoot system anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000077) which is associated with a bud (PO:0000055).
    • axillary bud anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000790): A bud anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000789) which is associated with an axillary bud (PO:0004709).
      • axillary bud size (TO:0000791): An axillary bud anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000790) which is associated with the size of an axillary bud (PO:0004709). Refer to PATO:0000117
      • axillary bud number (TO:0000792): An axillary bud anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000790) which is associated with the number of axillary buds (PO:0004709) on a stalk or stem. Refer to number PATO:0001056
      • axillary bud shape (TO:0000793): An axillary bud anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000790) which is associated with the shape of an axillary bud (PO:0004709). Refer to shape PATO:0000052
      • axillary bud prominence (TO:0000794): An axillary bud anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000790) which is associated with the prominence of an axillary bud (PO:0004709). Refer to prominent PATO:0014820
  • reproductive shoot system anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000786): A shoot system anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000077) that is associated with an reproductive shoot system (PO:0025082).
    • inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373): A reproductive shoot system anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000786) that is associated with an inflorescence (PO:0009049).
      • inflorescence branching (TO:0000050): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the extent of branching usually sets the tone for shape and compactness of the inflorescence (PO:0009049).
        • inflorescence branch arrangement (TO:0002751): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the arrangement of inflorescence branches (PO:0009081).
      • inflorescence color (TO:0000581): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the color of an inflorescence (PO:0009049).
      • inflorescence exsertion (TO:0001002): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the exsertion of an inflorescence (PO:0009049).
      • inflorescence height (TO:0000682): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the height of an inflorescence (PO:0009049) measured from ground to the attachment point.
      • inflorescence number (TO:0000582): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the average number of inflorescence (PO:0009049) per plant in a study.
      • inflorescence shape (TO:0000268): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the shape of an inflorescence (PO:0009049).
      • inflorescence size (TO:0006031): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the variation in size of inflorescence (PO:0009049).
      • inflorescence type (TO:0000267): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the variation in the type of inflorescence, wither due to extent and number of branching, branch angles or modified form of the inflorescence (PO:0009049).
      • panicle anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000847): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with a panicle.
        • panicle base to lowest branch (TO:0000545): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the length of the region between the panicle base to the lowest (the first) primary panicle branch.
        • panicle compactness and shape (TO:0020001): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the compactness and shape of a panicle.
        • panicle threshability (TO:0000406): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with the percentage of shattered grains, determined by firmly grasping and pulling the hand over the panicle.
      • spikelet anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000657): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with changes in the anatomy or structure of the spikelet (PO:0009051) and its parts.
      • flower anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000499): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is associated with a flower (PO:0009046).
        • flower shape (TO:0000859): A flower anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000499) which is associated with the shape of a flower (PO:0009046). Refer to shape (PATO:0000052)
        • floret anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000274): A flower anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000499) which is associated with changes in the anatomy or structure of the grass floret and its parts.
      • tassel inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000788): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000373) that is associated with a tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126).
        • tassel inflorescence color (TO:0000795): A tassel inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000788) which is associated with the color of a tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126). Refer to color PATO:0000014
        • tassel inflorescence circumference (TO:0000796): A tassel inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000788) which is associated with the circumference of a tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126). Refer to circumference PATO:0001684
        • tassel inflorescence height (TO:0000797): A tassel inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000788) which is associated with the height of a tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126). Refer to height PATO:0000119
        • tassel inflorescence length (TO:0000798): A tassel inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000788) which is associated with the length of a tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126). Refer to length PATO:0000122
        • tassel inflorescence diameter (TO:0000799): A tassel inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000788) which is associated with the diameter of a tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126). Refer to diameter PATO:0001334
        • tassel inflorescence type (TO:0000814): A tassel inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000788) which is associated with the type of tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126).

Plant organ anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000736) and child terms

  • plant organ anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000736): An anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000017) which is associated with a plant organ (PO:0009008).
  • plant axis anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000738): plant organ anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000736) which is associated a plant axis (PO:0025004).
    • shoot axis anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000739): A plant axis trait (TO:0000738) which is associated with a shoot axis (PO:0025029).
      • inflorescence axis anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000782):A shoot axis anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000739) which is associated with an inflorescence axis (PO:0020122).
        • inflorescence axis size (TO:0000783):An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000782) which is associated with the size of an inflorescence axis (PO:0020122). Refer to size (PATO:0000117)
        • inflorescence axis angle (TO:0000270): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000782) which is associated with the angle of the inflorescence axis (PO:0020122). Refer to angle (PATO:0002326)
        • inflorescence axis texture (TO:0002754): An inflorescence anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000782) which is associated with the texture of the inflorescence axis (PO:0020122). Refer to texture (PATO:0000150)
        • inflorescence branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000784):A inflorescence axis anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000782) which is associated with an inflorescence branch (PO:0009081).
          • inflorescence primary branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000846): An inflorescence branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000784) which is associated with a second order inflorescence axis (PO:0006321).
            • inflorescence primary branch length (TO:0000641): An inflorescence primary branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000846) which is associated with the length of a second order inflorescence axis (PO:0006321).
            • inflorescence primary branch attitude (TO:0011002): An inflorescence primary branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000846) which is associated with the attitude of a second order inflorescence axis (PO:0006321) in terms of upright and drooping characters.
          • tassel branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000785): An inflorescence branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000784) which is associated with a tassel branch (PO:0006323).
            • tassel branch number (TO:0000813): A tassel branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000785) which is associated with the number of tassel branches (PO:0006323).
            • tassel branch dry weight (TO:0000812): A tassel branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000785) which is associated with the dry weight of a tassel branch (PO:0006323) prior to pollen shed.
        • peduncle waxiness (TO:0000777): A peduncle anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000776) which is associated with a visual observation of the presence of cuticular wax (PO:0025386).
        • peduncle length (TO:0002691): A peduncle anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000776) which is associated with the length of a peduncle (PO:0009053). Refer to length (PATO:0000122)
        • peduncle width (TO:0000649): A peduncle anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000776) which is associated with the width of a peduncle (PO:0025386). Refer to width (PATO:0000921)
        • peduncle top diameter (TO:0000546): A peduncle anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000776) which is associated with the diameter at the tip of the peduncle (PO:0009053). Refer to diameter (PATO:0001334)
        • peduncle type (TO:0000778): A peduncle anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000776) which is associate with the type of a peduncle (PO:0009053).
        • peduncle attachment (TO:0000780): A peduncle anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000776) which is associated with the attachment quality of a peduncle (PO:0009053). Refer to attachment quality (PATO:0001435)
        • peduncle color (TO:0000779): A peduncle anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000776) which is associated with the color of a peduncle (PO:0009053). Refer to color (PATO:0000014)
      • branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000740): A shoot axis anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000739) which is associated with a branch (PO:0025073).
        • tuber anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000741): A branch anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000740) which is associated with a tuber (PO:0004543).
            • subterranean tuber anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000742): A tuber anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000741) which is associated with a subterranean tuber (PO:0004547).
              • subterranean tuber shape (TO:0000743): A subterranean tuber anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000742) which is associated with the shape of a subterranean tuber (PO:0004547)
              • subterranean tuber size (TO:0000744): A subterranean tuber anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000742) which is associated with the size of a subterranean tuber (PO:0004547).
              • subterranean tuber appearance (TO:0000745): A subterranean tuber anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000742) which is associated with the appearance of a subterranean tuber (PO:0004547).
              • subterranean tuber mass (TO:0000746): A subterranean tuber anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000742) which is associated with the mass of a subterranean tuber (PO:0004547).

  • phyllome anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000747): A plant organ anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000736) which is associated with a phyllome (PO:0006001).
    • leaf anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000748): A phyllome anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000747) which is associated with a leaf (PO:0025034).
      • vascular leaf anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000419):A leaf anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000748) which is associated with a vascular leaf (PO:0009025).
        • cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000749): A vascular leaf anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000419) which is associated with a cotyledon (PO:0020030).
          • seedling cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000774): A cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000749) which is associated with a seedling cotyledon (PO:0025471).
            • seedling cotyledon color(TO:0000750): A seedling cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000774) which is associated with the color of a seedling cotyledon(PO:0025471).
            • seedling cotyledon number (TO:0000751): A seedling cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000774) which is associated with the number of seedling cotyledons (PO:0025471).
            • seedling cotyledon size (TO:0000752): A seedling cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000774) which is associated with the size of a seedling cotyledon(PO:0025471).
          • embryo cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000775): A cotyledon anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000749) which is associated with an embryo cotyledon (PO:0025470).

  • coleoptile anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000753) : A plant organ anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000736) which is associated with a coleoptile (PO:0020033).
    • coleoptile color (TO:0000244): A coleoptile anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000753) which is associated with the color of a coleoptile (PO:0020033). refer to: color PATO:0000014
    • coleoptile length (TO:0001007): A coleoptile anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000753) which is associated with the length of a coleoptile (PO:0020033). refer to: length PATO:0000122

cardinal organ part (TO:0000754) and new child terms:

  • cardinal organ part anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000754): An anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000017) which is associated with a cardinal organ part (PO:0025001).
    • shoot internode anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000755): A cardinal organ part anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000754) which is associated with a shoot internode (PO:0005005).
      • stem internode anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000756): A shoot internode anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000755) which is associated with a stem internode (PO:0020142).
        • hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000757): A stem internode anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000756) which is associated with a hypocotyl (PO:0020100).
          • seedling hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000769):A hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000757) which is associated with a seedling hypocotyl (PO:0025291).
            • seedling hypocotyl size (TO:0000781): A seedling hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000769) which is associated the size of a seedling hypocotyl (PO:0025291). Refer to size (PATO:0000117)
            • seedling hypocotyl length (TO:0006065): A hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000757) which is associated with the length of a hypocotyl (PO:0020100). Refer to length PATO:0000122
            • seedling hypocotyl color (TO:0000759): A seedling hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000769) which is associated with the color of a hypocotyl (PO:0020100). Refer to color PATO:0000014
              • seedling hypocotyl green (TO:0000760): A seedling hypocotyl color trait (TO:0000759) where a hypocotyl (PO:0020100) is observed to have the quality color green (PATO:0000320). Refer to: color (PATO:0000014); green (PATO:0000320)
              • seedling hypocotyl green with bronze band (TO:0000761): A seedling hypocotyl color trait (TO:0000759) where a hypocotyl (PO:0020100) is observed to have the quality color green (PATO:0000320) with a bronze (PATO:0002363) band.
              • seedling hypocotyl purple (TO:0000762): A seedling hypocotyl color trait (TO:0000759) where a hypocotyl (PO:0020100) is observed to have the quality color purple (PATO:0000951). Refer to: color (PATO:0000014); purple: PATO:0000951
              • seedling hypocotyl dark purple (TO:0000763): A seedling hypocotyl color trait (TO:0000759) where a hypocotyl (PO:0020100) is observed to have the quality color dark purple (PATO:0001259). Refer to: color (PATO:0000014); dark purple: PATO:0001259
          • embryo hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000771): A hypocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000757) which is associated with an embryo hypocotyl (PO:0025290).
        • mesocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000758): A stem internode anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000756) which is associated with a mesocotyl (PO:0020037).
          • seedling mesocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000772):A mesocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000758) which is associated with an seedling mesocotyl (PO:0025295).
          • embryo mesocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000773): A mesocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000758) which is associated with an embryo mesocotyl (PO:0025294).
          • mesocotyl length (TO:0000544): A mesocotyl anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000758) which is associated with the length of a mesocotyl (PO:0020037). Refer to length PATO:0000122

  • stalk anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000764): A cardinal organ part anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000754) which is associated with a stalk (PO:0025066).
    • petiole anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000765): A stalk anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000764): which is associated with a petiole (PO:0020038).
      • petiole length (TO:0000766): A petiole anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000765)that is associated with the length of a petiole (PO:0020038). Refer to length PATO:0000122
      • petiole shape(TO:0000767): A petiole anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000765) that is associated with the shape of a petiole (PO:0020038). Refer to shape PATO:0000052
      • petiole size (TO:0000768): A petiole anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000765) that is associated with the size of a petiole (PO:0020038). Refer to size PATO:0000117

plant cell anatomy and morphology traits:

multi-tissue plant structure anatomy and morphology traits

  • fruit anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0002629): A multi-tissue plant structure anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000836) which is associated with a fruit (PO:0009001).
    • fruit abscission zone size (TO:0002632): A fruit anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0002632) which is associated with the variation in the size of the fruit abscission zone (PO:0006503).
    • fruit size (TO:0002625): A fruit anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0002629) which is associated with the variation in the size of a fruit (PO:0009001).
    • fruit shape (TO:0002628): A fruit anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0002629) which is associated with the variation in the shape of a fruit (PO:0009001).

  • seed anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000184): A multi-tissue plant structure anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000836) which is associated with a seed (PO:0009010).
    • seed size (TO:0000391): A seed anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000184) which is associated with the size of a seed (PO:0009010).
    • seed width (TO:0000149): A seed anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000184) which is associated with the width of a seed (PO:0009010).
    • seed length (TO:0000146): A seed anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000184) which is associated with the length of a seed (PO:0009010).
    • seed thickness (TO:0000304): A seed anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000184) which is associated with the thickness of a seed (PO:0009010).
    • seed color (TO:0000486): A seed anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000184) which is associated with the color of a seed (PO:0009010).
    • seed shape (TO:0000484): A seed anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000184) which is associated with the shape of a seed (PO:0009010).
    • seed weight (TO:0000181): A seed anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000184) which is associated with the weight of a seed (PO:0009010).
    • seed texture (TO:0020016): A seed anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000184) which is associated with the texture of a seed (PO:0009010).

embryo anatomy and morphology traits

New stature or vigor traits (TO:0000133) added:

  • plant aspect- made is_a stature or vigor trait (TO:0000133):

plant aspect: A stature or vigor trait (TO:0000133) that is a qualitative score of the visual appeal (ideotype) of the whole plant (PO:0000003).

New stress trait (TO:0000164) terms added:

bacterial blight disease resistance (TO:0000770): A bacterial disease resistance (TO:0000315) that resists bacterial blight disease.

Renamed and redefined terms:

  • blast disease resistance:

Redefined terms:

plant color (TO:0000708): new def: A stature and vigor trait (TO:0000133) which is associated with the color of a whole plant (PO:0000003). Refer to color PATO:0000014.

plant height (TO:0000207): new def: A stature and vigor trait (To:0000133) which is associated with the height of a whole plant (PO:0000003). Refer to height PATO:0000119.

These are ones that kept their original names

Added relations:

Obsoleted Terms