New SF tracker items, fall 2010

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Newer tracker items and other issues with the PSO

  • Adding Musa terms requested by Rosemary Shrestha (July 2010)

  • Root terms

-Adding/modifying the root terms submitted by Rich Zobel (Nov 2009).

We (sort of) dealt with the upper level root terms that Rich requested: basal root, primary root (taproot), shoot-borne root, but we still need to deal with the rest. Includes 3 new terms: internode root, non-pericyclic lateral root, non-pericyclic basal root.

He also suggested modifications to the definitions of the following additional 14 terms: List of root terms

-adventitious root- this was flagged for consideration during the revision of shoot-borne root (PO:0000042)

Taproot, Stem Hair, Prickles, Fascicle, Bristle (used in key as "Stipules spinose or bristles"; might be thought of as a quality, rather than a structure), Phyllode, Banner (as in a legume flower), Wing (as in a legume flower), Keel (as in a legume flower), Anther pore and anther slit, Locule

We have a proposed definition of embryo from 7/2010. We need to finalize this and close the tracker.

  • New terms requested by reviewers (from Ahrestani, Kramer and Rudall)

-Elena Kramer suggested that we add the term spur to the PSO and consider dealing with common primordia in the PGDSO.

-Paula Rudall commented that the current definition of central cell has a different meaning in gymnosperms.

-TraitNet requested several new terms for the PSO: corm, spine, podarium, pneumatophore, stele, diaspore, cone, sorus, and tendril.

Need a class primordium, and need to make one definition for it. Also need to organize primordium terms

We may also want to link primordia to stages in the PGDSO, where appropriate.

For example, ovule primordium (PO:0000018) participates in ovule primordium visible (PO:0007620) or ovule primordium visible (PO:0007620) has_participant ovule primordium (PO:0000018).

  • reorganization of shoot system

We started working on this during the last round of revisions (with bud, and terms like reproductive shoot system), but it still needs some tweaking. Need to discuss vegetative shoot system.

  • primordium, meristem, bud, shoot system

Doesn't have a tracker item. Should consider aligning the children of these terms.

  • axil: We need to discuss whether or not to have a generic term 'axil' and, if so, how it should be defined. See also older tracker item leaf base vs. axil?.

  • cortex: We need a brief discussion of how to define cortex (see tracker item). Once we decide this, we can define other tissue types similarly.

  • egg cell and sperm cell: we need to finalize the definitions for these terms, and make sure they work for all plants. May want to consider naming them plant sperm cell and plant egg cell, so they can work with the CL.

  • better organization of descendants of portion of plant tissue: this category is the home for many terms w/o parents. Needs to be organized better, add some new categories for tissue types. Does not have an SF tracker item.

  • better organization of descendants of plant cell: Needs to be organized better, maybe add some new categories for cell types.

  • placenta: this new term was added during the last round of revisions, but we have never discussed it. Need to make sure definition is good.

  • strobilus: this new term was added during the last round of revisions, but we have never discussed it. Need to make sure definition is good. Also, need to fix spelling in live version (stobilus).

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