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This page is a place to list all the steps we need to take for the database releases.   
This page is a place to list all the steps we need to take for the database releases.   
This page is under development:
This page is under development: Let's not reinvent the wheel every 4 months.
[[File:Under constr low.gif]]
=Summary of Changes Wiki Pages=
* During the time between the releases, while we are editing the ontology, we create a page ([[Main_Page#PO_Releases_and_Database_Updates]]) (or pages) to keep track of the changes being made
Let's not reinvent the wheel every 4 months.
=Ontology quality control=
For example: see [[October_2011_Release_Page]] this has links to the "Summary of Changes" page, e.g.: [[Summary of Changes to PO October 2011]]
*On this page there should be a list (or a link to a page) of any new terms and terms that have been obsoleted see: [[New_terms_and_obsolete_terms_for_October 2011_release]]
==Checks done by ontology editors==
* Also should list terms that have been merged, changed definitions, or renamed.
Before each release, ontology editors should run some qc checks. In fact, these should be done one a regular basis in between releases, but it is crucial to do them immediately before a release.
*If possible, it is also good to list new synonyms for existing terms, especially if those synonyms are quite different from the original name.  
*Run the reasoner to remove any redundant links.  
For example, we would want to highlight the cone is a synonym of strobilus, but it is not that important to note that portion of epidermal tissue is a synonym for epidermis.
*Do a search for extra space and odd characters in terms, definitions, and dbxrefs.
=Preparing the Association files for the Release=
==Existing annotation files:==
==Checks done by the IT team==
* Check for any lines in the existing association files that reference '''obsolete or alternate IDs''' (see wiki page "Changes to the ontology". )
* Get any broken dbxrefs working and fixed
* You can use grep on the command line to search for the term ids that have been obsoleted.
* Check for any lines in the existing association files that reference obsolete or alternate IDs.
'''* Note: even if terms have been merged and an alt id is created, they will not load correctly.- manually fix the annotation file(s) by replacing the old id with the one that is replacing it'''.  
* Run script to check for needed column 16 annotations; see list at [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhrY0qRdO4budHRqaklJcmJxRjlaVnV6UGlyd0xWbHc&hl=en_US#gid=0 PO Suggestions for Col 16] and more info at: [[PO Annotation Extensions (column 16)]]
* Inform the collaborating group about what needs to be fixed and/or fix those ourselves if necessary.  
==Internal and external reviews==
* In some cases, the affected annotation lines will need to be pulled out of the file.
Once we have completed the editing, the Ontology should be open for review- could use Dev browser (no annotations) or Beta (with annotations)
* Any problems found in the association files should be fixed in the '''files in the [http://palea.cgrb.oregonstate.edu/viewsvn/associations/po-associations po-associations]''' and then copied over to '''beta''', replacing the existing file with the problems.  (see below)
This accomplishes two things: it maintains the version history on SVN and makes sure the fixes are not lost.
Note: As number of annotations and the size of the association files increases, this process will take longer.  The version #16 required 46 hours to load. So it is a good idea to do this check before we start the test load.
Note: See also the checks listed here: [[Main_Page#Preparation_of_Ontology_Annotation_Files]]
* It is important to let TAIR know ahead of time that we are preparing to do a release and give them the list of changed or obsoleted terms. They will have to remap those to the new terms in their files.  They like to have at least a week.
*'' Note that they no longer do their automatic weekly commits to the SVN, so this may not be an issues anymore.''
==New Annotation files==
* Need to be mapped to PO terms
* Use appropriate cut-offs for each data set
* New DBxRefs need to be set up: see below
* Create a page on the wiki [http://wiki.plantontology.org/index.php/Category:Annotations Category:Annotations] for the data set to document it
==po_associations.zip file==
This should be updated with the current version of the association files at each release
There is a link to this from the [http://www.plantontology.org/download/download.html Download page]
''Should have a warning that the folder is big: 377.1 MB for 47 items for release #19, zipped file is ~30 MB''
==Column 16 annotations (for future releases):==
The IT team should run a script to check for needed column 16 annotations; see list at [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhrY0qRdO4budHRqaklJcmJxRjlaVnV6UGlyd0xWbHc&hl=en_US#gid=0 PO Suggestions for Col 16] and more info at: [[PO Annotation Extensions (column 16)]]
==Fixing Links to Dbxrefs:==
The was an issue that was discussed and worked on a lot for the version #16 release. 
For more details of the discussions see the minutes from [[POC_Meetings_Minutes]] on: 9-27-11 through 10-18-11.
Our current version of AmiGO has a built-in set of dbxrefs, in a Perl file, and it is not reading the current GO file. In order to update these, this file has to be edited manually.
We decided on the [[POC_Conf._Call_9-27-11]] to use the PO_DBXref.txt file, now stored on the [https://github.com/Planteome/common-files-for-ref-ontologies GitHub Planteome/common-files-for-ref-ontologies repository] to store the updated dbxrefs stanzas. Then the dbxrefs Perl file can be modified based on that.
===Links to PO:ids in term definitions===
Starting in the April 2012 release we are putting the PO:ids in both the term definitions and in the comments. 
Currently, the links in the comment are working but not the ones in the definitions. 
There is a stanza in the dbxrefs file which refers to these, but it needs to be updated in the AmiGO browsers.
=Icons for new relations=
If new relations have been introduced and approved, then the following steps should be taken:
* Details of the new relation should be listed on the wiki page: [[Relations_in_the_Plant_Ontology]].  There is a link to the GitHub repository folder for the icons.
* Icons need to be stored in the [https://github.com/Planteome/common-files-for-ref-ontologies/tree/master/icons icons folder] on GitHub:
''PJ requested that we embed images, linked to external files, next to each relation, but this may not work because the link view images on the SVN does not appear to work. Also, one is generally required to upload an image before it can be embedded on a wiki page. Tried to set it up using html but the <img> tag did not work on the wiki.''
There is a link to relations page from icons on live browser.
''Should share the icons with OBO Foundry, so they can be used consistently across ontologies.''
''JE: I added the images for this next to each relation section.  Links go to Amigo icons, not from svn as that doesn't work.  Had to enable allow external images in mediawiki.  No need for <img> tag.  Just put the link to images you want embedded.''  ''These do not seem to be working''
'''''Note: As of Aug. 2015 the icon file is located in the [https://github.com/Planteome/common-files-for-ref-ontologies Planteome GitHub Repository/common files]'''''
=Preparing Ontology Files for Release:=
=Preparing Ontology Files for Release:=
==Curators names in definitions, etc==
* Curators names in definitions and synonyms should be spelled out in full example: GR:Pankaj_Jaiswal and these are not links, unless they are POC.
* POC curators should be listed on the wiki page [http://wiki.plantontology.org/index.php/Plant_Ontology_curators POC curators]
* Any reference that begins with POC (e.g., POC:curators, POC:wood_curators, POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo), will link to the [[Plant_Ontology_curators]] page.
* If the definition is worked out as a group, then the source should be POC: curators.  This should link to a page where all the curators of the POC are listed.
==Updating the translations==
*''As of Aug. 2015 the translations folder is located in the [https://github.com/Planteome/plant-ontology/tree/master/po-release-files/translations Github Plant ontology repository po-release-files folder]''
* JE has a script to insert them.  As of Dec 2012, the insert_translations script is inserting extra spaces after the Japanese name. JE fixed it manually,  Note that this only temporarily fixes the obo file.  Still need to find out why it is happening.
* In release #20 created a Google doc [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ar1O1Y7eIKhsdEViNmE3bFhPalY0cmJoaW9GU0toU0E#gid=0 New and Renamed PO Terms- Release #20] in order to work collaboratively with YY and MAG on getting the translations done. 
''This worked well.  Then they were manually inserted into the OBO file. This took time.''
==Po-Refs Page==
- Links to references that '''do not''' have a PubMed ID, ISBN number, or stable URL should go to the new [[PO references]] page
==Dev version==
==Dev version==
Between releases, editing is done on the developers version of the plant_ontology.obo file located at: [http://palea.cgrb.oregonstate.edu/viewsvn/Poc/trunk/ontology/OBO_format/ OBO Format]
Between releases, editing is done on the developers version of the plant-ontology.obo file located at: [https://github.com/Planteome/plant-ontology plant-ontology@GitHub].
* plant-ontology.obo
*''As of Aug. 2015 the plant-ontology.obo file is located in the [https://github.com/Planteome/plant-ontology Planteome GitHub Repository/plant-ontology]''
This is the "dev" version and is loaded onto the [http://dev.plantontology.org Dev Browser] nightly, along with the SVN version #.
This is the "developers" version and is loaded onto the [http://dev.plantontology.org PO-Dev Browser] nightly, along with the GitHub version #.
No annotations are loaded on this browser.   
No annotations are loaded on this browser.   
During the preparation of the release, editing may continue on the dev file, without disrupting the version on the live browser or the beta browser (see below).
Once the initial Quality Checks (see above) are completed, the plant-ontology-assert.obo file can be created (see below).
The "plant-ontology-assert.obo" file can be loaded onto the [http://beta.plantontology.org/amigo/go.cgi Beta Browser], along with annotation files so we can check for any problems.
*''As of Aug. 2015 the plant-ontology-assert.obo file is located in the [https://github.com/Planteome/plant-ontology/tree/master/po-release-files plant-ontology/po-release-files]''
* Note: We should also put the revised PO front page on the Beta Browser for review, prior to publishing.
=== If a problem is found that needs to be fixed for the release:===
In the event that a problem is found in the '''beta version''' prior to the release, the fix should be made in the '''DEV version''' and the process of generating the additional files and loading the beta browser should be repeated anew. 
This ensures that the fixes are not lost from the editor's version in the process of the release.  This is why it is important for the editors to do a thorough review and run QC checks prior to creating the "asserted file" and loading it on beta.
* Once the editing and quality checks are completed for the release, the following additional versions of the Plant Ontology file are prepared.
This need be done '''prior''' to the release as plant-ontology-assert.obo is the file loaded onto the AmiGO browser. (see below for details)
===OWL Version of the editor's plant-ontology file:===
* April 2013 (SVN # 1840), a new chron job was initiated that creates a owl file from dev every night. 
* Creation is done by executing the command "obolib-obo2owl plant_ontology.obo -o plant_ontology.owl" ''(Is this correct?)''
* This file then needs to be hand edited to include the version info.  The following line goes right above the </owl:Ontology> line:
<owl:versioninfo>xml:lang="en" version ##</owl:versioninfo>
where ## is the version number.
==Files created for the Release==
* The OBO file:  "plant-ontology-xy.obo" is based on the 'final' version of plant-ontology.obo, with the release # added to differentiate it.
* For version #21: plant-ontology-21.obo
* Contains all the relations.
Note: These additional files should only be generated once the review process is completed. If an ontology problem is found, these will have to be recreated (see below:)
==Details of the alternative files for the release==
This version is the same as plant-ontology-21.obo with all nonredundant implied links asserted (added) by a reasoner,
* Use the OBO-Release manager  [http://code.google.com/p/owltools/wiki/OBOReleaseManagerGUIDocumentation Oort], as the "assert implied links" panel in OBO-Edit does not work very well.  Go here for more information about [https://code.google.com/p/owltools/wiki/OortOptions configuring Oort]
'''To create plant-ontology-assert.obo:'''
1. Create a new temp folder on your hard drive for the files and some subfolders created by Oort
2. Open the desktop GUI for Oort [http://code.google.com/p/owltools/wiki/OortIntro OBO-Release manager]
3. Browse to the latest version of plant-ontology.obo as the input file
4. Specify the folder you created for the output- browse to it.
5. On the "Advanced" tab, uncheck all options.
6. Select only "OBO" as a Write Format
7. Choose either the HermiT or the Pellet reasoner (results should be the same)
8. Click 'run'
9. Rename the output file "po.obo" to "plant-ontology-assert.obo", and save it in the appropriate repository on GitHub
*''As of Aug. 2015 the plant-ontology-assert.obo file is located in the [https://github.com/Planteome/plant-ontology/tree/master/po-release-files Planteome GitHub Repository/plant-ontology/po-release-files]''
10. Use git add, git commit, and git push to upload to GitHub.  ''As of Aug. 2015 Git and Github are being used for version control.''
*''Note that unlike OBO-Edit, Oort also asserts the relations that are specified in any intersection_of lines.  For example, if leaf sinus is defined as intersection_of is_a sinus and intersection_of part_of leaf, Oort will assert "leaf sinus part_of leaf".
* "Assert implied relations" in OE will NOT do this, but the relation will show up in graphical view if the reasoner is on.''
*''As of Aug. 2015 the plant-ontology-assert_basic.obo file is located in the [https://github.com/Planteome/plant-ontology/tree/master/po-release-files Planteome GitHub Repository/plant-ontology/po-release-files]''
This version is the same as plant-ontology-assert.obo, but with only the ''is_a'' and ''part_of'' relations. This file is created using  a filtered save in OBO-Edit.
'''To create plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo in OBO-Edit:'''
1. Open '''plant-ontology-assert.obo''' from the [https://github.com/Planteome/plant-ontology/tree/master/po-release-files Planteome GitHub po-release-files folder]''
2. Select 'save as' and use 'Advanced Save'
3. Create a new save path:  Set the save path to .....plant-ontology/po-release-files/'''plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo'''
4. Check "Filter links" only
5. Set up 2 filters with "Matches any":
* Find links where: "Type" "have" a: "Any text field" that: "contains", the value: "is_a"
* Find links where: "Type" "have" a: "Any text field" that: "contains", the value: "part_of"
6. Select:  "Greedy root selection algorithm" and "Don't write current ID rules"  (but it doesn't matter for the substantive parts of the file.)
7. Add a comment "Filtered from plant-ontology-assert.obo to have only is_a and part_of relations. Matches plant-ontology.obo Release version ####."
7. Save and re-open the file in OBO-Edit-  You will see a warning that a number of terms have exactly '''one intersection_of relation'''. These are the cross products that were set up using ''participates_in'', ''has_participant'', or ''develops_from''.
''Note in version #20, there were only 7 of these:
* flower development stage (PO:0007615): ''collective plant organ structure development stage (PO:0025338) has_participant flower (PO:0009046)''
* gametophyte meristematic apical cell (PO:0030014): ''meristematic apical cell (PO:0030007) participates_in gametophyte development stage (PO:0028003)''
* plant embryo stage (PO:0007631): ''sporophyte development stage (PO:0028002) has_participant plant embryo (PO:0009009)''
* plant spore stage (PO:0025375): ''gametophyte development stage (PO:0028003) has_participant plant spore (PO:0025017)''
* primary vascular tissue (PO:0025408): ''portion of vascular tissue (PO:0009015) develops_from procambium (PO:0025275)''
* secondary vascular tissue (PO:0025409): ''portion of vascular tissue (PO:0009015) develops_from vascular cambium (PO:0005598)''
* sporophyte meristematic apical cell (PO:0030015): ''meristematic apical cell (PO:0030007) participates_in  sporophyte development stage (PO:0028002)''
* ''Note in version #21, there were only 4 of these:
** gametophyte meristematic apical cell (PO:0030014): intersection_of: PO:0030007 ! meristematic apical cell
** plant spore stage (PO:0025375): intersection_of: PO:0028003 ! gametophyte development stage
** secondary vascular tissue (PO:0025409): intersection_of: PO:0009015 ! portion of vascular tissue
** sporophyte meristematic apical cell (PO:0030015): intersection_of: PO:0030007 ! meristematic apical cell
8.  Removing those links in OBO-Edit or can also be removed manually, in the text file.  They aren't needed, since all implied links have already been asserted.
* In OBO-Edit: Set up a filter with "Matches any": Find links where: "Self" "don't have" a: "Is intersection" that: "contains", the value: '''leave blank'''
see: [http://oboedit.org/docs/index.html Link Filtering]
9. Save and re-open the file- the error messages should be gone.
Once the editing and quality checks are completed for the release, the following additional versions of the Plant Ontology file are prepared prior to the release and copied over to a new beta branch:  
==Separate Aspect files:==
See discussion on [[POC_Conf._Call_4-17-12]]
At this time, editing may continue on the dev file, without disrupting the version on the beta browser (see below)
We will keep generating these and posting them on Bioportal through the release #18. After that people will have to come to GitHub to obtain them.
''LC: Perhaps these should be named something like: plant_ontology_beta.obo to differentiate them from the editor's version (dev).''
* Note: Bioportal should only serve the current release version: plant-ontology-assert.obo  
* plant_ontology.obo
* These still be on Bioportal as "legacy data" (''not sure what this means'')
* plant_ontology_assert.obo
* plant_ontology_assert_basic.obo
* po_anatomy.obo
* po_temporal.obo
see: [http://palea.cgrb.oregonstate.edu/viewsvn/Poc/trunk/ontology/OBO_format/Readme.txt?view=markup Readme file] for description of each
''Separate aspect files: Alerted users that after release #18, we will not be offering these on Bioportal any longer. See notes of 4-17-12 meeting''
==Tbl version files:==
''These files were originally created after the change in January 2011, as our collaborators at TAIR still needed the separate files of the ontology.  Since they preferred the 'basic' form of the ontology file, these were derived from the plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo file.''  
We will also prepare tab-delimited files corresponding to the ontology files:
* plant_ontology.tbl ''(currently named: po_all.tbl)''
* po_anatomy.tbl
* po_temporal.tbl
These will contain the PO:id, term name, the definition, any synonyms and the aspect (in po_all.tbl)
''Thus these really should be called '''po_anatomy_assert_basic.obo''' and '''po_temporal_assert_basic.obo'''.  but if this change is made, must fix links on download page and if any users are accessing it.''
Note: These files also include the obsoleted terms. This is indicated in the definition field of those terms.
* Who else is still using these files?  
''Check with Gramene and TAIR and SGN to see if they are still using those files''
These files are be located at [http://palea.cgrb.oregonstate.edu/viewsvn/Poc/trunk/ontology/TBL_format/ TBL files on SVN trunk]
*'' TAIR is not using these any more, they are moving to use the OWL file.''
The link from the PO [http://www.plantontology.org/download/download.html download page] goes to [http://palea.cgrb.oregonstate.edu/viewsvn/Poc/tags/live/po_all.tbl?view=co Live tag].
''For other users such as SGN, they would prefer to have all the relations in the files, except for the ones that go between the two branches (ie: participates_in).''
Note: Only the PO_all.tbl file is available at the [http://palea.cgrb.oregonstate.edu/viewsvn/Poc/tags/live/po_all.tbl?view=co Live tag].
* ''SGN: waiting for reply
''LC: It would also be good to have a column listing the alt_ids. I also feel that it is confusing to have these located in two different locations- this is a problem if changes are made in the file on live which are not reflected in the trunk version.''
*'' Gramene is linking to: plant_ontology_assert.obo on live tag''
==OWL version==
**''Note: Aug 2013 release #20: These appear to have been automatically uploaded to Bioportal, I received a notice, but I did not submit the files there. PURLS are not working. Send message to Bioportal support.''
We also create OWL versions of the files for each release, which are located at: [http://palea.cgrb.oregonstate.edu/viewsvn/Poc/trunk/ontology/OWL_format/ OWL_Format].  
The owl file should have a version stamp added to the header, updated with each release:
<owl:versionInfo> xml:lang="en" version ##</owl:versionInfo>
* This file is created by filtering '''plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo''' to contain only terms from the plant anatomical entity branch. Instruction below describe how to do this in OBO-Edit, but in theory it could be done using Oort as well.
'''To create po-anatomy-assert-basic.obo in OBO-Edit:'''
'''OWL files available:'''
1. Open plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo and save the file as "plant-ontology-assert-basic-TEMP.obo" or some dummy name
2. Manually remove any replaced_by or consider relations that '''go between the two branches of the ontology''' (these include: gametophyte, seedling, sporophyte).
* gametophyte (PO:0009004); replaced_by: PO:0028003 gametophyte development stage
* sporophyte (PO:0009003) replaced_by: PO:0028002 sporophyte development stage
* seedling PO:0008037; replaced_by: PO:0007131 seedling development stage
3. Save it again
4. Open advanced save dialog and set the save path to .../po-anatomy-assert-basic.obo
5. Check "Filter terms" only
6. Set up filter to "Have, namespace, contains, plant_anatomy"
7. Check "always save properties"
8. Add a comment "Filtered from plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo to have only plant anatomical entity terms. Matches plant-ontology.obo version ####." 
"Filtered from plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo to have only only plant anatomical entity terms for Plant Ontology Release version 21."
9. Save and check by re-opening OboEdit
* This file is created by filtering plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo to contain only terms from the plant structure development stage branch. Instruction below describe how to do this in OboEdit, but in theory it could be done using Oort as well.
'''To create po-temporal-assert-basic.obo in OboEdit:'''
* Open the temp version of plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo with any ''replaced_by'' or ''consider'' relations that go between the two branches of the ontology (from above).
* Open advanced save dialog
* Set the save path to .../po-temporal-assert-basic.obo
* Check "Filter terms" only
* Set up filter to "Have, namespace, contains, plant_structure_development_stage"
* Check "always save properties"
* Add a comment "Filtered from plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo to have only plant structure development stage terms. Matches plant_ontology.obo version ####."
* Save and check by re-opening OboEdit
===Creating it from plant_ontology_assert.obo ===
** Note: We decided not to generate these for Release#21, but can add later if needed.
1. Open plant_ontology_assert.obo in OBO-Edit
2. Open advanced save dialog- set the save path to .../po_temporal.obo
3.check "Filter terms":  set up filter to "Have, namespace, contains, plant_structure_development_stage"
4. check "always save properties"
5.add a comment "Filtered from plant_ontology_assert.obo to have only plant structure development stage terms. Matches plant_ontology.obo version ####."
6.Save and check by re-opening OBO-Edit- if there are dangling cross-branch relations, you will get an error
7. Manually remove any replaced_by or consider relations that go between the two branches of the ontology (these include: gametophyte, seedling, sporophyte).
8. Manually remove any intersection_of relations: Even though these are not pointing at the anatomy branch, they cause an error
* flower development stage (PO:0007615)
* plant embryo stage (PO:0007631) generated 1 warning:
* plant spore stage (PO:0025375) generated 1 warning:
* Note: If these files are created from plant_ontology_assert.obo you will have to remove these relations that cross the two branches, addition to the ones above.
==Text (tab-delimited) version files:== 
These files contain the PO:ID, term name, the definition, any synonyms and the aspect (in po_ontology.txt)
''Oct 2011: It would also be good to have a column listing the alt_ids.''
Note: These files also include the '''obsoleted terms'''.  This is indicated in the definition field of those terms and in some cases, in the term name.
Any terms that have "obsolete" in their name are terms that have the '''same name as a live term'''.
The "obsolete" was added because older versions of OBO-Edit did not let you have two terms with the same primary name. I think it does now, but we still kept the practice, just so people wouldn't accidentally use the obsolete term that has the same name.''
The perl script used to generate the .txt files is located in the [https://github.com/Planteome/plant-ontology/tree/master/scripts-etc plant-ontology/scripts-etc/ GitHub page]
note:  the script must be executed on the .obo file while it is in the local git repository, as it uses the git version number.
===plant_ontology.txt (was po_all.tbl)===
''This should be called plant_ontology.tbl Note: when this change is made, we will need to fix the link from the download page''
''Also need to change it in the script''
''changed from po_all.tbl to plant_ontology.txt on 8-21-13''
===po_anatomy.txt and po_temporal.txt ===
This file lists the ID and names of all terms in the PO and is generated from the plant_ontology.txt file by moving columns into the correct order, and adding prefixes to the ID, name, and synonyms. 
<code>cat plant_ontology.txt | awk -F "\t" '{print "id:"$1,"name:"$2,"synonym:"$4$3}' > snynonyms.txt </code>
==Location of tab delimited files==
*'''''As of Aug. 2015 all tab delimited .txt files are located in the [https://github.com/Planteome/plant-ontology/tree/master/po-release-files/txt-format Planteome GitHub Repository/plant-ontology/po-release-files/txt-format]'''''
==OWL versions==
*''As of Aug. 2015 plant-ontology.obo.owl file is located in the [https://github.com/Planteome/plant-ontology Planteome GitHub Repository/plant-ontology]''
'''OWL Version of the Live plant-ontology file (release version):'''
'''*''As of Aug. 2015, the plant-ontology.owl file is located in the [https://github.com/Planteome/plant-ontology/tree/master/po-release-files Planteome GitHub Repository/po-release-files]'''''
* plant_ontology.owl  (This corresponds to plant_ontology.obo from the live tag)
* plant_ontology.owl  (This corresponds to plant_ontology.obo from the live tag)
* po_anatomy.tbl
* po_temporal.tbl
These file were also moved over to
An OWL version of the ontology file is generated for each release, which is located in the plant-ontology/po-release-files repository at: [https://github.com/Planteome/plant-ontology/tree/master/po-release-files GitHub].
This file is generated from the plant_ontology-##.obo file at the time of the release, and subsequently copied to GitHub.
Only the plant_ontology.owl file is moved over to GitHub.
==Beta version==
*''We need a 'Readme' file for this folder and some notes on how this is generated''
Prior to the release, the ontology files will be copied over to the "beta" branch of the svn:
Link to [http://palea.cgrb.oregonstate.edu/viewsvn/Poc/branches/beta/ beta branch]
=PO Anatomy Glossary=
This is a temporary location for the curators and reviewers to look over the new version of the ontology for the planned release.  This file is loaded onto the [http://beta.plantontology.org:8080/amigo/go.cgi Beta Browser] along with any annotation files that are being tested.
[http://plantontology.org/db/glossary/glossary Plant Anatomy Glossary]
*We should also put the revised PO front page on the [http://beta.plantontology.org Beta Site] for review, prior to publishing.
The Plant Anatomy glossary is linked to the live database and updates automatically, but it is a good idea to check it after the database is switched.
==Live Version==
=Updating the "Other" Browsers=
When the files are ready for live release, they are transferred to [http://palea.cgrb.oregonstate.edu/viewsvn/Poc/tags/live/ Live Tag].  This is a stable url that will not change, so it can be incorporated into users scripts etc.
Note that it is the "plant_ontology_assert.obo " file that should be loaded onto AmiGO browser on the live site.
Recently, we have created a few other browsers that will need to be updated after each release:
="Summary of Changes" page=
* [http://crop.cgrb.oregonstate.edu/amigo/cgi-bin/crop_amigo/browse.cgi? cROP Browser]
* During the time between the releases, while we are editing the ontology, we will create a page (or pages) to keep track of the changes being made
''note: This browser no longer exists''
For example: see [[October_2011_Release_Page]] this has links to the "Summary of Changes" page, e.g.: [[Summary of Changes to PO October 2011]]
* [http://plantontology-dev-16.cgrb.oregonstate.edu/ Drupal PO site]
* [http://iplant.plantontology.org/amigo/go.cgi PO mirror at iPlant]
=Quality Checks and Reviews:=
Before each release, ontology editors and curators should run some qc checks. In fact, these should be done on a regular basis in between releases, but it is crucial to do them immediately before a release.
* Run the reasoner to remove any redundant links.
* Do a search for extra space and odd characters in terms, definitions and dbxrefs (see above).
* Check for any lines in the existing association files that reference obsolete or alternate IDs (see above)
* update the translation files
* Add any new DbxRefs and and fix any broken links
* Update any annotation files
* If any new relations have been added, need to make a new icon for it and put it on GitHub: [https://github.com/Planteome/common-files-for-ref-ontologies/tree/master/icons icons for relations] and also needs to be updated on wiki: [[Relations_in_the_Plant_Ontology]] and in AmiGO browser
Located_in:  see [http://www.plantontology.org/amigo/go.cgi?view=details&search_constraint=terms&depth=0&query=PO:0025074&session_id=1191b1341869507 embryo sac] (PO:0025074)
==Internal Reviews==
* Once we have completed the editing, the Ontology should be open for review on the Beta browser
* The whole POC team should take a little time to do a internal review.  Look for any inconsistencies, typos, broken links etc.
* This may occur with or without the full set of annotations.  Depending on what we want to test. (see below for more details on Beta)
==Inviting Specific External Reviewers==
For some releases, we may ask specific experts and or collaborators to take part in an External Review.  This was done in Aug 2010 for the October 2010 release.  The external experts will need at least a couple of weeks and up to one month. 
To facilitate the review, the POC may need to make a presentation to them, such as the [[Plant_Ontology_Webinar-_May_2011_release]] PO-Physcomitrella presentation, to feature the new terms for non-vascular plants, in particular, ''Physcomitrella patens''. 
''Add more details here of the external review process...''
===Beta Release Announcement===
An announcement should be sent out on the mailing lists something like this:
"A beta version of the latest release of the PO is now available on our AmiGO Browser (http://beta.plantontology.org/amigo/go.cgi).  Along with the Ontology itself the beta browser also is loaded with some test annotation files (not the full set of files at this point).
You can download the ontology files in OBO-Edit format from [https://github.com/Planteome/plant-ontology GitHub]
There is a readme.md file on the same page explaining what the is different among the files available.
Further information on the upcoming release can be obtained from:  Links to Release Pages: "Summary of Changes"  and "New and Obsoleted Terms"
Please review the Plant Ontology and let us know asap about any important issues you observe."
=Loading the Live Version=
Once the review and internal checks and fixes are completed, the '''plant_ontology_assert.obo''' file and the whole database of annotations are loaded from the beta branch onto the beta browser.
'''Note that it is the "plant_ontology_assert.obo " file that should be loaded onto AmiGO browser on the live site.'''
Once the release is live on the Plant Ontology page, the ontology files should be copied from the beta branch to [https://github.com/Planteome/plant-ontology/tree/master/po-release-files the po-release-files folder on GitHub].
This is a stable url that will not change, so it can be incorporated into users scripts etc.
''In the October 2011 release, we introduced Japanese translations of the term names.  Currently, JE is stripping out the Japanese synonyms before he loads the live version onto AmiGO. We had discussed whether or not to remove them from the live release and provide a separate file which included the translated terms, but that was rejected (meeting date: fill in date...).  We have had complaints from some of our user groups (eg. Gramene) that their browsers cannot display the Japanese characters .  We should reconsider this approach.''
*On this page there should be a list (or a link to a page) of any new terms and terms that have been obsoleted see: [[New_terms_and_obsolete_terms_for_October 2011_release]]
=Changes to the HTML Files for the PO web site:=
==Prepare "Release Notes" page==
* Each Release and any Interim Data Release should have a unique [http://www.plantontology.org/docs/release_notes/index.html Release Notes] webpage on the PO site detailing the current statistics of the release.
* The old pages are archived [http://www.plantontology.org/docs/release_notes/archive.html Release Notes Archive] so that we can keep the track of the changes.
* Also should list terms that have been merged, changed definitions, or renamed.
*If possible, it is also good to list new synonyms for existing terms, especially if those synonyms are quite different from the original name. For example, we would want to highlight the cone is a synonym of strobilus, but it is not that important to note that portion of epidermal tissue is a synonym for epidermis.
==Update PO front page and other pages==
* Post release announcements
* Update any "Upcoming Events", move older event to the archive page
=Changes to the HTML Files for the PO web page:=
* Update PO front page and post release announcements
* Prepare "Release notes" page
* Update the "Filter Annotation Objects Counts" for new species, data types in release
* Update the "Filter Annotation Objects Counts" for new species, data types in release
Line 119: Line 496:
List needed fixes here:
List needed fixes here:
*update any "Upcoming Events", move older event to the archive page
*Documentation page: replace link to old dbxrefs file with a link to the current one on the svn.
*Documentation page: replace link to old dbxrefs file with a link to the current one on the svn.
*''Documentation page doesn't exist anymore.''
Line 128: Line 505:
other places??
other places??
=Updating the Plant Ontology files on other sites:=
The two main sites where people go to download the PO are:
*Bioportal: [http://bioportal.bioontology.org/ Bioportal]
*OBO Foundry:  [http://www.obofoundry.org/ OBO Foundry]
''Also [http://www.ontobee.org/ Ontobee], but that pulls the file from http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/po.owl, so it should always be up to date.''
Also featured at:
*Gramene: [http://www.gramene.org/plant_ontology/ Gramene]
*MaizeGDB: [http://www.maizegdb.org/ MaizeGDB]
*SGN:  [http://solgenomics.net/tools/onto/index.pl Solanaceae Genome network (SGN) ]
See this page for links to other sites that feature the PO: [[Links_to_sites_using_the_PO]]
==Updating the "Filter Annotation Objects" lists on the AmiGO browser:==
* If annotations from new database groups or species are added, we should update the  "Filter Annotation Objects" list on the browser
These lists should match what is in our database; as listed on the release notes page.
''LC: new in V#16: Jaiswal Lab: Fragaria vesca (strawberry) and Gramene: Physcomitrella''
''In Jan 2012 16A release, we added a large set from Physcomitrella from Cosmoss.  Mar 2012 release will include new ones from AgBase for cotton (Gossypium spp.) and new species for SGN.'' 
We also need SGN germplasm which has 4503 annotations
* It would be good to be able to filter by species
''JE: This is handled by the freez_hash_misc_keys script.  Make the changes in that file, run the script and copy the created file to the cgi-bin/plantontology directory.''

Latest revision as of 19:20, 12 October 2015

This page is a place to list all the steps we need to take for the database releases.

This page is under development: Let's not reinvent the wheel every 4 months.

Summary of Changes Wiki Pages

For example: see October_2011_Release_Page this has links to the "Summary of Changes" page, e.g.: Summary of Changes to PO October 2011

  • Also should list terms that have been merged, changed definitions, or renamed.
  • If possible, it is also good to list new synonyms for existing terms, especially if those synonyms are quite different from the original name.

For example, we would want to highlight the cone is a synonym of strobilus, but it is not that important to note that portion of epidermal tissue is a synonym for epidermis.

Preparing the Association files for the Release

Existing annotation files:

  • Check for any lines in the existing association files that reference obsolete or alternate IDs (see wiki page "Changes to the ontology". )
  • You can use grep on the command line to search for the term ids that have been obsoleted.

* Note: even if terms have been merged and an alt id is created, they will not load correctly.- manually fix the annotation file(s) by replacing the old id with the one that is replacing it.

  • Inform the collaborating group about what needs to be fixed and/or fix those ourselves if necessary.
  • In some cases, the affected annotation lines will need to be pulled out of the file.
  • Any problems found in the association files should be fixed in the files in the po-associations and then copied over to beta, replacing the existing file with the problems. (see below)

This accomplishes two things: it maintains the version history on SVN and makes sure the fixes are not lost.

Note: As number of annotations and the size of the association files increases, this process will take longer. The version #16 required 46 hours to load. So it is a good idea to do this check before we start the test load.

Note: See also the checks listed here: Main_Page#Preparation_of_Ontology_Annotation_Files


  • It is important to let TAIR know ahead of time that we are preparing to do a release and give them the list of changed or obsoleted terms. They will have to remap those to the new terms in their files. They like to have at least a week.
  • Note that they no longer do their automatic weekly commits to the SVN, so this may not be an issues anymore.

New Annotation files

  • Need to be mapped to PO terms
  • Use appropriate cut-offs for each data set
  • New DBxRefs need to be set up: see below
  • Create a page on the wiki Category:Annotations for the data set to document it

po_associations.zip file

This should be updated with the current version of the association files at each release

There is a link to this from the Download page

Should have a warning that the folder is big: 377.1 MB for 47 items for release #19, zipped file is ~30 MB

Column 16 annotations (for future releases):

The IT team should run a script to check for needed column 16 annotations; see list at PO Suggestions for Col 16 and more info at: PO Annotation Extensions (column 16)

Fixing Links to Dbxrefs:

The was an issue that was discussed and worked on a lot for the version #16 release.

For more details of the discussions see the minutes from POC_Meetings_Minutes on: 9-27-11 through 10-18-11.

Our current version of AmiGO has a built-in set of dbxrefs, in a Perl file, and it is not reading the current GO file. In order to update these, this file has to be edited manually.

We decided on the POC_Conf._Call_9-27-11 to use the PO_DBXref.txt file, now stored on the GitHub Planteome/common-files-for-ref-ontologies repository to store the updated dbxrefs stanzas. Then the dbxrefs Perl file can be modified based on that.

Links to PO:ids in term definitions

Starting in the April 2012 release we are putting the PO:ids in both the term definitions and in the comments. Currently, the links in the comment are working but not the ones in the definitions.

There is a stanza in the dbxrefs file which refers to these, but it needs to be updated in the AmiGO browsers.

Icons for new relations

If new relations have been introduced and approved, then the following steps should be taken:

  • Details of the new relation should be listed on the wiki page: Relations_in_the_Plant_Ontology. There is a link to the GitHub repository folder for the icons.

PJ requested that we embed images, linked to external files, next to each relation, but this may not work because the link view images on the SVN does not appear to work. Also, one is generally required to upload an image before it can be embedded on a wiki page. Tried to set it up using html but the <img> tag did not work on the wiki.

There is a link to relations page from icons on live browser.

Should share the icons with OBO Foundry, so they can be used consistently across ontologies.

JE: I added the images for this next to each relation section. Links go to Amigo icons, not from svn as that doesn't work. Had to enable allow external images in mediawiki. No need for <img> tag. Just put the link to images you want embedded. These do not seem to be working

Note: As of Aug. 2015 the icon file is located in the Planteome GitHub Repository/common files

Preparing Ontology Files for Release:

Curators names in definitions, etc

  • Curators names in definitions and synonyms should be spelled out in full example: GR:Pankaj_Jaiswal and these are not links, unless they are POC.
  • POC curators should be listed on the wiki page POC curators
  • Any reference that begins with POC (e.g., POC:curators, POC:wood_curators, POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo), will link to the Plant_Ontology_curators page.
  • If the definition is worked out as a group, then the source should be POC: curators. This should link to a page where all the curators of the POC are listed.

Updating the translations

  • JE has a script to insert them. As of Dec 2012, the insert_translations script is inserting extra spaces after the Japanese name. JE fixed it manually, Note that this only temporarily fixes the obo file. Still need to find out why it is happening.

This worked well. Then they were manually inserted into the OBO file. This took time.

Po-Refs Page

- Links to references that do not have a PubMed ID, ISBN number, or stable URL should go to the new PO references page

Dev version

Between releases, editing is done on the developers version of the plant-ontology.obo file located at: plant-ontology@GitHub.

  • plant-ontology.obo

This is the "developers" version and is loaded onto the PO-Dev Browser nightly, along with the GitHub version #. No annotations are loaded on this browser.

During the preparation of the release, editing may continue on the dev file, without disrupting the version on the live browser or the beta browser (see below).

Once the initial Quality Checks (see above) are completed, the plant-ontology-assert.obo file can be created (see below).

The "plant-ontology-assert.obo" file can be loaded onto the Beta Browser, along with annotation files so we can check for any problems.

  • Note: We should also put the revised PO front page on the Beta Browser for review, prior to publishing.

If a problem is found that needs to be fixed for the release:

In the event that a problem is found in the beta version prior to the release, the fix should be made in the DEV version and the process of generating the additional files and loading the beta browser should be repeated anew.

This ensures that the fixes are not lost from the editor's version in the process of the release. This is why it is important for the editors to do a thorough review and run QC checks prior to creating the "asserted file" and loading it on beta.

  • Once the editing and quality checks are completed for the release, the following additional versions of the Plant Ontology file are prepared.

This need be done prior to the release as plant-ontology-assert.obo is the file loaded onto the AmiGO browser. (see below for details)

OWL Version of the editor's plant-ontology file:

  • April 2013 (SVN # 1840), a new chron job was initiated that creates a owl file from dev every night.
  • Creation is done by executing the command "obolib-obo2owl plant_ontology.obo -o plant_ontology.owl" (Is this correct?)
  • This file then needs to be hand edited to include the version info. The following line goes right above the </owl:Ontology> line:

<owl:versioninfo>xml:lang="en" version ##</owl:versioninfo>

where ## is the version number.

Files created for the Release

  • The OBO file: "plant-ontology-xy.obo" is based on the 'final' version of plant-ontology.obo, with the release # added to differentiate it.
  • For version #21: plant-ontology-21.obo
  • Contains all the relations.

Note: These additional files should only be generated once the review process is completed. If an ontology problem is found, these will have to be recreated (see below:)

Details of the alternative files for the release


This version is the same as plant-ontology-21.obo with all nonredundant implied links asserted (added) by a reasoner,

  • Use the OBO-Release manager Oort, as the "assert implied links" panel in OBO-Edit does not work very well. Go here for more information about configuring Oort

To create plant-ontology-assert.obo:

1. Create a new temp folder on your hard drive for the files and some subfolders created by Oort

2. Open the desktop GUI for Oort OBO-Release manager

3. Browse to the latest version of plant-ontology.obo as the input file

4. Specify the folder you created for the output- browse to it.

5. On the "Advanced" tab, uncheck all options.

6. Select only "OBO" as a Write Format

7. Choose either the HermiT or the Pellet reasoner (results should be the same)

8. Click 'run'

9. Rename the output file "po.obo" to "plant-ontology-assert.obo", and save it in the appropriate repository on GitHub

10. Use git add, git commit, and git push to upload to GitHub. As of Aug. 2015 Git and Github are being used for version control.

  • Note that unlike OBO-Edit, Oort also asserts the relations that are specified in any intersection_of lines. For example, if leaf sinus is defined as intersection_of is_a sinus and intersection_of part_of leaf, Oort will assert "leaf sinus part_of leaf".
  • "Assert implied relations" in OE will NOT do this, but the relation will show up in graphical view if the reasoner is on.


This version is the same as plant-ontology-assert.obo, but with only the is_a and part_of relations. This file is created using a filtered save in OBO-Edit.

To create plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo in OBO-Edit:

1. Open plant-ontology-assert.obo from the Planteome GitHub po-release-files folder

2. Select 'save as' and use 'Advanced Save'

3. Create a new save path: Set the save path to .....plant-ontology/po-release-files/plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo

4. Check "Filter links" only

5. Set up 2 filters with "Matches any":

  • Find links where: "Type" "have" a: "Any text field" that: "contains", the value: "is_a"
  • Find links where: "Type" "have" a: "Any text field" that: "contains", the value: "part_of"

6. Select: "Greedy root selection algorithm" and "Don't write current ID rules" (but it doesn't matter for the substantive parts of the file.)

7. Add a comment "Filtered from plant-ontology-assert.obo to have only is_a and part_of relations. Matches plant-ontology.obo Release version ####."

7. Save and re-open the file in OBO-Edit- You will see a warning that a number of terms have exactly one intersection_of relation. These are the cross products that were set up using participates_in, has_participant, or develops_from.

Note in version #20, there were only 7 of these:

  • flower development stage (PO:0007615): collective plant organ structure development stage (PO:0025338) has_participant flower (PO:0009046)
  • gametophyte meristematic apical cell (PO:0030014): meristematic apical cell (PO:0030007) participates_in gametophyte development stage (PO:0028003)
  • plant embryo stage (PO:0007631): sporophyte development stage (PO:0028002) has_participant plant embryo (PO:0009009)
  • plant spore stage (PO:0025375): gametophyte development stage (PO:0028003) has_participant plant spore (PO:0025017)
  • primary vascular tissue (PO:0025408): portion of vascular tissue (PO:0009015) develops_from procambium (PO:0025275)
  • secondary vascular tissue (PO:0025409): portion of vascular tissue (PO:0009015) develops_from vascular cambium (PO:0005598)
  • sporophyte meristematic apical cell (PO:0030015): meristematic apical cell (PO:0030007) participates_in sporophyte development stage (PO:0028002)

  • Note in version #21, there were only 4 of these:
    • gametophyte meristematic apical cell (PO:0030014): intersection_of: PO:0030007 ! meristematic apical cell
    • plant spore stage (PO:0025375): intersection_of: PO:0028003 ! gametophyte development stage
    • secondary vascular tissue (PO:0025409): intersection_of: PO:0009015 ! portion of vascular tissue
    • sporophyte meristematic apical cell (PO:0030015): intersection_of: PO:0030007 ! meristematic apical cell

8. Removing those links in OBO-Edit or can also be removed manually, in the text file. They aren't needed, since all implied links have already been asserted.

  • In OBO-Edit: Set up a filter with "Matches any": Find links where: "Self" "don't have" a: "Is intersection" that: "contains", the value: leave blank

see: Link Filtering

9. Save and re-open the file- the error messages should be gone.

Separate Aspect files:

See discussion on POC_Conf._Call_4-17-12

We will keep generating these and posting them on Bioportal through the release #18. After that people will have to come to GitHub to obtain them.

  • Note: Bioportal should only serve the current release version: plant-ontology-assert.obo
  • These still be on Bioportal as "legacy data" (not sure what this means)

Separate aspect files: Alerted users that after release #18, we will not be offering these on Bioportal any longer. See notes of 4-17-12 meeting

These files were originally created after the change in January 2011, as our collaborators at TAIR still needed the separate files of the ontology. Since they preferred the 'basic' form of the ontology file, these were derived from the plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo file.

Thus these really should be called po_anatomy_assert_basic.obo and po_temporal_assert_basic.obo. but if this change is made, must fix links on download page and if any users are accessing it.

  • Who else is still using these files?

Check with Gramene and TAIR and SGN to see if they are still using those files


  • TAIR is not using these any more, they are moving to use the OWL file.

For other users such as SGN, they would prefer to have all the relations in the files, except for the ones that go between the two branches (ie: participates_in).

  • SGN: waiting for reply
  • Gramene is linking to: plant_ontology_assert.obo on live tag
    • Note: Aug 2013 release #20: These appear to have been automatically uploaded to Bioportal, I received a notice, but I did not submit the files there. PURLS are not working. Send message to Bioportal support.


  • This file is created by filtering plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo to contain only terms from the plant anatomical entity branch. Instruction below describe how to do this in OBO-Edit, but in theory it could be done using Oort as well.

To create po-anatomy-assert-basic.obo in OBO-Edit:

1. Open plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo and save the file as "plant-ontology-assert-basic-TEMP.obo" or some dummy name

2. Manually remove any replaced_by or consider relations that go between the two branches of the ontology (these include: gametophyte, seedling, sporophyte).

  • gametophyte (PO:0009004); replaced_by: PO:0028003 gametophyte development stage
  • sporophyte (PO:0009003) replaced_by: PO:0028002 sporophyte development stage
  • seedling PO:0008037; replaced_by: PO:0007131 seedling development stage

3. Save it again

4. Open advanced save dialog and set the save path to .../po-anatomy-assert-basic.obo

5. Check "Filter terms" only

6. Set up filter to "Have, namespace, contains, plant_anatomy"

7. Check "always save properties"

8. Add a comment "Filtered from plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo to have only plant anatomical entity terms. Matches plant-ontology.obo version ####."

"Filtered from plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo to have only only plant anatomical entity terms for Plant Ontology Release version 21."

9. Save and check by re-opening OboEdit


  • This file is created by filtering plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo to contain only terms from the plant structure development stage branch. Instruction below describe how to do this in OboEdit, but in theory it could be done using Oort as well.

To create po-temporal-assert-basic.obo in OboEdit:

  • Open the temp version of plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo with any replaced_by or consider relations that go between the two branches of the ontology (from above).
  • Open advanced save dialog
  • Set the save path to .../po-temporal-assert-basic.obo
  • Check "Filter terms" only
  • Set up filter to "Have, namespace, contains, plant_structure_development_stage"
  • Check "always save properties"
  • Add a comment "Filtered from plant-ontology-assert-basic.obo to have only plant structure development stage terms. Matches plant_ontology.obo version ####."
  • Save and check by re-opening OboEdit

Creating it from plant_ontology_assert.obo

    • Note: We decided not to generate these for Release#21, but can add later if needed.

1. Open plant_ontology_assert.obo in OBO-Edit

2. Open advanced save dialog- set the save path to .../po_temporal.obo

3.check "Filter terms": set up filter to "Have, namespace, contains, plant_structure_development_stage"

4. check "always save properties"

5.add a comment "Filtered from plant_ontology_assert.obo to have only plant structure development stage terms. Matches plant_ontology.obo version ####."

6.Save and check by re-opening OBO-Edit- if there are dangling cross-branch relations, you will get an error

7. Manually remove any replaced_by or consider relations that go between the two branches of the ontology (these include: gametophyte, seedling, sporophyte).

8. Manually remove any intersection_of relations: Even though these are not pointing at the anatomy branch, they cause an error

  • flower development stage (PO:0007615)
  • plant embryo stage (PO:0007631) generated 1 warning:
  • plant spore stage (PO:0025375) generated 1 warning:

  • Note: If these files are created from plant_ontology_assert.obo you will have to remove these relations that cross the two branches, addition to the ones above.

Text (tab-delimited) version files:

These files contain the PO:ID, term name, the definition, any synonyms and the aspect (in po_ontology.txt)

Oct 2011: It would also be good to have a column listing the alt_ids.

Note: These files also include the obsoleted terms. This is indicated in the definition field of those terms and in some cases, in the term name. Any terms that have "obsolete" in their name are terms that have the same name as a live term.

The "obsolete" was added because older versions of OBO-Edit did not let you have two terms with the same primary name. I think it does now, but we still kept the practice, just so people wouldn't accidentally use the obsolete term that has the same name.

The perl script used to generate the .txt files is located in the plant-ontology/scripts-etc/ GitHub page note: the script must be executed on the .obo file while it is in the local git repository, as it uses the git version number.

plant_ontology.txt (was po_all.tbl)

This should be called plant_ontology.tbl Note: when this change is made, we will need to fix the link from the download page

Also need to change it in the script

changed from po_all.tbl to plant_ontology.txt on 8-21-13

po_anatomy.txt and po_temporal.txt


This file lists the ID and names of all terms in the PO and is generated from the plant_ontology.txt file by moving columns into the correct order, and adding prefixes to the ID, name, and synonyms.

cat plant_ontology.txt | awk -F "\t" '{print "id:"$1,"name:"$2,"synonym:"$4$3}' > snynonyms.txt

Location of tab delimited files

OWL versions

OWL Version of the Live plant-ontology file (release version):

*As of Aug. 2015, the plant-ontology.owl file is located in the Planteome GitHub Repository/po-release-files

  • plant_ontology.owl (This corresponds to plant_ontology.obo from the live tag)

An OWL version of the ontology file is generated for each release, which is located in the plant-ontology/po-release-files repository at: GitHub.

This file is generated from the plant_ontology-##.obo file at the time of the release, and subsequently copied to GitHub.

Only the plant_ontology.owl file is moved over to GitHub.

  • We need a 'Readme' file for this folder and some notes on how this is generated

PO Anatomy Glossary

Plant Anatomy Glossary

The Plant Anatomy glossary is linked to the live database and updates automatically, but it is a good idea to check it after the database is switched.

Updating the "Other" Browsers

Recently, we have created a few other browsers that will need to be updated after each release:

note: This browser no longer exists

Quality Checks and Reviews:

Before each release, ontology editors and curators should run some qc checks. In fact, these should be done on a regular basis in between releases, but it is crucial to do them immediately before a release.

  • Run the reasoner to remove any redundant links.
  • Do a search for extra space and odd characters in terms, definitions and dbxrefs (see above).
  • Check for any lines in the existing association files that reference obsolete or alternate IDs (see above)
  • update the translation files
  • Add any new DbxRefs and and fix any broken links
  • Update any annotation files

Located_in: see embryo sac (PO:0025074)

Internal Reviews

  • Once we have completed the editing, the Ontology should be open for review on the Beta browser
  • The whole POC team should take a little time to do a internal review. Look for any inconsistencies, typos, broken links etc.
  • This may occur with or without the full set of annotations. Depending on what we want to test. (see below for more details on Beta)

Inviting Specific External Reviewers

For some releases, we may ask specific experts and or collaborators to take part in an External Review. This was done in Aug 2010 for the October 2010 release. The external experts will need at least a couple of weeks and up to one month.

To facilitate the review, the POC may need to make a presentation to them, such as the Plant_Ontology_Webinar-_May_2011_release PO-Physcomitrella presentation, to feature the new terms for non-vascular plants, in particular, Physcomitrella patens.

Add more details here of the external review process...

Beta Release Announcement

An announcement should be sent out on the mailing lists something like this:

"A beta version of the latest release of the PO is now available on our AmiGO Browser (http://beta.plantontology.org/amigo/go.cgi). Along with the Ontology itself the beta browser also is loaded with some test annotation files (not the full set of files at this point).

You can download the ontology files in OBO-Edit format from GitHub

There is a readme.md file on the same page explaining what the is different among the files available.

Further information on the upcoming release can be obtained from: Links to Release Pages: "Summary of Changes" and "New and Obsoleted Terms"

Please review the Plant Ontology and let us know asap about any important issues you observe."

Loading the Live Version

Once the review and internal checks and fixes are completed, the plant_ontology_assert.obo file and the whole database of annotations are loaded from the beta branch onto the beta browser.

Note that it is the "plant_ontology_assert.obo " file that should be loaded onto AmiGO browser on the live site.

Once the release is live on the Plant Ontology page, the ontology files should be copied from the beta branch to the po-release-files folder on GitHub.

This is a stable url that will not change, so it can be incorporated into users scripts etc.

In the October 2011 release, we introduced Japanese translations of the term names. Currently, JE is stripping out the Japanese synonyms before he loads the live version onto AmiGO. We had discussed whether or not to remove them from the live release and provide a separate file which included the translated terms, but that was rejected (meeting date: fill in date...). We have had complaints from some of our user groups (eg. Gramene) that their browsers cannot display the Japanese characters . We should reconsider this approach.

Changes to the HTML Files for the PO web site:

Prepare "Release Notes" page

  • Each Release and any Interim Data Release should have a unique Release Notes webpage on the PO site detailing the current statistics of the release.
  • The old pages are archived Release Notes Archive so that we can keep the track of the changes.

Update PO front page and other pages

  • Post release announcements
  • Update any "Upcoming Events", move older event to the archive page

  • Update the "Filter Annotation Objects Counts" for new species, data types in release

This good time to incorporate any changes or fixes to the web pages:

List needed fixes here:

  • Documentation page: replace link to old dbxrefs file with a link to the current one on the svn.
  • Documentation page doesn't exist anymore.


  • Prepare and post announcements for the PO front page, Jaiswal Lab Page, FB page
  • Send out announcements to the mailing lists

other places??

Updating the Plant Ontology files on other sites:

The two main sites where people go to download the PO are:

Also Ontobee, but that pulls the file from http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/po.owl, so it should always be up to date.

Also featured at:

  • TAIR:

See this page for links to other sites that feature the PO: Links_to_sites_using_the_PO

Updating the "Filter Annotation Objects" lists on the AmiGO browser:

  • If annotations from new database groups or species are added, we should update the "Filter Annotation Objects" list on the browser

These lists should match what is in our database; as listed on the release notes page.

LC: new in V#16: Jaiswal Lab: Fragaria vesca (strawberry) and Gramene: Physcomitrella

In Jan 2012 16A release, we added a large set from Physcomitrella from Cosmoss. Mar 2012 release will include new ones from AgBase for cotton (Gossypium spp.) and new species for SGN.

We also need SGN germplasm which has 4503 annotations

  • It would be good to be able to filter by species

JE: This is handled by the freez_hash_misc_keys script. Make the changes in that file, run the script and copy the created file to the cgi-bin/plantontology directory.