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1.  Examine the children of ‘leaf’ in PO (PO:0025034), looking at terms, definitions and relationships to determine what’s missing or in need of updating, generate a list of changes needed for this subsection of PO to serve as a reference anatomy ontology for all plants, look for terms with homology relationships and examine how these terms are related within PO.   
1.  Examine the children of ‘leaf’ in PO (PO:0025034), looking at terms, definitions and relationships to determine what’s missing or in need of updating, generate a list of changes needed for this subsection of PO to serve as a reference anatomy ontology for all plants, look for terms with homology relationships and examine how these terms are related within PO.   
See obo file with only descendents of leaf (both is_a and part_of).
2.  Within ‘leaf’ subsection of PO, find terms where database cross-references to taxonomic nodes within RegNum would be useful for delimiting which taxa the term applies to.  Find appropriate IDs within RegNum that could be used as dbxrefs for these PO terms.
2.  Within ‘leaf’ subsection of PO, find terms where database cross-references to taxonomic nodes within RegNum would be useful for delimiting which taxa the term applies to.  Find appropriate IDs within RegNum that could be used as dbxrefs for these PO terms.
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3.  Examine a list of leaf-related characters (from RegNum or other sources), determine whether entity and attribute terms exist in PO and PATO that could be used to construct these characters, discuss whether the precomposed character terms should be housed in TO or elsewhere (review TO ‘leaf anatomy and morphology trait’ as needed), set up a character matrix and determine whether the value terms needed to populate the matrix exist in PATO.
3.  Examine a list of leaf-related characters (from RegNum or other sources), determine whether entity and attribute terms exist in PO and PATO that could be used to construct these characters, discuss whether the precomposed character terms should be housed in TO or elsewhere (review TO ‘leaf anatomy and morphology trait’ as needed), set up a character matrix and determine whether the value terms needed to populate the matrix exist in PATO.
Could supply list of characters from "Manual of Leaf Architecture". This is only for dictos, but it is a starting point.
See list of characters in Harris and Haris at [http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=PLANT+IDENTIFICATION+TERMINOLOGY&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=rwY&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=ivns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1280&bih=627&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=13975646090461419698&sa=X&ei=_IvaTfNO7s-IArKs7YEI&ved=0CGQQ8wIwAQ# google books].
Could supply list of characters from [http://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/cup_detail.taf?ti_id=5362 Manual of Leaf Architecture]. This is mainly for dictos, but it is a starting point.
Does DWS have a matrix of leaf characters for monocots or gymonosperms?
Does DWS have a matrix of leaf characters for monocots or gymonosperms?
Could get non-vascular leaf characters from books.
Could also get non-vascular leaf characters from glossaries in Parihar, Schofeld, Crum, etc..

Revision as of 17:55, 23 May 2011

POC meeting, Webex Conference Call; Date: Tuesday May 24th, 2011 10am (PDT)

In attendance:

POC members:



Acceptance of the minutes from the POC_Conf._Call_5-17-11?

replaced_by relations for obsolete terms

All of the terms we have made obsolete in the past year have up-to-date replacement or consider relations (I added the relation for seedling). I did a quick check of the older obsolete terms and added a few obvious replacement relations [ground tissue (PO:0009016) replaced_by portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) and L1 (PO:0006303), L2 (PO:0006304), and L3 (PO:0006305) replaced by meristem L1 (PO:0009020), meristem L2 (PO:0009021), and meristem L3 (PO:0009022)]. There are a number of other terms that were made obsolete because they were phenotype terms (fleshy fruit, lacunar collenchyma, etc.). For these, we could add replaced by relations to the more general term, such as fleshy fruit replaced_by fruit.

Review of Plant Ontology for upcoming release

Curators: Please take a look at the Summary_of_Changes_to_PO_May_2011 and let us know if you think any important changes are missing or if you disagree with any of the explanations on that page.

Curators: Please review the plant_ontology.obo file on the dev browser at http://dev.plantontology.org to see if you can find any errors.

Details for the Upcoming Release:

Upcoming meetings 2011:

Phenotype RCN Meeting: June 1-3rd, Boulder CO

PJ, LC and RW will attend

From preliminary agenda:

Overall goals for this plant working group meeting:

Discuss how PO (Plant Ontology) can serve as the reference ontology for all plants and come up with a list of specific changes that will be needed. Explore how links can be made to taxanomic databases like RegNum to define the taxonomic scope of terms. Clarify the role of TO (trait ontology) - should it be used as a set of pre-composed EQ terms for all plant taxa and all areas of plant biology including systematics?


1. Examine the children of ‘leaf’ in PO (PO:0025034), looking at terms, definitions and relationships to determine what’s missing or in need of updating, generate a list of changes needed for this subsection of PO to serve as a reference anatomy ontology for all plants, look for terms with homology relationships and examine how these terms are related within PO.

See obo file with only descendents of leaf (both is_a and part_of).

2. Within ‘leaf’ subsection of PO, find terms where database cross-references to taxonomic nodes within RegNum would be useful for delimiting which taxa the term applies to. Find appropriate IDs within RegNum that could be used as dbxrefs for these PO terms.

3. Examine a list of leaf-related characters (from RegNum or other sources), determine whether entity and attribute terms exist in PO and PATO that could be used to construct these characters, discuss whether the precomposed character terms should be housed in TO or elsewhere (review TO ‘leaf anatomy and morphology trait’ as needed), set up a character matrix and determine whether the value terms needed to populate the matrix exist in PATO.

See list of characters in Harris and Haris at google books.

Could supply list of characters from Manual of Leaf Architecture. This is mainly for dictos, but it is a starting point.

Does DWS have a matrix of leaf characters for monocots or gymonosperms?

Could also get non-vascular leaf characters from glossaries in Parihar, Schofeld, Crum, etc..

4. Using the character matrix, discuss what ontology terms and other resources will be needed for annotation of quantitative traits (e.g. leaf length, width, area, dry weight, specific leaf area)

2011 Semantic Web Workshop June 6th and 7th, Santa Fe, NM.

Hosted by Damian Gessler and the iPlant Collaborative, this two-day workshop will focus on biological applications for semantic web services.

-JE and JP will be attending

-JE has already worked with Damian to implement a SSWAP web service for PO terms, so further collaboration with him and iPlant will benefit the POC going forward.

For more Workshop details: Semantic web.

Botany 2011 Meeting [Botany 2011] St. Louis, MO at the Chase Park Plaza, July 9-13.

Societies participating: Society for Economic Botany, the American Fern Society (AFS), the American Society of Plant Taxonomists (ASPT), and the Botanical Society of America (BSA).

Anybody going??

* ICBO 2011 Second International Conference on Biomedical Ontology July 26-30, 2011 Buffalo, New York


LC is co-organizing the workshop "From Fins to Limbs to Leaves: Facilitating anatomy ontology interoperability" along with Melissa Haendel, Chris Mungall, Alan Ruttenberg, David Osumi-Sutherland.

Full-Day Workshops Schedule:

July 26 9am-6pm The Ontological Representation of Adverse Events: Working with Multiple Biomedical Ontologies

July 27 8.30am-4pm Facilitating Anatomy Ontology Interoperability

July 26 6.30pm-9pm Evening Workshop: Common Logic

July 27 4pm-8pm Evening Workshop: Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Consortium

- LC will attend and represent the PO. Invite other plant people?

*Plant Biology 2011, Aug 6-10th, Minneapolis, Minn

Plant Biology 2011

For inclusion on the program memory stick and in the program book, abstracts must be submitted by May 27.

Gramene will be putting together a workshop again, focusing on pathways. LC and PJ will present a PO poster.

TAIR (Kate Dreher) is organizing an Outreach Booth and we are invited to take part.

* International Botanical Congress (IBC2011)

July 23rd-30th 2011, Melbourne, Australia

Registration is open Important dates

Symposium 'Bio-Ontologies for the Plant Sciences' under the Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics theme, wiil be held on Thursday, 27 July, from 13:30 to 15:30.

Dennis, Alejandra, Pankaj and Ramona are planning to attend.

See IBC 2011 Bio-Ontologies Symposium wiki page for more details

Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 7th, 2011 at 10am PDT/1pm EDT